General Discussions => Spirituality => Topic started by: RedfootDaddy on October 31, 2016, 09:07:06 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Happy New Year and a Blessed Samhain
Post by: RedfootDaddy on October 31, 2016, 09:07:06 PM
Happy New Year!

Or blessed Samhain, or happy Hallowe'en, or happy Discount Candy Day. For me (as a Celtic reconstructionist polytheist), it's my spiritual new year, and for many other pagan it's an important celebration. It's a liminal time, one of change, When the veil between This and The Other is very thin and permeable. Seems appropriate for this place, no?

So what are you up to on this changeable night? Me, nothing big. I lit a candle, prayed a little to the Big Guy, and I did some reflective journalling about my goals for the new year. Made some big promises to myself. Sorry if you were expecting something more flashy!
Title: Re: Happy New Year and a Blessed Samhain
Post by: IdontEven on November 01, 2016, 06:31:04 PM
I got a bag of Jolly Rancher chews and vowed to eat them all on the spot. I did so, felt sick(er), then passed out until 3:33am when I woke up, brushed my teeth, and passed out again :p

Been dealing with a pretty nasty cold. I always hate not doing stuff for Halloween, but always end up not doing stuff. Ah well, I'll do stuff next year for sure!