General Discussions => Spirituality => Christianity => Topic started by: 2cherry on November 12, 2016, 09:58:51 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Christ is much more...
Post by: 2cherry on November 12, 2016, 09:58:51 AM
I am not religious, (don't believe in bible as the EXACT word) but I do believe in a higher power. God, christ. All of them.

When I woke up in the darkest moment in my life, after having FFS, I noticed a wooden cross that stood next to me. It belonged to another patient.

You know, now I understand faith... I had no-one when I woke up. I did however, had the name of Jesus. And I called him, to help me. I think he did. The day before surgery, I had a dream of a golden palace. Not sure what that was about, but it was in the clouds. Amazingly bright, and completely golden. Then after waking from surgery, I saw that wooden cross... it was amazing.

But it get's more crazy! when I was home, I had fever and was very sick. Lost 2 liters of blood from surgery. I had the nightmares of nightmares! I dreamt that someone stood next to my body, and "jumped in". It wasn't a dream. I am sure it wasn't. This being came in my weakest moment, a coward! and yet, all I have left was one word: Jesus. I called Jesus 3 times, and I was released, snapped back into my body. I am still not sure what that was all about.

Life is mysterious... I think Christ is a very powerful being, maybe even God himself. I don't know. But his name can protect you. It makes sense, millions of people praise him day in day out. All that energy has to go somewhere! and I believe it is there when you need it most!

Just an experience!
Title: Re: Christ is much more...
Post by: stephaniec on November 12, 2016, 10:29:32 AM
your fortunate to have had those experiences . My favorite dreams are about Christ. I am a very religious person  and have total love for my Lord.
Title: Re: Christ is much more...
Post by: deanna7506 on November 12, 2016, 11:24:25 AM
May these experiences further develop a personal relationship with Jesus. It is a blessing to have been able to see visions. There are signs everywhere.

Title: Re: Christ is much more...
Post by: DawnOday on November 12, 2016, 01:16:46 PM
My belief in Jesus comes from a lifetime of having Christian ministers as Grandparents. But I became aware at an early age, faith does don't equal compliance. Main point my Granny was a racist to the core which is completely 180 of what the Bible say's. I discovered clergy translating scripture were translating dogma. It would be illogical to believe God, whom we are supposed to be created in his image and i know I surely can't be in two places at once let alone assume he is just waiting for my prayer. If it gives you comfort. Fine, enjoy that comfort within the confines of you social circle. I believe the problem is co mingling the concepts of God and religion. Religion is of man and as such is flawed otherwise there would not be 4,000 Christian religions. If actually the Bible were the word. Christians would not be talking about deporting their neighbors. Love thy neighbor as thy self. Killing your perceived enemies. Thou shall not kill. The belief God will make you wealthy. "It is easier  to pass a camel through the eye of a needle". Instead we hear that "homosexuality" causes hurricanes, Transexualism is a choice. That's something I beg to differ. Yet the belief is rampant. I guess my point is accept your loving God, continue to pray if it gives you comfort, continue to honor his name as it is written. Just question the motives for clergy to be at odds with what really is in the Bible. They can't have deeply held religious beliefs for some things but not the ones concerning compassion and outreach. It just doesn't work that way.
Title: Re: Christ is much more...
Post by: 2cherry on December 09, 2016, 03:44:47 PM
I was born into an atheist/agnostic family. I have had many experiences through my life that confirmed my intuition and feelings about faith and the existence of a higher power.  :)

I am not sure about anything. I know that I do not know everything. But I feel deeply that there is more to life than just a succession of random coincidences. A billion trillion coincidences that lead of life as we know it, doesn't seem a coincidence. It seems programmed, constructed through intelligence where natural laws are the program's constraints. If there is no reason for existence, then why do we exist... it makes no sense. This solar system is extremely fine tuned. So much so, that we can see perfect eclipses of the Moon and Sun. If life had no purpose, I would imagine a reality of total chaos. A soup of chemicals, no geometry, no structure, no harmonics, no music, no mathematics, no structure, no laws, no life. And why should time flow like a straight arrow, and not violently spinning in all directions?

I appreciate the complexity of our reality... and it doesn't seem random or coincidental at all.I always felt that God or some higher power exists. To me God is as real as my feelings. Maybe I am wrong. But what if I am right... Maybe it doesn't make a difference, but at least I feel comforted in the idea. Some may call it a crutch, but those who say usually have crutches as well.

My experience before and after surgery only made me firmer in faith. Because I know, that no matter how much trials and tribulations I go through, there is always someone who will be there for me. Even in my loneliest moment, I know I am guided are cared for: 100% unconditional love.

Title: Re: Christ is much more...
Post by: Artesia on December 10, 2016, 07:45:07 AM
To me...God is us, and we are God.  Our Souls are fragments of the stuff that makes up God, and when we die we return to him and he is greater than the sum of his parts.  If we didn't exist God would return to the nothing from whence he came, but so long as we endure so does God.

The reason for this belief comes from 2 sources:
1: Memories/dreams/dejavue type experiences that I have personally had that I simply shouldn't remember, and odd skills that I've never learned but can do.  I joined the SCA, and had a couple "sword fights" and won against 2 skilled opponents despite never having done it before.  I know pressure points for relieving headaches, mild back pain, and even carpal tunnel pain, with no training.

2:  There are several people who claim to be reincarnations of the same person, and since the soul is supposed to be eternal, I couldn't come up with any other way for this to occur.
Title: Re: Christ is much more...
Post by: Deborah on December 10, 2016, 07:54:05 AM
I have had two personal experiences that I believed to be direct contact with the divine.  No religion man possesses on earth approaches what I felt those times.  They are all counterfeit.

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
André Gide, Autumn Leaves
Title: Re: Christ is much more...
Post by: 2cherry on December 10, 2016, 11:52:17 AM
Beautiful...  :)