News and Events => Bathroom News => Topic started by: KathyLauren on November 13, 2016, 06:49:11 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Montreal restaurant tried to bar trans woman from using women's washroom
Post by: KathyLauren on November 13, 2016, 06:49:11 PM
Transgender woman says Montreal restaurant tried to bar her from using women's washroom (

CBC, Nov 05, 2016

A transgender woman is demanding an apology from a restaurant in Montreal's Saint-Henri neighbourhood whose staff, she said, humiliated her when she used their washroom.

On her way to the bathroom, she said a staff member yelled at her from across the restaurant and told her that men were prohibited from entering.
Title: Re: Montreal restaurant tried to bar trans woman from using women's washroom
Post by: ErinS on November 14, 2016, 03:29:42 AM
Does that hat have chromosomes on it?
Title: Re: Montreal restaurant tried to bar trans woman from using women's washroom
Post by: Raell on November 14, 2016, 04:08:57 AM
At least we know that Trump publicly invited a transwoman, Caitlyn Jenner, to use the woman's bathroom at Trump Tower anytime she wished.

Hopefully, Trump will support transgender rights, despite telling evangelicals that he will support laws that allow religious people to discriminate against LGBTQ people at will.

Right now the racists are emboldened by him, but his constant flip-flopping could turn against them as well.
Title: Re: Montreal restaurant tried to bar trans woman from using women's washroom
Post by: ErinS on November 14, 2016, 06:58:03 AM
Quote from: Raell on November 14, 2016, 04:08:57 AM
At least we know that Trump publicly invited a transwoman, Caitlyn Jenner, to use the woman's bathroom at Trump Tower anytime she wished.

Hopefully, Trump will support transgender rights, despite telling evangelicals that he will support laws that allow religious people to discriminate against LGBTQ people at will.

Right now the racists are emboldened by him, but his constant flip-flopping could turn against them as well.

This was in Canada, where Trump is *literally* #notmypresident.
Title: Re: Montreal restaurant tried to bar trans woman from using women's washroom
Post by: Raell on November 15, 2016, 03:46:14 AM
You're right..I didn't even pay attention to the location.

Besides, I've been living in Thailand for over six years now and it's all starting to look like "North America" to me, LOL.

Yeah, the Canadians have a gorgeous, intelligent prime minister, so it's better to watch Canadian news anyway..
Title: Re: Montreal restaurant tried to bar trans woman from using women's washroom
Post by: ErinS on November 15, 2016, 05:57:18 PM
He's attractive I'll give you that.

Thailand is almost too fun to imagine living there for 6 years lol.
Title: Re: Montreal restaurant tried to bar trans woman from using women's washroom
Post by: Raell on November 16, 2016, 07:23:46 PM
You're so right about Thailand.

I didn't even realize how oppressive the USA gender binary is until I moved to a country where people choose their own reflexive pronoun genders as they speak-and can change them during the day at will, and people are allowed to present themselves gender-wise as they please.

I have seen a man with beard, jeans, and lumberjack shirt with perfectly coiffed hair, earrings, necklaces, and heavy make up, while selling knives at an open market, pre-op/no hormone transwomen working as saleswomen in shops, running tailor shops and managing marriage decorations, etc.

In Nakhon, my two neighbors seemed to be identical twin pre-op/no hormone transmales, both with wives. These tiny, pretty, feminine transmales wore only men's clothing, drove motorbikes with their wives riding behind, etc., moved and spoke like males.

I didn't ask them about it because in Thailand gender issues are a non-issue, and Thai Buddhism accepts a Third Gender.

I try to skirt along the line, designing and sewing my own clothes to barely pass as female while mostly dressing and living as an androgyne non-binary transmale.

But I live six minutes from the beach, drive a motorbike for a car that costs $1. 33 to fill with gas, and my rent for a 5th floor apartment in a new building, with a balcony, including utilities, wi-fi, cable TV, 24-hr guard, key card entry, elevator, under-building parking, and laundry is $150 a month!

Plus, there is public transportation everywhere that is cheaper than driving my motorbike!