Activism and Politics => Activism => Topic started by: spacial on November 24, 2016, 12:04:16 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Transgender Trend UK, SafeT UK
Post by: spacial on November 24, 2016, 12:04:16 PM
There is a group gaining some ground in the UK called Transgender trend.

This is clearly a hate group. I won't present evidence here since it might be taken as opinion. Please check for yourselves.

This group is highlighting transgender children. It claims to be run by concerned parents and some with expertise in child development and psychology, some who were themselves extreme gender non-conforming children and adolescents, some whose own children have self-diagnosed as 'trans' and some who know supportive trans adults who are also questioning recent theories of 'transgenderism.'

It recently launched an extraordinary attack on Mermaids UK. which is particularly disturbing and even more so, some of the comments.

Many of their claims are unfounded, alarmist and unscientific. Particularly its claims for the long term problems caused by puberty blockers.

Worse, it would appear to be supported by some transgender advocacy groups in the UK. SafeT UK for example. I took SafeT UK to task over this on their Facebook page and they deleted my comment.

I have also posted a comment on Transgender Trend's site but alas, it is (still!) awaiting moderation. Clearly, these people don't like disagreement.

I hope all UK and European members be aware of this group and if they are members of any of the associate groups, especially those associated with SafeT UK, they will call for action.