Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Non-Op => Topic started by: crystals on November 25, 2016, 05:33:19 PM Return to Full Version

Title: relationship's discussion [maybe a tiny bit trigger warning?]
Post by: crystals on November 25, 2016, 05:33:19 PM
ok so i wasnt sure where i post this but i figured this would be a reasonable place to as the issue im bringing up is more related to not yet oped/transitioning

how common is it to encounter someone who would stick with you as a partner before you transition and see you for who you are instead of denying you based on your body knowing you will transition sooner or later?
im very active on the part of looking to get a boyfriend as an mtf currently not transitioning but about to start transitioning. and last couple of days ive been talking to someone i actualy took a liking to. problem is i did not tell him im mtf. he just believes right now that im a biological female with female voice and im pretty afraid bringing it up with him would basicly crash what we are possibly building. i think he likes me too at this point and i see a good chemistry building up beetween us waking up messaging good morning and continueing to message all day untill we go to sleep

the question is how common is it both in theory and in real to find a person who would stick with you through transition knowing what you are gona be in the end instead of denying you off what you look and sound like right now?
Title: Re: relationship's discussion [maybe a tiny bit trigger warning?]
Post by: HappyMoni on November 26, 2016, 04:50:50 AM
I doubt anyone could give odds on that. You only need it once right? When my partner looks back, she explains it this way. I fell in love with you (when I was in male mode). I saw how being that person was very painful for you. Now that you have transitioned to living female, the things I saw in you originally, are no longer overshadowed by your pain. You are now the person I fell in love with.
It is tricky to know when to tell someone. I tend to be on the side of being honest early. Then again if you are letting someone get to know you, I see that it might be wise to let them see your personality before factoring in the T word. I don't see that as dishonest. If you develop a more personal relationship, telling earlier may lead to less thoughts of you having deceived them.
Title: Re: relationship's discussion [maybe a tiny bit trigger warning?]
Post by: JoanneB on November 26, 2016, 07:33:48 AM
In my group we have a beautiful and smart post-op trans-woman. Of course no one can understand why she has no social life  ;)  One afternoon I was hanging out with the group moderator and, as a relative newbie, I asked her about Y. She responded; "It takes a very special guy to fall in love with a trans-woman" Duh! I should have seen that one coming