Activism and Politics => Discrimination => Topic started by: Blackwaters427 on January 05, 2017, 04:39:31 AM Return to Full Version

Title: My manager is sexually harassing me.
Post by: Blackwaters427 on January 05, 2017, 04:39:31 AM
So my manager has been harassing me for a while now. But a couple nights ago she went way too far. I was talking to a coworker about hrt and my manager approaches me and she asks me "so do you have a big ---- or a little ----?" I laughed nervously and said I wasn't comfortable answering that and she replied "that's ok, I have a big one". Not only that but she sometimes sings an annoying song with my name (Stephanie) in it even though I asked her to stop. She also sometimes calls me sir, despite me asking her not to. She never calls me Stephanie unless she's singing that song, instead always calling me by my dead name (Andrew). And she even "introduced" me to a friend of hers who came in to eat by pointing at me and saying "they call him Stephanie", at which point her friend laughs and asks me why so I have to awkwardly explain that I'm trans. Whenever she talks to me she has an odd inflection in her voice, as if she is amused by saying stuff that makes me feel and respond awkwardly.

I already told my general manager earlier today and she seems to be on my side about it. Here's hoping this nonsense stops.
Title: Re: My manager is sexually harassing me.
Post by: Raell on January 05, 2017, 04:46:58 AM
You did the right thing.
I don't know where you live, but here is a link to gender identity discrimination law information for the US. At least 18 states prohibit it.