Community Conversation => Transitioning => Orchiectomy and Penectomy => Topic started by: sandra215 on January 19, 2017, 10:08:47 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Androcur
Post by: sandra215 on January 19, 2017, 10:08:47 AM
Hi, just new here,

I've read many mssg about Andro vs other medication.
I'm on andro for 4-5 years and never had problems. However, medication is still medication with some risks and sideffects. therefor i'm seriously considering orchiectomy. anyone with experience with this ?


Title: Re: Androcur
Post by: KarynMcD on January 19, 2017, 12:59:45 PM
Check the Orchiectomy section,540.0.html
Title: Re: Androcur
Post by: Jacqueline on January 25, 2017, 09:42:49 AM
Hi Sandra,

Welcome to the site.

I am on Spiro and have not done a lot of research on Andro. However, we have a lot of members with opinions. You will probably hear from some.

I think you will get more responses if we move this topic to a different category. I am not sure if it should be in HRT or the Orchiectomy category. Do you have a preference. Just post in this topic and I will move it.

I also want to share some links with you. They are mostly welcome information and the rules that govern the site. If you have not had a chance to look through them, please take a moment to:

Things that you should read

  • Site Terms of Service and rules to live by  (,2.0.html)
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  • Photo, avatars, and signature images policy (,59974.msg383866.html#msg383866)

Once again, welcome to Susan's. Look around, ask questions and join in.

With warmth,

Title: Re: Androcur
Post by: JoanneB on January 28, 2017, 03:33:46 PM
I started off on Andro and boy is it a kick ass AA. I know because I've been on spiro in the past with hardly any results. With andro within a week you knew the dangly bits seen better days. Within like 3 months I had cut myself down to just 1/4 of a pill a day and my T level remained in the basement

Here in the USA andro is declared "unsafe". About the only place it is. Given the politics of the FDA one has to wonder why that is. Sure, like any other drug bad things can happen. Even Tylenol in excess or just over long periods of time can cause sudden liver failure. All you hear is crickets about that.

"In time we should think think about the root cause for the spiro and start thinking about an orchi" said my doc a few months ago. What a kick in the gonads that was  :o, catching me complete off balance. Sure I waxed on about hating taking pills and prefer injectable E but this!!!

TBH - Major escalations in "Managing" my NB trans paradox sends cold chills up my spine. Sure I thought about it. Yes, I have no need need for them and certainly no future plans for them. I know I need to stay the course I'm on or revert back to that "Thing" I used to be. Having an orchi is the logical thing to do. The only down side is keeping enough scrotal skin for future GCS use.

The devil is in the details