General Discussions => Frequently asked questions => Forums => Topic started by: Mirath on January 28, 2017, 11:56:30 AM Return to Full Version

Title: A question or two
Post by: Mirath on January 28, 2017, 11:56:30 AM
1. What's the policy on double-posting (posting one after another with no other user reply in between)? I searched on the forum and couldn't find it in the rules or anything like that.

2. Sometimes, I naturally refer to everyone as 'guys' (Hey guys, how you guys doing, and so on and so forth). Now, I personally don't hold any gender to that word, I just use it as another word of 'everyone/everybody'. I might be walking on eggshells a bit here, but will anyone be offended/annoyed if I use it? Not that it's an issue if I don't, just in case I slip up, it's pretty much second nature to use that word.

Much appreciated,
Title: Re: A question or two
Post by: Dena on January 28, 2017, 12:39:14 PM
Sometimes double posting happens. If for example you are running a blog thread, you may do a daily update and nobody may comment between the two. Sometimes people work on a topic that requires a massive post and then separate posts might be needed to create "chapters".  If the posts could have been combined or if the posts have very little content, it might be considered post padding in order to run up your post count. If we feel it's post padding, we might take action.
When we moderate, we have a fair amount of freedom with the rules so we look at it from the eye of the poster as much as possible.

I tend to avoid the use of guy though I understand often it's not implying gender. I do so because some of the members may be more sensitive to the word and you might get a bad reaction from them. Over all, I don't know of a site policy about usage of guys and I have seen it used a few times.
Title: Re: A question or two
Post by: Mirath on January 28, 2017, 12:42:02 PM
Ah, right, thank you for your reply. Clears a lot up.

I'll try my best to avoid the use of guys, and the double posting is more the same stance as other forums. Cool.