News and Events => Comments and suggestions => Topic started by: Lunacorn on February 02, 2017, 10:03:41 PM Return to Full Version

Title: More Inclusion
Post by: Lunacorn on February 02, 2017, 10:03:41 PM
I would love to see more inclusion for other gender bender stuff

I know i pick at this yet it feels really hard to be in a trans community online knowing that there is not a lot of education / inclusion / acknowladgement for being outside the gender binary norm.  I would love some forum thread additions and perhaps lil tweaks to the system that might expand gender marker options and include NB, Agender, Multigender, some gender options for dual gender or tri gender for example and just putting an extra arm out toward the NB community.

I see often people call me he or explain "we have a nonbinary forum thread" yet it would be cool to do the lil extra on BB admin panel and get some input from people on other thread options and expand.  Its really hard to find a good trans community online.  This is one yet it would be awesome to expand some awareness of gender nonconforming so that we can expand our scope and support for people.  Not everyone identifies in binary which we know and more options for conversation would allow people to more clearly identify for themselves how they feel and get support.  I'd happily lend a hand yet dont wish to have to educate people along the way.  Totally willing to lend a hand carving out thread options if needed though.
Title: Re: More Inclusion
Post by: Tessa James on February 02, 2017, 10:16:37 PM
We do have an active non binary section in these forums and you are completely welcome to post and expand on our offerings, posts and ideas.  The largest transgender survey ever was completed and published last year with over a third of the respondents identifying as non binary.  You are most certainly not alone :D
Title: Re: More Inclusion
Post by: Lunacorn on February 02, 2017, 10:29:20 PM
yep i am super aware of our Nonbinary thread :) i giggle because every time i mention being so i get told about it :P

to me inclusion means not only acknowladging that Nonbinary people exist however also some of our concerns and needs.  like fighting for gender markers in our states, issues with people not acceptign they them pronouns ... gender queer issues in itself etc.  some expansion into child threads may be a rad twist there
Title: Re: More Inclusion
Post by: FTMax on February 03, 2017, 11:44:19 AM
There is an entire non-binary board. You could post any amount of threads there related to whatever you want as long as it ties back into being non-binary.,57.0.html
I do agree and did not know that there was not a non-binary or agender option in the gender drop down boxes. I thought for the longest time that the A was agender, but I looked and it is androgyne. It is something I will mention to Cindy and Sue, though I suspect any updates will need to wait until after Susan has returned from Thailand.

I would also like to see a space for pronouns in the profile that would show up next to people's posts. I think most people who care about it get around it by including it in their signature.
Title: Re: More Inclusion
Post by: Lunacorn on February 03, 2017, 12:03:35 PM
Quote from: FTMax on February 03, 2017, 11:44:19 AM
There is an entire non-binary board. You could post any amount of threads there related to whatever you want as long as it ties back into being non-binary.,57.0.html
I do agree and did not know that there was not a non-binary or agender option in the gender drop down boxes. I thought for the longest time that the A was agender, but I looked and it is androgyne. It is something I will mention to Cindy and Sue, though I suspect any updates will need to wait until after Susan has returned from Thailand.

I would also like to see a space for pronouns in the profile that would show up next to people's posts. I think most people who care about it get around it by including it in their signature.

Totally yea i slap gender markers in custom title and pronouns in my sig... it's funky because i feel like there is just some ickyness posting about nonbinary outside the thread.   I am always redirected back to it and starting to feel the effects of posting anything related to nonbinary outside of the thread.  Seems i always get redirected to my corner of the forums yet not a lot of activity in those threads beside my own and people who shift toward a binary extreme.  thanks so much for dropping a line to sue and cindy hopeful to help make it more normal to be nonconforming in this forums <3
Title: Re: More Inclusion
Post by: RobynD on February 03, 2017, 01:16:43 PM
Having presented myself in a sort of non-binary or genderfluid way (even when i had no real clue that those terms existed) for many years before i came out as a transgender woman, i have great respect for non-binary folks. I love to see them participate in all areas and contribute. We all share so many common life experiences, joys and struggles.

When i post to an interesting FTM thread or in the crossdressing area, (crossdressing for me would mean wearing guy clothes) i have to admit i have a little of the walking on eggshells feeling, no idea why as everyone is almost always super nice even in debate mode.

I think a space for pronouns on posts would be a great idea.
Title: Re: More Inclusion
Post by: Dena on February 03, 2017, 05:03:37 PM
Personal text, personal title and signature are provided so you may provide additional information about yourself that isn't included by the default configuration. The problem is there are so many variations that I suspect we will always be missing something.
Title: Re: More Inclusion
Post by: Michelle_P on February 16, 2017, 12:40:15 PM
There are an infinite number of gender identities, gender orientations, and gender presentations.  Don't worry about the labels too much.

If its not immediately obvious, just ask.

And yes, I wear a pin: "She/Her/Hers"