Community Conversation => Crossdresser talk => Topic started by: gennee on November 13, 2007, 10:53:31 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Marched in Veterans parade
Post by: gennee on November 13, 2007, 10:53:31 AM
This past Sunday I marched in the Veterans Day parade here in New York City. It was the second consecutive year of doing so. I was dressed as Gennee wearing a blue skirt, red pullover, and blue flats. I was cold so I had to bundle up.

I was interviewed by graduate students at local colleges about transgender people in the military. I stressed that  transpeople have the right to serve. I also mentioned that transpeople throughout history have served in the military. Younger people seem more open to LGBT people. When asked why it was important for me to march, I said that there are many transgender veterans for their own reasons cannot. I believe by my marching I represent transpeople.

When our group marched up Fifth Avenue the crowds cheered us like the other veterans groups. They yelled out thanks for our service and clapped. Veterans Day is special to me now since I discovered my own trans gender status. Many have served in the armed forces. Many are serving now all over the world. Transpeople and crossdressers have always served in the military. It is time that they be recognized for their sacrifices.
