General Discussions => Health => Fitness => Topic started by: Geeker on February 27, 2017, 06:11:22 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Morning workout routine?
Post by: Geeker on February 27, 2017, 06:11:22 AM
What is your morning workout routine? Me, I have what I call the "3 minute morning wake up" and it's loosely based on a no equipment crossfit type workout. I use a free interval workout timer to do this. It's nothing more than something to get the blood flowing first thing in the morning. Between this and riding a bicycle back and forth from work I have been able to go from 220lbs to hovering around 165lbs.

It consists of:

30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds pushups
30 seconds sit ups
30 seconds squats
30 seconds mt. climbers
30 seconds flutter kicks

That's it! Increase the number of times you do it to get a better workout. And yes, I only do it the one time, hence the name.
Title: Re: Morning workout routine?
Post by: SiobhánF on February 27, 2017, 08:21:09 AM
Today, a co-worker took me with him to do some morning calisthenics. Here is a breakdown:

4xAMAP -
Incline pushups
Bench dips
Normal pushups
Decline pushups
Calf raises

Let me say, I got to the point where I could barely do 5 pushups by the end of my normal ones. I'm interested to see how much I can do if I continue this for about 4 weeks.
Title: Re: Morning workout routine?
Post by: Denni on February 27, 2017, 09:13:35 AM
Starts with a 3 mile power walk that includes two significant hills. ( I am unable to run because of my knee's and actually have found that I enjoy the walk better.) I am about to start my seventh month of HRT and have found that I have not lost any endurance and am still able to maintain my 42 to 44 minute time frame. After that I do two sets of full extension push ups (35 reps), and two sets of sit ups (45 reps). I do this five days a week. One of my concerns prior to starting HRT was the loss of endurance and strength, so far I have not seen any change. My hope is that by maintaining this routine that I can continue to maintain this level.
Title: Re: Morning workout routine?
Post by: Deborah on February 27, 2017, 10:21:11 AM
I get up at 4 am, drink coffee and read the news and the forum and then around 5:15 am run 5 miles.  On Friday I walk 5 miles instead and on the weekends I wake up and run later.

My schedule is pretty simple but it's consistent from week to week.

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
André Gide, Autumn Leaves