Activism and Politics => Activism => Topic started by: ChefAnnagirl on February 01, 2006, 05:48:15 PM Return to Full Version

Title: EQMD Activism Update - Anti-Gay marriage bill in MD
Post by: ChefAnnagirl on February 01, 2006, 05:48:15 PM
To: M.Annamarie Arnow
From: Equality Maryland

Take Action - Contact your Delegate TODAY urging them to OPPOSE HB48

Urgent!  Your delegate, Jean Cryor (R-Montgomery County), has indicated she may support an attempt to force an anti-gay constitutional amendment out of the House Judiciary Committee and onto the floor of the House of Delegates.  Please call her today to urge her not to support House Bill 48 or any constitutional amendment that seeks to write one group out of the Maryland Constitution.  And please tell her not to support Republican efforts to force the bill out of committee.

If you're unsure of who represents you, visit:

Republican, District 15, Montgomery County
(410) 841-3090, (301) 858-3090
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3090 (toll free)


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