Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hair removal => Topic started by: Rachel4now on April 02, 2017, 05:39:53 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Is it true? Laser causes hair to grow back thicker? and more? Cause new growth?
Post by: Rachel4now on April 02, 2017, 05:39:53 AM
Is this true.
Had been told that laser can cause hair to grow back thicker and grow NEW hair growth that you would have never had , had'nt you lasered in the first place? In other word invigorate hair growth some how?

I figured the Gals on here would know if this is true?

Thanks In Advance
Title: Re: Is it true? Laser causes hair to grow back thicker? and more? Cause new growth?
Post by: Damsel-in-distress on April 02, 2017, 05:42:05 AM
It does not...I have got 90% facial hair reduction by laser.
Title: Re: Is it true? Laser causes hair to grow back thicker? and more? Cause new growth?
Post by: Gamergirl on April 02, 2017, 06:02:30 AM
I guess about 70% of my facial hair was zapped away permanently after 9 sessions.  Of what little came back was very fine white/silver hair that cant really be seen or felt.  Unfortunately, due to hair color or the fact that my ghottee area was deeply rooted.. that was largely left uncleared.  I had to get quite a bit of electrolysis for that area, and its still a little rebellious at times. 

Dont let a money hungry electrolysis tech tell you laser is only temporary.  At least in my personal case.. it wasnt.  Im on friendly terms with my tech, but we sort of 'exchanged' strong words about it a bit.  Apparently first hand experience wasnt enough. 
Title: Re: Is it true? Laser causes hair to grow back thicker? and more? Cause new growth?
Post by: Rachel_Christina on April 02, 2017, 06:18:22 AM
You have to get the right type of laser,
And when you do it will work, you have your session and after a week they all fall out, and then for that week after they fall out you will have like no hair, and then after that they start growing back finer, they will thicken up again just in time for the next session. Wher they get Fried again.
I have had 4 sessions so far and i would guess maybe 70% are dead.
Title: Re: Is it true? Laser causes hair to grow back thicker? and more? Cause new growth?
Post by: LizK on April 02, 2017, 06:33:25 AM
Hi Rachel4now

Laser works, IPL doesn't work as well make sure you are getting laser. You also need to understand the hair growth cycle to understand why you will the get the results you do...I had a number of laser sessions that were not laser but IPL. I had 7 before finding out it was IPL and not Laser. I am basically at the same point as when I stopped having proper laser and had IPL...all the growth removed by IPL has come back but once again Laser treatments have far better result. I probably have 2-3 sessions left to be about 90% rid of black hairs...Electrolysis can pick up the rest.

Title: Re: Is it true? Laser causes hair to grow back thicker? and more? Cause new growth?
Post by: Rachel4now on April 02, 2017, 10:38:28 AM
Does everyone think its okay to just do electrolysis only for face and chest?? Have already had decent results on my chest / nipple area.  :) :) :)

Or is doing laser ( in my case diolase ) first ?    then clean it up with electrolysis?

Im just trying to do it right and save money. I don't have a lot of $$$ and I'm trying to remain happy and not broke.  But I want to do it right so I don't want to do it  on the Cheap either. ya know.

this is my start into womanhood and I'm starting
off kinda broke.
  I'm sorry about all the questions and def. appreciate all of your wonderful
and helpful responses.

thanks again in advance
Title: Re: Is it true? Laser causes hair to grow back thicker? and more? Cause new growth?
Post by: Jenna Marie on April 02, 2017, 11:37:08 AM
The FDA says it is not true (the FDA says laser is permanent and does not cause more hair growth). Some follicles do have the ability to grow more than one hair, which might confuse people; if the first hair is dead, but a second one pops up at a different point in the growth cycle, someone might think it was the original hair/new hair being made.

I had laser done over 7 years ago now, and I'm still glad I did. It was cheap, took less than six months, removed all but half a dozen facial hairs, and I've had no regrowth or new growth.
Title: Re: Is it true? Laser causes hair to grow back thicker? and more? Cause new growth?
Post by: Brooke on April 02, 2017, 12:09:37 PM
Laser hair removal is FDA approved for permanent hair reduction. Electrolysis is FDA approved for permanent hair removal.

Many people that have darker hair and lighter skin use laser first until all they are left with is grey/white hair that the laser cannot target.

Laser is definitely helpful and cost effective both in terms of money AND time.

I myself did laser And electrolysis at the same time. I was told that this is more effective than doing either by themselves or doing laser first, and then electrolysis.

As for my hair. I'm about 97% complete on my face. The other 3% are a scattering of fine dark hairs, and longer vellus/fine blonde hairs.

We are using the multi needle method for these stubborn ones.

The laser became non cost effective at the 8 month mark for me (around 8 sessions total).

I'm currently at the 1 year mark (as of today actually) from my first laser session. I probably had about 100 hours of electrolysis total. Though probably only about 75 of those were for the face. As we are also working on clearing/ the chest (80% complete) and surgical site (25%) complete.

Definitely keep in mind wherever you go when you hear the term "cleared" in terms of time/money they are taking about one full removal of hair for one growth cycle. It is not unheard of or uncommon for the need of several clearings for each growth cycle and for the laser to result in regrowth of finer hairs that may need to be retargeted by ladder and/or electrolysis.

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