General Discussions => Hobbies => Topic started by: Christine1 on April 15, 2017, 02:51:38 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Flowers and gardening
Post by: Christine1 on April 15, 2017, 02:51:38 PM
I just started planting flowers over the last few yrs. I live in a condo so I can only do so much. So with the weather really breaking I decided to get some plants today (lobelia) to get some color going until I decide with my other planters. I noticed the Bees are going to town.

I have a lot a trees and so sun can be hard to get. I usually plant  impatients because of
Low to very little sun.

Any ideas what else I can plant? Also how can I post pics??

Thanks Christine
Title: Re: Flowers and gardening
Post by: Devlyn on April 15, 2017, 05:13:52 PM
Hostas love shade and they're tough as nails. To post pictures you need to use an image hosting site, or since you're a subscriber I believe you can use our gallery as a host. Copy your image address from the host and paste it between the [img][/img] tags. (The little Mona Lisa button).

It should look like this when you type it:


It will display like this when you post it:


Hope that helps!

Hugs, Devlyn