General Discussions => Health => Addiction => Topic started by: barbie on November 20, 2007, 01:01:38 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Transgenders are more addictive?
Post by: barbie on November 20, 2007, 01:01:38 AM
I realized that I am very addictive to everyting. I smoke and drink everyday. Drinking is popular among men in my country. And coffee. I was also once addicted to gambling and games when I was young.
Title: Re: Transgenders are more addictive?
Post by: suregirl on November 24, 2007, 06:13:26 AM
For me and I can only speak for me I believe my addictive personality is genetic-Anything that I have ever taken to make myself feel better or escape reality I want more and more of!!-I sought refuge in drink and drugs for a long time whilst coming to terms with my T/S and ended up having to drink when I didnt want to-I now follow a 12 step program and have been clean and sober for 2 years-whats more I discovered I was boring whilst drunk(i.e drink till I fell over)!-I dont today and life although it has difficulties is great and I love it!
Title: Re: Transgenders are more addictive?
Post by: Robin_p on November 25, 2007, 07:56:42 AM
I was. I had to deal with my Alcoholism first before i could even began to look at me being Transgender.

Let see I cross that line somewhere in 1992 and i had to drink. Could not, not drink.

1994 I was diagnosed with Gender Dsyphoria. I did the Mental Hosipital thing and took the anti-depressant that almost killed me. Anti depressant enable me to slice my wrist. Zoloft is bad for me it turns me into a Ghost.

1995 I did the geographical cured that work. Controlled drinking till 1998 (as if i could). I gave up in 1998

October 2003, Was the end and the beginning of my life.

I'm 4 years sober. One day at a time and learning coping skills. Living to live for once. instead of wishing to die.
Title: Re: Transgenders are more addictive?
Post by: barbie on November 25, 2007, 08:13:25 AM
In addition to the well-known addictive materials such as caffeine, nicotine and ethyl-alcohol, I also tend to be addicted to some kind of behaviors. I was once addicted to computer games, computer programming, Go (or baduk, an Asian chess game) and taking photos of myself.

And now it's crossdressing.

Title: Re: Transgenders are more addictive?
Post by: emma? on November 25, 2007, 08:59:39 AM
used to be addicted to anything and everything imaginable
now my list is considerable smaller and lookgin to keep shortening it currently its nicotine caffine and online games lol if i can lost the nicotine ill be a realitivly happy person and then ready to start seriously thinking about the when and how to begian my transition