Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: Ms Bev on November 20, 2007, 10:45:19 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Introductions always happen between the dinner rolls and frozen peas......
Post by: Ms Bev on November 20, 2007, 10:45:19 PM happened again tonight.  Marcy and I were at the supermarket, and ran into 2 more members of our church at different times who didn't KNOW about me by now.  Apparently, a lot of people have been wondering who the woman was, sitting with Marcy at church with her arm around her, and smooching good bye before running off to work (sigh....yeah, I work sundays).  And they wonder also, I imagine, 'what happened to Mike?  Where did he go?'

And now, Marcy just calmly introduces me, right there between the dinner rolls and frozen peas....."You remember my husband Mike, don't you?  Well, her name is Beverly, and now she's my partner".

It just seems like the simplest way to explain things to people who are meeting Beverly for their first time.

   "Michael??....I simply would not have recognized you", was one response.  There followed some small talk, catching up, then parting.  This time, Marcy got her hug goodbye from the woman, then instead of hugging me, the woman thought better of it, and clasped the top of my shoulder.  As she did, her forearm pressed softly into my left breast, then pressed more closely.  It was surprising, at first, then just a little amusing.  I guess she found out what she wanted to know, and can now make a full report.

  "Oh.....I see", was the response of the other woman.  "I wondered where you went"

About twice a week, we talk about the possible necessity of looking for another church.  Marcy wants me to feel welcome in my own church, and I worry more about how it all affects her.  So, I just ask her to wait, and hope for the best.  And, so far, so good.
