Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Topic started by: 2.B.Dana on May 17, 2017, 09:09:21 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Thanks for visiting
Post by: 2.B.Dana on May 17, 2017, 09:09:21 PM
I have only been on HRT for a few days but it has definitely affected my attitude. My wife is out of town and my feminine side is raging forward. I seem to be much more womanly minded as I remind myself "I'm in transition now". It may be a small thing but it changes everything in my head.

My work uniform is all womens attire except for my shirt. Today I put on clear nail polish for the first time for work. I encounter many women at the places I clean and just interacted with such a care free attitude and talked like crazy. In a much different way than I would have done in a male mindset.

One woman in particular had returned to work after being gone all winter. We chatted about the events of the winter and my new earrings which she noticed, (while she stared at my boobs ;) ) It was quite enjoyable. As I left her office she thanked me for visiting with her. It struck me that in all the years as a man, taking with women, no one has used the term "visiting". Men don't really visit. I took it as a compliment and smiled from ear to ear.