General Discussions => Entertainment => Movies => Topic started by: Asche on June 02, 2017, 11:46:35 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Alamo Drafthouse Apologizes for Starting Manpocalypse With Women-Only Screening
Post by: Asche on June 02, 2017, 11:46:35 AM
Alamo Drafthouse Apologizes for Starting Manpocalypse With Women-Only Screening (

By Bethy Squires
May 29, 2017

We at the Alamo Drafthouse would like to officially apologize for our role in the end of mankind as we knew it, and the ascendant Gynocracy that followed. We didn't know our women-only screening of Wonder Woman would result in the overthrow of all world governments and the total subjugation of men, but in hindsight we probably should have seen it coming.

I need to find one of these screenings.

FWIW, I posted this to a local trans woman mailing list, and the universal reaction was "where do I sign up?"

Title: Re: Alamo Drafthouse Apologizes for Starting Manpocalypse With Women-Only Screening
Post by: Tessa James on June 02, 2017, 12:04:25 PM
Ah, the death rattles of patriarchy continue to amuse us >:-)
Title: Re: Alamo Drafthouse Apologizes for Starting Manpocalypse With Women-Only Screening
Post by: Kylo on June 11, 2017, 11:09:15 PM
To be fair, if you had an overt men-only screening of anything someone would be there to "shut it down" for sexism.

The reaction is such precisely because of that kind of heightened offense culture that has been generated among certain feminists in the last 5-10 years at "male spaces", and their outrage at women being excluded from anything. You have to expect some of the "other side" to point this out, since so many things have been made a battleground by identity politics; but most men do not care about this at all.

And on the subject of Wonder Woman, apparently it doesn't suck, so we finally have a female lead character in one of these Marvel/DC action flicks people can feel happy about.
Title: Re: Alamo Drafthouse Apologizes for Starting Manpocalypse With Women-Only Screening
Post by: Michelle_P on June 11, 2017, 11:42:43 PM
Sociologically, there is a bit of a difference between persons with privilege establishing an exclusive space for themselves, and persons without privilege establishing a protected space.   In particular placing persons with privilege in a space along with persons without privilege tends to result in a suppression of self-expression by persons without privilege. 

Watch what happens when you have a group of workmen in a working class bar, for example, when you introduce some managers with authority over them at work into the same space.  The odds are that the conversational tone may shift, and certain topics won't be discussed that might otherwise be raised.
Title: Re: Alamo Drafthouse Apologizes for Starting Manpocalypse With Women-Only Screening
Post by: Kylo on June 12, 2017, 12:32:09 PM
I'm all for men having their own spaces and women having their own spaces - however if the current push has been toward equality and equity and inclusivity for all, why are these exclusive spaces being encouraged. If you want inclusivity you should include everyone, and learn to deal with the environment it creates. If not, accept that there will be spaces for and not for certain persons. What we seem to be seeing is a movement that wants as much inclusivity as possible for women as well as the right to exclude men whenever they want. Which sounds rather privileged.

I would not say cinema in general has ever been an excluding space for women. Not sure men and women sharing a cinema as they have done without problems and at their own discretion since the advent of moving pictures equates at all with the dynamic of bosses and employees. Nor that women and men's social reality reflects that dynamic either. (If anything, the general view among married or attached men is that their wives or female partners are actually the "boss". And if it isn't said, it's certainly known). I've been to cinemas where everyone shuts up and watches the movie... I've been to cinemas where people yell at the screen like idiots, or cheer and clap or give a running commentary - men and women alike. Never have I been to one where women watch movies like obedient employees unable to express thoughts while men watch them like bosses. Never have I seen or been to one where women were not "equally" able to enjoy the entertainment!

Sure, by all means women should have a get together if they want and watch movies so they can talk without worrying what a man thinks or says? I have no issue with it. What I do have an issue with is how divisive identity politics actually is. Rather than bringing people together, it appears to be causing more hate and division between races and genders than ever before (the current debacle at Evergreen State College springs to mind). It is not the way forward.
Title: Re: Alamo Drafthouse Apologizes for Starting Manpocalypse With Women-Only Screening
Post by: Jennifer RachaelAnn on June 13, 2017, 09:44:32 PM
I'm sure I'm gonna get hell for this but here goes...

It seems that we're talking about double standards between the sexes. One that I noticed a long time ago, that still hits a raw nerve with me today, is this:

Why is it when a woman does it, it's called seduction, but when a man does it it's called sexual harassment?

But then from the other side Tommy and Sally have the exact same job in the same office for the same boss, but Tommy makes thousands more than Sally.

It's getting really old, regardless of what side you're on.