Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: Riya88 on August 06, 2017, 10:11:23 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Riya88 on August 06, 2017, 10:11:23 PM
Do butt implants and hip implants really look super fake or something that depends on the surgeons skill.

Anyone here that has any experience with them?

Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Iliana.Found on August 07, 2017, 01:39:10 PM
Hey! I know you ask for someone with experience, but I do not have any. However, I believe that in moderation it would look fine like anything else. I think that if one was to go too big it may look unnatural like when people post on IG or Facebook and everyone points it out. The fake ones that people spot are probably mostly because it looks out of place/not proportioned. The ones that don't draw much attention are probably more proportioned. Just my thoughts since no one else answered :) Aaaaand then there's always the dreaded exercise route instead! lol  Best of luck

Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Legit on August 07, 2017, 06:08:13 PM
Quote from: Iliana.Found on August 07, 2017, 01:39:10 PM
Just my thoughts since no one else answered :) Aaaaand then there's always the dreaded exercise route instead!

Hi, with exercice you can increase  butt size.  However for hips  that wont make much difference no matter how hard you train.  There is a zone on hips where nothing add  (Hips dip)  and it creates a weird  look/shape.  Not every woman has this issue but almost all transwoman i know have it ( there are few exception).   No matter what you do, nothing goes  here for some reason.  A cis woman in a youtube video named it " the void" . 


And on next picture where the green line is,  nothing goes here.. no fat or muscle.. it creates a not so feminine butt  that is however bigger.  No matter how long on hrt / amount of muscle mass

(picture is of a cis woman, only to show where problematic zone is)

Fortunately, there are way to fix this issue and to get the feminine figure you deserve with surgeries .. There is 3 approach that are possible to do.

1- Natural way using liposculpture . Surgeon is doing a liposuction of your body ( ex : abdominal, lower back, inner thigh, arms) filter the fat and reinsert the cells/fat in proper feminine location. ( Hips and butt) . By moving fat cells, your body will respond differently when gaining/losing/regaining fat . AKA : brazilian butt lift.

2 - Same method as #1 but combined with implants. They will add implants in your butt. Some are profiled in a way to create wider hips.

3- The "not natural method" but that most trans womans i know of went with. : Sillicone injections. Surgeon inject sillicone in hips region cavity to create that hourglass figure.

I personally went with brazilian butt lift ( liposculture) and cant be happier about it. !

Now about your question.   I agree with Iliana.Found .   It looks very nice and natural if you arent going to big like Nicki minaj  or Iggy azalea  .  My friend just had it done with cardenas in mexico.  He did a very good job  .  My friend who is used to multiple surgeries said that it was the most painful surgery she had however.    I also had similar but without implants.  ( 1st method on my list) .    It is really painful and invasive.  You are not allowed to sleep on your back and side  for 4 weeks, you are not allowed to sit   etc.   It takes months before the swelling goes away.

Hope it helps with your question.  =)  Feel free to ask me anything

Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Dani on August 07, 2017, 07:14:48 PM
I have a hip implant on the left side for arthritis reasons.  It was sized to match my right side.

I am sure you are talking about feminizing your back sides. You have 2 choices, fat transfer or a solid but flexible silicone implant.

A friend of mine had a Brazilian Butt Lift done here in South Florida and she looks fantastic. Please note that she had plenty of fat to transfer. So your results may or may not be as good as hers.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Legit on August 07, 2017, 08:34:36 PM
Quote from: Dani on August 07, 2017, 07:14:48 PM

A friend of mine had a Brazilian Butt Lift done here in South Florida and she looks fantastic. Please note that she had plenty of fat to transfer. So your results may or may not be as good as hers.

+1 for this.    Not everyone is good candidate and you need to gain as much as you can before the surgery.   Also not all fat cells survive after so you may have to do it another time to acchieve the result you asked for.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: warlockmaker on August 08, 2017, 03:43:04 AM
Here in Bangkok all the TG girls have hip and buttox implants as one of their priorities along with BA, nose jobs and brow fillers. SRS is one of the last things they do. Go look at the girls in Perfect Angel and Ms Tiffiny world tg pagents. They look just like cis.Thinking about it but tired of surgeries for the time being.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: noleen111 on August 08, 2017, 10:00:02 AM
If you don't go overboard, then no

I think stick what work best with your size..
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Iliana.Found on August 08, 2017, 10:41:17 AM
Quote from: Legit on August 07, 2017, 06:08:13 PM

1- Natural way using liposculpture . Surgeon is doing a liposuction of your body ( ex : abdominal, lower back, inner thigh, arms) filter the fat and reinsert the cells/fat in proper feminine location. ( Hips and butt) . By moving fat cells, your body will respond differently when gaining/losing/regaining fat . AKA : brazilian butt lift.

Now about your question.   I agree with Iliana.Found .   It looks very nice and natural if you arent going to big like Nicki minaj  or Iggy azalea  .  My friend just had it done with cardenas in mexico.  He did a very good job  .  My friend who is used to multiple surgeries said that it was the most painful surgery she had however.    I also had similar but without implants.  ( 1st method on my list) .    It is really painful and invasive.  You are not allowed to sleep on your back and side  for 4 weeks, you are not allowed to sit   etc.   It takes months before the swelling goes away.

Hope it helps with your question.  =)  Feel free to ask me anything

Since you did BBL, about how long ago did you get it done and have you seen new fat in those areas where it was transferred to? Did a lot of your transferred fat stay alive? I have that dip too and I'd like to get it filled. I did read that the survival rate for fat cells can be pretty low and it is not a cheap procedure. Just want to know if it's worth it :)
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Charlie Nicki on August 08, 2017, 02:03:45 PM
I don't know about hip implants but butt implants always look super fake to me, I can spot them a mile away.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Legit on August 08, 2017, 03:23:43 PM
Quote from: Iliana.Found on August 08, 2017, 10:41:17 AM
Since you did BBL, about how long ago did you get it done and have you seen new fat in those areas where it was transferred to? Did a lot of your transferred fat stay alive? I have that dip too and I'd like to get it filled. I did read that the survival rate for fat cells can be pretty low and it is not a cheap procedure. Just want to know if it's worth it :)

I had the procedure done last april.   Surgeon did guarantee  that 80% of what was transfered would survive  but it wasnt the case for hips.  However for butt it was fine. After the surgery i was totally Amazed by my new figure but i could see it degrade as weeks passed .  She offered me a revision that i will get in 2 week and after that it should be perfect =) .  So yes,  fat survival in hips area is low , it may take up to 3 surgery to get what you desire.  Cost for the surgery was 11 500$ CAD and revision is free.    Yes, it totally worth it.  Even if its not perfect right now, my hips/butt look 100% female .    I will share result once properly healed from revision.   =)

If you plan on doing this surgery, i recommend getting full body lipo  .  I didnt do my arms the first time and i did regret it.  Let me explain :  After surgery, you may want to lose some weight but you cannot lose to much because you will lose on hips/butt also.  Surgeon told me not to lose more than 10-15 lbs on the scale but she doesnt mind if i gained additionnal muscle and stayed at same weight.   Thats why  if you didnt get rid of the excessive fat on a zone, you might burn to much and it may affect your result.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Emily E on August 08, 2017, 05:53:08 PM
Hi Riya88
  I remember a post that I had seen a while ago about this:,180220.0.html
(,180220.0.html) I was very impressed with the results so its defiantly possible to achieve a feminine but and hip shape using fat transfer... I have heard some stories about large implants flipping around or moving so I personally have decided to avoid them.   Good Luck with whatever you decide to do.

Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Iliana.Found on August 18, 2017, 08:32:21 AM
Quote from: Legit on August 08, 2017, 03:23:43 PM
I had the procedure done last april.   Surgeon did guarantee  that 80% of what was transfered would survive  but it wasnt the case for hips.  However for butt it was fine. After the surgery i was totally Amazed by my new figure but i could see it degrade as weeks passed .  She offered me a revision that i will get in 2 week and after that it should be perfect =) .  So yes,  fat survival in hips area is low , it may take up to 3 surgery to get what you desire.  Cost for the surgery was 11 500$ CAD and revision is free.    Yes, it totally worth it.  Even if its not perfect right now, my hips/butt look 100% female .    I will share result once properly healed from revision.   =)

If you plan on doing this surgery, i recommend getting full body lipo  .  I didnt do my arms the first time and i did regret it.  Let me explain :  After surgery, you may want to lose some weight but you cannot lose to much because you will lose on hips/butt also.  Surgeon told me not to lose more than 10-15 lbs on the scale but she doesnt mind if i gained additionnal muscle and stayed at same weight.   Thats why  if you didnt get rid of the excessive fat on a zone, you might burn to much and it may affect your result.

Great info, thanks! From what you said and the link that Emily E posted below, it may be a surgery that I will save and go for. I just recently spoke to my cardiologist again about BA and he still isn't comfortable giving me a pass on that surgery. I was feeling really down until I came across this thread. I really wanted BA, but my cardiologist isn't budging on that one do to the placement of my ICD  :-\ My goal is to have at least some part of my body super fem so I wont worry so much about all of the masculine parts. I see butt/hips and decent sized breasts as two of the most important markers on a female body so if I can't have one, then the other will suffice :) I believe that it would greatly help with my dysphoria.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Harley Quinn on August 18, 2017, 09:02:47 AM
I caught an episode of Botched where they actually took the fat from the love handles and rotated them down for a butt lift to fix a bad Lipo implant surgery. It was pretty nifty. Not that it's standard practice, but the general consensus is to stay away from implants where you are going to be expected to support a lot of weight. To my knowledge, fat transfer is the only tried and true method without complications. Remember implants have a lifespan and do need replaced every 5 to 10 years I believe.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Wild Flower on August 18, 2017, 08:22:57 PM
I don't understand the whole implant obsession culture. To me, I think you should look at your body as a whole and go with the most flattering look. Natural or not isn't the issue, it's more of looking natural.... Unless your look is to look fake (which is the look that makes you happy so be it)

Paris Hilton never done a nose job or breast implants, and to me she looks more unique for it. While Megan Fox tarnish her beauty.

I'm a big advocate for bare minimum surgeries. Just stop before you gone too far. I'm not into Botox either, that ages so much. Neck lift are alright ... Jowls ages more than wrinkles. You notice those 35 year with wrinkle but no jowls .... She looks her age... But jowls on a wrinkles free face looks drastically older.

Also a big advocate of "It's my damn body, I do what I want with

For TS women, surgery is very vital but too much does the opposite. It's like baking, cook until it's perfect but undercook and over cooking is bad.

And plastic surgeons are first artists than surgeons.... I need to see a surgeon who understands beauty that I seek. I'm all for classic beauty not modern.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: warlockmaker on August 19, 2017, 01:33:49 AM
I am surrounded by Tgs and cis, who have had alot of work done. Implants, lifts, laser treatments, lipo, hair implants, hair removal etc. If done well it looks fantastic and natural. Its important when being judgemental that you have the finances to afford to have it done well, and your comments are not an expression of envy. We who are TG. nothing is really by nature, we consume HRT, have srs etc. as the acceptable basics, so its ok to have it all if you can afford it and not scared of discomfort during recovery. Hip and butt implants are almost a necessity if you are fit and slim and transitioned after the mid 20s; and want to look fab because you just cant develop the physical look - our hip bone structure is different. But then again beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Anastasija on August 19, 2017, 09:43:22 AM
If i must be true, in my olpinion this surgery not look good. Mean, sometimes saw girls with implants butt, most from south america and its looks like: small legs and monster ass, total not my type. I more like slim, femine body, and i think when male who use hrt with good training can get perfect body. Sorry but i don't think mans like monster asses
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Miss Clara on August 28, 2017, 12:14:22 PM
Quote from: warlockmaker on August 19, 2017, 01:33:49 AM
I am surrounded by Tgs and cis, who have had alot of work done. Implants, lifts, laser treatments, lipo, hair implants, hair removal etc. If done well it looks fantastic and natural. Its important when being judgemental that you have the finances to afford to have it done well, and your comments are not an expression of envy. We who are TG. nothing is really by nature, we consume HRT, have srs etc. as the acceptable basics, so its ok to have it all if you can afford it and not scared of discomfort during recovery. Hip and butt implants are almost a necessity if you are fit and slim and transitioned after the mid 20s; and want to look fab because you just cant develop the physical look - our hip bone structure is different. But then again beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

I agree.  We late transitioning trans women have a huge challenge undoing the physical masculinization that limits our integration into society as women.  I've had lots of surgery to this end and have been largely successful except in the mid-body area (waist, hips and butt).  I had what little belly and flanks fat transferred to my butt (BBL) with only modest results.  I've consulted on butt implants, and was told it would be risky at my age because my gluteus maximus are not thick enough to create strong enough pockets to hold the implants.  One very experienced surgeon said a small silicone implant was doable, however.  Another recommended injections of Juvederm Voluma as a substitute for fat transfer (I have no appreciable fat to transfer), but the cost is very high. Hip implants are problematic.  They have to be custom made.  They are placed over the upper thigh bone to avoid flexing it when sitting.  Without a fair amount of subcutaneous fat to cover them, they'll telegraph through and look fake.  There is little to hold them in place, so in time they are likely to drop and look unnatural.  I did elect to have an abdominoplasty to tighten the recti muscle fascia which has flattened my tummy and given me a modest waistline.  That actually helped alleviate my body dysphoria a lot.  I'm still debating if I'll do anything more, given the difficulties.  To be honest, I'm rather tired of surgery, so I doubt I'll go any further.  There's always shape-wear.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Iliana.Found on August 29, 2017, 07:51:56 AM
I know older people get hip replacement surgery when they break theirs or something like that. My grandparents have had theirs replaced. I'm sure someone can clarify, but, for us trans-girls or anyone who feels they want wider hips, why cant they just screw in some hip wideners to the hip bones or something? :D May be a silly question, but I do not understand why it's not an option. Maybe it weakens the bone  ??? Too much risk ???
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Wild Flower on August 29, 2017, 11:55:12 PM
Quote from: Iliana.Found on August 29, 2017, 07:51:56 AM
I know older people get hip replacement surgery when they break theirs or something like that. My grandparents have had theirs replaced. I'm sure someone can clarify, but, for us trans-girls or anyone who feels they want wider hips, why cant they just screw in some hip wideners to the hip bones or something? :D May be a silly question, but I do not understand why it's not an option. Maybe it weakens the bone  ??? Too much risk ???

I'd imagine it's because there's more cons to than pros at least today. Doctors would do this in a heartbeat to make money, so for this surgery to not be around must mean something...

It's not even advertise in foreign countries.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Dani on August 30, 2017, 04:51:25 AM
Quote from: Iliana.Found on August 29, 2017, 07:51:56 AM
I know older people get hip replacement surgery when they break theirs or something like that. My grandparents have had theirs replaced. I'm sure someone can clarify, but, for us trans-girls or anyone who feels they want wider hips, why cant they just screw in some hip wideners to the hip bones or something? :D May be a silly question, but I do not understand why it's not an option. Maybe it weakens the bone  ??? Too much risk ???

I had my left hip replaced because of arthritis and serious bone grinding in the joint. Previously, I had a lot of  pain in my hip when I walked. Every step I took hurt very much. Now with my new hip I can at least walk without pain.

Hip implants have some limitations. Running is out of the question. The problem is not with the implant, but the attachment to living bone. With repeated impacts, the attachments areas can break down and cause a broken leg or dislocated hip. Also, implants do not last forever. The first generation of implants needed to be changed every 10 years or so. Today we have implants that last much longer, but still they are not permanent.

One other limitation of hip implants is that the internal ligament of the natural hip joint is cut and cannot be replaced. The only thing holding the hip together is the external ligaments. My surgeon advised me that moving my leg up and across my body may cause a dislocation of the new hip joint. I am careful to not do this and also I exercise my leg joints to strengthen the muscles attached to the hip ligaments to better hold my new hip together.

Hip implants for cosmetic purposes are a completely unethical procedure. Any surgeon who performs this type of surgery, would have their license to practice medicine placed under review and most likely revoked.
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Iliana.Found on August 30, 2017, 08:22:07 AM
Quote from: Dani on August 30, 2017, 04:51:25 AM
I had my left hip replaced because of arthritis and serious bone grinding in the joint. Previously, I had a lot of  pain in my hip when I walked. Every step I took hurt very much. Now with my new hip I can at least walk without pain.

Hip implants have some limitations. Running is out of the question. The problem is not with the implant, but the attachment to living bone. With repeated impacts, the attachments areas can break down and cause a broken leg or dislocated hip. Also, implants do not last forever. The first generation of implants needed to be changed every 10 years or so. Today we have implants that last much longer, but still they are not permanent.

One other limitation of hip implants is that the internal ligament of the natural hip joint is cut and cannot be replaced. The only thing holding the hip together is the external ligaments. My surgeon advised me that moving my leg up and across my body may cause a dislocation of the new hip joint. I am careful to not do this and also I exercise my leg joints to strengthen the muscles attached to the hip ligaments to better hold my new hip together.

Hip implants for cosmetic purposes are a completely unethical procedure. Any surgeon who performs this type of surgery, would have their license to practice medicine placed under review and most likely revoked.

Aaaaaaand that's the clarification I was looking for lol I knew there had to be a reason, but I was not sure what that reason was. Def not worth it! Good to know though  :D Thanks!
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: cuteclaudia on September 06, 2017, 06:17:33 AM
hey... I've had butt implants... I have to admit I already had a curvy arse from spending my life doing squats and sprinting... but... no... they don't look fake... I get compliments on my arse all the time, the barista from my fav café said I had the hottest arse he'd seen... though he does want to get in my pants... oh... and my GF is dead jealous and she's cis....

I got it done in Bangkok with Chettawut when I had SRS... I have consider sculpturing or hip implants... but i'm 44 and I'm not keen on too much more surgery, especially as I had a heap after being in the infantry... but hey... i'm pretty fit... so who knows.

seeing i'm completely useless on computers... i'll try to attach a photo from last week... body is not bad for nearly 45  :P (
Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: LizK on September 06, 2017, 06:22:58 AM
Quote from: cuteclaudia on September 06, 2017, 06:17:33 AM
hey... I've had butt implants... I have to admit I already had a curvy arse from spending my life doing squats and sprinting... but... no... they don't look fake... I get compliments on my arse all the time, the barista from my fav café said I had the hottest arse he'd seen... though he does want to get in my pants... oh... and my GF is dead jealous and she's cis....

I got it done in Bangkok with Chettawut when I had SRS... I have consider sculpturing or hip implants... but i'm 44 and I'm not keen on too much more surgery, especially as I had a heap after being in the infantry... but hey... i'm pretty fit... so who knows.

seeing i'm completely useless on computers... i'll try to attach a photo from last week... not bad for nearly 45  :P (

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Title: Re: Do Butt and hip implants really look super fake?
Post by: Otaegan on March 24, 2018, 01:09:38 AM
Quote from: Iliana.Found on August 29, 2017, 07:51:56 AM
I know older people get hip replacement surgery when they break theirs or something like that. My grandparents have had theirs replaced. I'm sure someone can clarify, but, for us trans-girls or anyone who feels they want wider hips, why cant they just screw in some hip wideners to the hip bones or something? :D May be a silly question, but I do not understand why it's not an option. Maybe it weakens the bone  ??? Too much risk ???

God yes, this please. Having a proper pelvic brim would easily fix like 60% of my dysphoria. Hip/joint angle would prob take care of another 20.