Community Conversation => Transitioning => Passing => Topic started by: TheDismalRainbow on August 08, 2017, 03:01:06 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Pre HRT - Contemplating FFS?
Post by: TheDismalRainbow on August 08, 2017, 03:01:06 AM
Hey all! As of now, I am about one month on HRT! I mean, it's only a small dose of spiro for now, but it's a huge step for me at just 16, and it's going to slowly ramp up as I progress through transition. However, I came here because I wanted to get some general opinions on whether or not my face can pass in public. I know it doesn't when I'm out and about, but I've managed to find a few angles with my phone that make me look kind of nice. I know I'm only a small ways into my transition, but I've really been considering FFS as a future option for my transition, and I was hoping some of you on here could give me your thoughts.

Considering this is the passing forum, please don't hold back with honesty. I know some of these are terrible. Also, I checked with the forum rules and I believe this is within accordance with that, but if there is anything I am violating, please let me know. Here is the link to my face! The quality isn't great but... oh well.

Also, I'm a huge nerd so I wear my headset in a few of these, but whatever. And I'm terrible at makeup, having played with it about 0.5 times in my entire life, so all of these pictures are 100% cosmetic-free.

EDIT: title says Pre HRT because with how little Spiro I've been on for such a short time, nothing has changed. At all.
Title: Re: Pre HRT - Contemplating FFS?
Post by: Devlyn on August 08, 2017, 06:11:57 AM
"as a future option" is the key. First you give hormones several years to rearrange things and see if you need surgery at all. You're starting young, so you're going to see maximum benefits.

I think you look nice in the pictures, some I read as female and some as male. Keeping 'em confused is a good thing in my book!  ;D  I think a few years on a transition dose of hormones will turn you into a lovely young lady.  :)

Hugs, Devlyn