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Title: Can someone know my Internet address from my posts here
Post by: rose on August 13, 2017, 10:42:19 PM
Hi everyone

I have very important Q to ask
Can someone know my Internet address by my posts here ?

I'm very careful not to mention personal information about me that can make anyone to know who I am or from where

But I'm worried that someone can find out where I am from Internet address from my post

That can put me in real danger if that possible

Hope to hear from you soon thanks
Title: Re: Can someone know my Internet address from my posts here
Post by: Dena on August 13, 2017, 11:21:09 PM
It is available to staff members as we need it when dealing with some of the problems on the site. We are not allowed to trace the address and if we release personal information, we not only lose staff privileges but we will be ban from the site. You are able to see it on posts that you make but the address isn't visible to non staff members. In addition, the site uses end to end encryption so your session on the site can't be monitored by somebody tapping into the session. We are concerned about your privacy and do everything we can to preserve it.
Title: Re: Can someone know my Internet address from my posts here
Post by: Kendra on August 14, 2017, 12:31:21 PM
I have observed from other posts you have safety concerns due to laws (lack of legal protection) where you are.  In addition to what Dena confirmed I want to add couple things that may help.

Look closely at the web address in your browser.  With Susan's the web address for every page is always https://  and never http://

Financial institutions (banks) and sites that need to be careful require an https:// connection.  Unfortunately some other sites don't. 

Susan (founder and owner) has insisted on hosting Susan's Place on a private server instead of renting shared space, and other decisions for the benefit of security.  Additional information is on this thread:,225734.0.html