Community Conversation => Transitioning => Voice Therapy and Surgery => Topic started by: nongcandy8558 on August 16, 2017, 07:06:50 AM Return to Full Version

Title: 1 month post opt cta, can my voice get louder?
Post by: nongcandy8558 on August 16, 2017, 07:06:50 AM
I'm one month post opt from CTA,  my voice is quite feminine than before
The pitch is raised,  although I still need to work on resonance.
My main concern is the volume of my voice is quite low, it's hard to be heard in public when there are cars or people talking, people always ask me " pardon me, I can't hear you" this really make me feel frustrated.
I don't have problem speaking on the phone,  or speaking face to face in a room but hard to be heard in public setting like in the market, my voice seem to be drowned.
I know beforehand that there will be loss of volume but never expect it to be this much,  will it gets better and will vocal therapy make my voice louder? I don't want a loud voice like before,just want a voice that can be heard

Thank you
Title: Re: 1 month post opt cta, can my voice get louder?
Post by: Dena on August 16, 2017, 08:36:45 AM
I don't know about CTA but with my surgery it was almost 7 months before the volume started improving and around a year before it was what I would say was good. I believe the lack of volume was because of swelling as the result of the surgery and it just took that long for things to return to normal. CTA is somewhat less invasive so I would think recovery might not take as long but I don't know that to be a fact.