Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 04:51:55 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 04:51:55 PM
I have a background in classical music, violin since age six.  In the year 2000 a rock band formed when I lived in Roslyn, Washington State.  If you remember the 1990s television show Northern Exposure the Brick Tavern is there.  "The Runner Stumbles" was also filmed in Roslyn.  It is a lot of fun - I run an electric violin through an obnoxious guitar amp and create whatever I feel like.  The band has been the same people 17 years, plus a few others who joined occasionally - we are great friends. 

I dressed female on stage twice but that didn't count, it was Halloween.  First time was a red dress, nice boots and back then I had to wear a wig. The first time I did that the keyboardist I'd known for a decade told me they were waiting for the violinist before they could start.  He had no idea who I was. 

We have a band gig this weekend.  It isn't a holiday and I am going to show up as my true self - as Kendra.  I haven't told anyone in the band.  I am not on that thing called Facebook.  Roslyn has less than 1,000 people, everyone talks and I have a weekend home there.  It's possible a few people in town might freak out but I don't care.  I am looking forward to the combination of being myself and playing music any way I want - loudly.  At that point there will be no turning back for me, at least not in that town.

If you look on the map Roslyn WA is located where you might assume problems with prejudice but I have found that isn't the case at all.  The town elected the state's first African-American mayor in 1974. 

And an unexpected result from starting HRT.  My sensory perception changed in so many ways, and another change is I now have this urge to get back into classical music on stage.  I don't plan on leaving the band but I am thinking about spending time with my acoustic violin - it's mostly sat parked since I was sixteen.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: steph2.0 on September 13, 2017, 04:58:03 PM
Go Kendra! I wish I could be there to give a standing ovation!

How about a YouTube video?

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Bari Jo on September 13, 2017, 05:05:19 PM
Kendra, seeing this post makes think we are sisters.  I have been playing violin since I was 6.  Unlike you though I was never good.  That didn't stop me from going to strings camp, even as an adult though.

In answer to your question, dress as your true self.  Believe me, people that like music like that it's music.  They won't be questioning your gender, even if they knew you from before.

BTW, I play a Jordan custom 5 string electric, and a gliga Gama. My aunty is a boss, that I have on my belt, and and is a GenzBenz.  What's in your arsenal?

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 05:15:07 PM
I think videos sometimes get posted to the band's Facebook page but I don't have an account.  I dont like Youtube videos because the sound quality from a phone recording is always horrible.  I'll try to get a decent photo of the band this weekend and will post it here.  I'll check with everyone in the band first, I'm almost certain everyone is fine with sharing info here. 

The band's name is Free Beer.  Or the complete name Free Beer at Exit 80.  Yeah I quit drinking years ago but that was after the band formed.

I bought a Yamaha electric violin ( in 2000, upgraded to a newer Yamaha and hated that, went back to the original through a Fender Twin Reverb and have always run wireless for less distraction on stage.  More recently bought a transparent 5-string and also a 4-string from Ted Brewer in London (, frankly sounds same to me as the basic Yamaha but I love the looks.  My main bow is a carbon fiber CodaBow Joule (, more sensible than using a fragile acoustic bow in a bar.  This weekend I'm trying out the new amp and effects setup I just bought, Line 6  ( and V-240.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Laurie on September 13, 2017, 06:16:27 PM
 Hi Kendra,

  I think it's a great idea. That part of "At that point there will be no turning back for me, at least not in that town.
" can be a bit of a stumbling block but not insurmountable. I also think it will be one of those "Big steps" for you too. You're already a wonderful woman so why not live it? Just one more step down that road on your journey to who you are.
  Free Beer at Exit 80 huh? I think I have a CD by them... Go for it girl.

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Bari Jo on September 13, 2017, 06:43:57 PM
Kendra, if you have the option to try, try a string amp pickup system.  When I win the lottery, I will buy a new electric with one of these.  They sound just like an acoustic.  Plus the technology is damn cool.  Anywat, sorry to hijack your thread, just so happy another girl is a violinist!

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 08:18:37 PM
String amp pickup - I'll look into that, thanks for the tip.  And I bet you are being modest and are gooood. 
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: HappyMoni on September 13, 2017, 08:31:44 PM
I know how to turn on a radio and I did have an 8 track player once. Oh and there is too much violins on TV. Well, on that note...
Sorry, I wanted to participate.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Devlyn on September 13, 2017, 08:34:47 PM
This could be a good comma lesson, too.

Coming out on stage.

Coming out, on stage.

Coming, out on stage.

<running away>  >:-)
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: KathyLauren on September 13, 2017, 08:36:09 PM
Go for it, Kendra!  I'm not sure if I'd have the cojones to come out to my bandmates at a gig, but I am sure you wouldn't be doing it if you weren't sure they'd by cool.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: DawnOday on September 13, 2017, 08:42:11 PM
Quote from: Devlyn Marie on September 13, 2017, 08:34:47 PM
This could be a good comma lesson, too.

Coming out on stage.

Coming out, on stage.

Coming, out on stage.

<running away>  >:-)
Comma's are your friends. I, use them, even if, I don't have to.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Laurie on September 13, 2017, 08:42:29 PM
Sheesh  ::) ::) ::)

All these jokesters running around loose. I jest don't know. Can't you all tell this is serious?

Besides, I want to hear her play Devil went down in Georgia.

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Laurie on September 13, 2017, 08:45:39 PM
Quote from: Devlyn Marie on September 13, 2017, 08:34:47 PM
This could be a good comma lesson, too.

Coming out on stage.

Coming out, on stage.

Coming, out on stage.

<running away>  >:-)

Comma, comma, chameleons?

Hugs, ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: DawnOday on September 13, 2017, 08:46:40 PM
I have three favorites. Jon luc Ponte and David LaFlamme from "It's a beautiful day" and Máiréad Nesbitt from Riverdance and Celtic Women. She is like a sprite on the stage.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: steph2.0 on September 13, 2017, 08:52:16 PM
Reminds me of the book about pandas entitled, "Eat, Shoots, and Leaves". (True story.)

As if honey badgers aren't bad enough, now we have to deal with armed pandas...

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 09:51:20 PM
The Devlyn went down to Georgia
She was lookin for a soul to steal
When she came across this fiddle player
And was willing to make a deal
So the Devlyn jumped up on a hickory stump
And said girl now don't you squeal
Now if you'd care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you
My punctuation ain't got no regrets and I know how to use commas too
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Bari Jo on September 14, 2017, 12:18:26 AM
Quote from: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 08:18:37 PM
String amp pickup - I'll look into that, thanks for the tip.  And I bet you are being modest and are gooood.

Ha, no, I really am terrible.  I never learned vibrato, can barely read music too.  It doesn't stop me from loving the instrument though.  My favorite violinists are Midori and Vanessa Mae and Bond, in that order.  I'm glad I saw Bond before they broke up.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: LizK on September 14, 2017, 03:40:11 AM
Quote from: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 09:51:20 PM
The Devlyn went down to Georgia
She was lookin for a soul to steal
When she came across this fiddle player
And was willing to make a deal
So the Devlyn jumped up on a hickory stump
And said girl now don't you squeal
Now if you'd care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you
My punctuation ain't got no regrets and I know how to use commas too

I'm calling unfair advantage in the pun stakes....Kendra you are a professional at this  ;D Good luck for you gig I hope you slay them
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: steph2.0 on September 17, 2017, 03:03:12 PM
Quote from: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 04:51:55 PM
We have a band gig this weekend.  It isn't a holiday and I am going to show up as my true self - as Kendra.

So how did it go? We're all waiting breathlessly to hear!

I'll bet you knocked 'em dead!

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on September 17, 2017, 10:50:29 PM
Frankly this couldn't have gone any better. 

When I showed up at band practice, almost no surprise at all (darn - sometimes I enjoy messing with people).  Nothing but support, I told everyone I started estrogen a couple months ago and haven't had to shave in almost two years, kept it all pretty casual and we focused on practice before the gig.  Band members were already offering to carry my heavy tube amp back into the trailer and I did mention yeah some things might get more difficult to lift in a few months.  And we joked around. 

At the Brick Tavern getting ready and on stage I was expecting a mixture of skeptics along with supportive people.  Instead, the entire time I was in this small town for the weekend - people I've known 15-20 years, and tourists, I saw nothing but 100% acceptance.  Not a single odd look or rude remark.  Same with breakfast in town the following morning with my boyfriend and girlfriend.  (I introduced them both to the band, and to several I've known in town - that all went well.)

During the set breaks and after, guys I already knew were supportive and those I didn't know didn't seem to notice or care.  What is unexpected is so many women were ecstatic to see me openly transgender - I had so many individually tell me they have never seen me happier and they think this is just great.  I know this isn't how things usually go but this is what happened.

One of our tunes is Devil Went Down to Georgia (yeah, the other Devil).  I play it a bit faster than the original recording, always an audience favorite.  Right before launching into that our keyboardist got on the microphone and said... well we used to have a great fiddle player, Ken, but he's gone.  Now we have Kendra and she's even better.   A bunch of people cheered out in the audience - a lot.  I couldn't believe it.

There are some things you cannot catch in a photo.  Burned into my memory is the way I felt looking across the violin fingerboard as I was playing, a pretty crowded room full of people dancing and having a great time, playing music any damn way I feel like.  I feel so free.

( (

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Laurie on September 17, 2017, 11:02:08 PM
WOW Damn cool Kendra. Damn cool.  So happy it went so well for you. It's just awesome.

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: steph2.0 on September 17, 2017, 11:06:09 PM
Quote from: Kendra on September 17, 2017, 10:50:29 PM
Frankly this couldn't have gone any better. 


I was in this small town for the weekend - people I've known for 15-20 years, and tourists, I saw nothing but 100% acceptance


Now we have Kendra and she's even better.  A bunch of people cheered out in the audience - a lot.  I couldn't believe it.

There are some things you cannot catch in a photo.  Burned into my memory is the way I felt looking across the violin fingerboard as I was playing, a pretty crowded room full of people dancing and having a great time, playing music any damn way I feel like.  I feel so free.

Oh dammit Kendra, you've got me in tears. I am so happy for you.

My wife keeps telling me to quit worrying about coming out to the rest of my friends, because the way I've lived my life and the way I've treated other people has caused them to build up respect for me over the years, and they want me to be happy. I hope that's true.

I'm certain that's what happened for you. You look so happy.


Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Bari Jo on September 17, 2017, 11:34:04 PM
This thread warms my heart.  Congrats Kendra.  I'm so happy for you.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on November 04, 2017, 12:39:42 PM
Saturday night was my second time on stage with the band as Kendra instead of Ken. 
I'll let the photos do the talkin'


The band - Free Beer. 




Small town... that drummer is the mayor.

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: DawnOday on November 04, 2017, 12:54:48 PM
Awesome... Let me know when you're playing again. I'll make the trip to Roslyn. Looking so forward to meeting you.  Inspire.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on November 04, 2017, 01:00:20 PM
Thank you Dawn!  I will definitely let you know.  We were going to schedule the Brick Tavern in February, but with a January GRS might postpone that gig until March.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: MaryT on November 04, 2017, 01:03:03 PM
Quote from: Kendra on November 04, 2017, 12:39:42 PM
Saturday night was my second time on stage with the band as Kendra instead of Ken. 
I'll let the photos do the talkin'


The band - Free Beer. 




Small town... that drummer is the mayor.


Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Bari Jo on November 04, 2017, 01:05:52 PM
Wonder woman indeed!  You are awesome Kendra!

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Megan. on November 04, 2017, 02:59:10 PM
Wow Kendra,  looking great! X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: KathyLauren on November 04, 2017, 04:02:39 PM
Whoa!  Outstanding, Kendra!  Looks like you had fun.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: steph2.0 on November 04, 2017, 04:23:25 PM
Quote from: Kendra on November 04, 2017, 12:39:42 PM

This picture brought me to tears. A beautiful woman completely lost in the bliss of her music. Knowing the battles fought to get to that point just makes it more poignant. I am so happy for you, Kendra.

And a GRS date set, too. I've run out of words.

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on November 04, 2017, 05:59:15 PM
Thank you.

I hesitated so many times in years past when I didn't know what others had done and what is possible.  I owe where I am to those who pioneered the ways to become our true selves.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: HappyMoni on November 04, 2017, 06:53:28 PM
Love seeing you so happy Kendra. If I wasn't so far away, I'd come see you play.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Colleen_definitely on November 07, 2017, 07:08:45 AM
I have to give it to you Kendra, that is a totally hot outfit and you look incredible in it. 
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on April 03, 2018, 02:15:17 PM
Saturday May 12 2018 we will be on staqe at the Brick Tavern in Roslyn, Washington State.  If anyone from here wants to come on over, let me know and I'll set you up with a place to crash within walking distance.  Band gigs this year have been timed to fit surgery schedule - I'll be out of commission for a couple months after the next one.
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: steph2.0 on April 03, 2018, 03:23:19 PM
Quote from: Kendra on April 03, 2018, 02:15:17 PM
Saturday May 12 2018 we will be on staqe at the Brick Tavern in Roslyn, Washington State.  If anyone from here wants to come on over, let me know and I'll set you up with a place to crash within walking distance.  Band gigs this year have been timed to fit surgery schedule - I'll be out of commission for a couple months after the next one.
I actually already have that in my calendar, looked up on The Brick's website. I wish I could be there! I ripped the tunes from your CD to my phone and listen to them all the time.

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on August 31, 2018, 02:18:09 PM
Saturday October 27, 2018 - on stage in Roslyn, WA at Markos Place, a bar 1 block from the Brick Tavern.  If anyone happens to be there let me know and I'll set you up with a place to stay. 

It's halloween again.  Maybe I'll freak everyone out and dress as a guy. 
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: steph2.0 on August 31, 2018, 03:21:27 PM
Quote from: Kendra on August 31, 2018, 02:18:09 PM
Saturday October 27, 2018 - on stage in Roslyn, WA at Markos Place, a bar 1 block from the Brick Tavern.  If anyone happens to be there let me know and I'll set you up with a place to stay. 

It's halloween again.  Maybe I'll freak everyone out and dress as a guy.

Sixteen days from now will be the one year anniversary of your coming out on stage. I missed that and it's probable, unfortunately, that I'll have to miss this, too. But wow, think of everything that we've all accomplished since then. What an incredible year.

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: islandgirl on August 31, 2018, 04:18:21 PM
Great to hear that you will be back on stage! I will unfortunately miss that performance as I will be in Mesa. Still on my list of things to do - see you play! I did have my first consult for BA. Went well and now waiting to see if I will get any funding. If not I will go for it anyway!

Take care!
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: LizK on August 31, 2018, 05:02:35 PM
Quote from: Kendra on September 13, 2017, 09:51:20 PM
The Devlyn went down to Georgia
She was lookin for a soul to steal
When she came across this fiddle player
And was willing to make a deal
So the Devlyn jumped up on a hickory stump
And said girl now don't you squeal
Now if you'd care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you
My punctuation ain't got no regrets and I know how to use commas too

Drops the mike......

Bravo  ;D
Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: Kendra on January 20, 2019, 04:07:52 PM
Halloween 2018 weekend.  Marko's Place, Roslyn, Washington State:


and January 5, 2019.  Brick Tavern, Roslyn, Washington State:

In the audience is Laurie (;u=64254) & Michelle (;u=47977) from Susan's.  Laurie is facing the stage, red spotlight:

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: LizK on January 20, 2019, 04:17:40 PM
Great Photo's Kendra thanks for sharing them with us...that @Laurie woman sure does get around and it would seem she always has her BFF Michelle in tow...they make a cute couple LOL Great to see you enjoying yourself on stage..

Take care

Title: Re: Coming out on stage
Post by: islandgirl on January 20, 2019, 06:13:57 PM
Love the phot's Kendra! Always wanted to wear one of those tartan skirts!