Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: judithlynn on October 11, 2017, 07:49:25 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Femininity
Post by: judithlynn on October 11, 2017, 07:49:25 PM
In doing a throw out at home of old files I came across this note from my cis girlfriend Alison on what is femininity

Thought everyone might like it:

Femininity, in essence is a romantic sentiment, a nostalgic tradition of imposed limitations. Even as it hurries forward into the 1990's, putting on lipstick, and high heels to appear well dressed, it trips on the ruffled petticoats and hoop skirts of an era gone by. Invariably and necessarily, femininity is something that women had more of in the past, not only in the historic past of prior generations, but in each woman's personal past as well – in the virginal innocence that is replaced by knowledge, in the glowing cheeks that are coarsened by age, in the inherent nature what a woman seems to misplace so forgetfully when she steps out of bounds. Why should this be so, the oestrogen dominated hormonal balance is generally as biology intended, the reproductive organs, are usually in place, the breasts of whatever size are most often where they should be, But clearly femaleness is not enough. Femininitydemands more.

Basically to fail at the feminine difference is to appear not to care about men, and to risk the loss of their attention and approval. To be insufficiently feminine is viewed as a core failure in core sexual identity, or as a failure to care about oneself, for a woman founding wanting will be appraised (and will appraise herself) as mannish or simply unattractive as men have defined these terms.

Femininity though is being about an exquisite aesthetic. Enormous pleasure can be extracted from feminine pursuits as a creative outlet, or purely as relaxation, indeed indulgence for the sake of fun, or art, or attention is among femininity's great joys. Basically the world smiles and adores the feminine woman.

It does not require a great deal of imagination for a woman to understand the feminine principle as a grand collection of compromises, large and small that she must make to simply make herself a successful woman

The masculine principal is best understood as the driving ethos of superiority designed to inspire straightforward success, whilst the feminine principle is composed of vulnerability. The need for protection, the formalities of compliance and the avoidance of conflict – in short an appeal of dependence and good will that gives the masculine principal its romantic validity and its admiring applause.

Part 2 to follow:
Title: Re: Femininity
Post by: rmaddy on October 11, 2017, 08:47:32 PM
Quote from: judithlynn on October 11, 2017, 07:49:25 PM

The masculine principal is best understood as the driving ethos of superiority designed to inspire straightforward success, whilst the feminine principle is composed of vulnerability. The need for protection, the formalities of compliance and the avoidance of conflict – in short an appeal of dependence and good will that gives the masculine principal its romantic validity and its admiring applause.

"Excuse me...Bus Driver?  This is my stop."
Title: Re: Femininity
Post by: Allie24 on October 11, 2017, 09:13:03 PM
Oooo, that was so beautifully written I got chills.

I think it really says something about embracing both aspects of ourselves. Masculine and feminine qualities are something everyone should posses, to some degree, yet society says that these qualities belong to men and women (and males and females), exclusively. Pish-Posh!

Would Alison, by chance, be a scholar or a student of gender studies?