Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: Allie24 on October 14, 2017, 08:03:14 PM Return to Full Version

Title: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Allie24 on October 14, 2017, 08:03:14 PM
I made a post about my face a while ago but I still have so many nagging problems with it... I think it has more to do with insecurity than it does with passing. Like, when I compare my face to a celebrity I hate it and I think its ugly, especially my giant beak of a nose... it looks nice at some angles, but at the 45 degree it becomes enormous...

I feel all this pressure to undergo plastic surgery, but I don't want to look plastic. I think something like FFS would probably just make me look like a Barbie doll. And it looks hella painful. Every video I watch on it, coming out the patients look like they've been smacked with a sledgehammer with the bruising under the eyes and the bandages all around the face. Recovery must be hell.

A customer was flirting with me today and called me beautiful over and over... and that was without any makeup.

Is it media? It's media, isn't it?

Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Colleen_definitely on October 14, 2017, 08:28:40 PM
Allie, you have a nose that is perfectly proportioned to your face.  While being insecure is normal, you definitely need to lighten up on yourself a bit.  You seriously hit the genetic jackpot.

You want a beak?  Look at Barbara Streisand, now THAT is a schnoz.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Roll on October 14, 2017, 08:35:37 PM
Your nose is gorgeous to me! You absolutely don't need to get any work done.

Unfortunately, that is easy to say but I know all too well how hard it is to accept, and you aren't alone in these feelings. Countless women and even men, regardless of being trans or cis, feel pressure to live up to standards of beauty that are set by the media. And frankly, a lot of the times I don't even think those standards are that beautiful to begin with. Often it isn't even that the individuals in the media find that standard beautiful themselves, but rather it is all about what they can sell.

Surgeries to pass aside (which is a different issue really, at least to me), I've always believed that authenticity is infinitely more attractive. You mentioned the Barbie doll look, and that sums it up in a nutshell.

I'm also guilty of these same feelings about myself despite the view I hold towards others. I have no idea what will or will not eventually help me pass at the point I am at, but in the back of my mind I've already somewhat resigned myself to nose work. I feel it's bent and out of shape (though I do honestly believe I have a deviated septum from a childhood injury), and no matter what people tell me about it looking perfectly fine, all I can see when I look at it is that slight crook and little spur inside one nostril. Trying not to hold yourself to an unfair standard is a really hard thing to do when you spend most of your life hyper analyzing everything about yourself you don't like due to issues like being transgender. :-/

Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Dena on October 14, 2017, 09:18:59 PM
First you are feminine and attractive so there is no need for you to have facial surgery. Second there is something from my life for you to consider.

I worked as a computer programmer and there was another in the shop who was in charge of a product. He always wanted the software to be perfect before it was shipped. The problem with this was we couldn't ship functional units and the customer who had them were crashing several times a day. Because we could remotely upgrade the unit, my boss put his foot down and shipped code when it was better but not perfect. This made the customers happy and the product better.

I on the other hand would fix the problems I could and the ones I didn't have the information to fix, I would keep on the list for the next release when hopefully I knew enough to fix them.

If everybody tells you that you are feminine, accept their word and move on to enjoy your new life. Surgery is painful and the recovery can often take a year before everything is completely back to normal. Avoid surgery that isn't necessary and accept like a CIS woman does that you might not be perfect but you are accepted by others.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Lady Lisandra on October 14, 2017, 09:23:54 PM
Yeah, it definitely is media. As I said in another post, look at indian celebrities. A lot of them have big noses. Media is trying to sell a single beauty standart for everyone, but the thing is each person is beautiful in their own unique way.

Don't use celebrities as a guide.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: josie76 on October 14, 2017, 10:34:58 PM
Your face is wonderful! Your nose is just right and still has a feminine shape. You are so lucky to have avoided the changes testosterone does. Try not to be so hard on yourself.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Julia1996 on October 15, 2017, 08:42:56 AM
You're very pretty. You totally don't need facial surgery.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Toni on October 15, 2017, 09:42:35 PM
Hon, you look just fine.  Consider just how lucky you are to be so lovely and accept it.  Hugs, Toni
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Allie24 on October 15, 2017, 10:13:03 PM
FFS just seems like such a popular procedure for trans girls my age. Maybe I'm feeling peer pressure :/
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Charlie Nicki on October 15, 2017, 10:45:18 PM
Allie you really need to work on your self confidence. No surgery will give you that and that's the only real problem I see here. Your face is feminine and pretty, your nose is too. It seems like you are constantly looking for flaws to feel down about yourself, and comparing yourself to impossible standards (like celebrities) is not healthy. And, while I'm sure this is not your intention, you are starting to sound like that one skinny friend we all have who constantly complains about being obese or ugly to her other less attractive friends who might actually end up rolling their eyes all the way to their necks if this behavior is persistent.

As somebody else said, most ciswomen accept how their faces look and work with what they have, instead of getting depressed because they aren't Megan Fox.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: rmaddy on October 16, 2017, 12:44:24 AM
Quote from: Allie24 on October 14, 2017, 08:03:14 PM
Recovery must be hell.

No, but only in the sense that it isn't eternal.  For several days I felt as bad as I looked.  :P

The weirdest thing was that for a few days I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror at all.  This was a pretty disorienting feeling.  It was quite a relief to see my face re-emerge from the bruises.  Yeah, I look different, but it's definitely me.  FFS can be a really positive thing, but it can also be a rabbit hole of perfectionism in pursuit of a look that isn't really yours.

Maybe someday you'll "go there" and maybe you won't.  I agree with the others though.  You have feminine face.  There's a lot to love there right now, and you're way too critical of yourself.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Bari Jo on October 16, 2017, 03:58:59 AM
Allie you look great.  Your comment from certain angles made me chuckle.  I've got that issue only like a billion times worse than you think you have it.  Side profile on me makes me very uncomfortable.  I'm still going to see how o feel after HRT has done some of its magic.  My worst thing is brow ridge.  You've got none!  Your bone structure really is great!  Your nose also is great.  If I ever go for ffs to fix my nose I'd be showing reference of Picts like yours to be something I'd want on my face.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: KathyLauren on October 16, 2017, 06:36:19 AM
Lately, I have been noticing masculine-looking women a lot.  They aren't all trans women.  In fact, I'd bet good money that almost all of them are cis women.  There are just a lot of women who have unfortunate genes.

The point is, Allie, that you are a lot prettier than a lot of cis women.  It would be a shame to take a scalpel to such a lovely face.  Your nose, in particular (since you mention it), is exactly the sort of cute girly nose that many women endure plastic surgery to achieve.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Izzy Grace on October 16, 2017, 11:36:15 AM
Quote from: KathyLauren on October 16, 2017, 06:36:19 AM
Lately, I have been noticing masculine-looking women a lot.  They aren't all trans women.  In fact, I'd bet good money that almost all of them are cis women.  There are just a lot of women who have unfortunate genes.

The point is, Allie, that you are a lot prettier than a lot of cis women.  It would be a shame to take a scalpel to such a lovely face.  Your nose, in particular (since you mention it), is exactly the sort of cute girly nose that many women endure plastic surgery to achieve.

Honestly, every girl I look at now I look for how masculine she looks, if that isnt telegraphing where my head is.

Allie, I think we all pretty universally find you to be super passable and beautiful. I certainly wish I had your features. I also totally get that that only goes so far. You have to feel the same way or its not going to satisfy the feeling you have about it internally.

I cant really say dont get FFS, cause I want to. Frankly if I can find a way its happening. I personally would probably not get it if I had your face, and I'd say if your going to do it anyway, just be really careful because you really are where I'd like to be. I'm starting with far more masculine features though.

Quote from: rmaddy on October 16, 2017, 12:44:24 AM
Yeah, I look different, but it's definitely me.  FFS can be a really positive thing, but it can also be a rabbit hole of perfectionism in pursuit of a look that isn't really yours.

Maybe someday you'll "go there" and maybe you won't.  I agree with the others though.  You have feminine face.  There's a lot to love there right now, and you're way too critical of yourself.

Yeah, this is what I know I have to worry about and I agree.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: TransAm on October 16, 2017, 01:22:52 PM
Quote from: KathyLauren on October 16, 2017, 06:36:19 AM
Lately, I have been noticing masculine-looking women a lot.  They aren't all trans women.  In fact, I'd bet good money that almost all of them are cis women.  There are just a lot of women who have unfortunate genes.

The point is, Allie, that you are a lot prettier than a lot of cis women.  It would be a shame to take a scalpel to such a lovely face.  Your nose, in particular (since you mention it), is exactly the sort of cute girly nose that many women endure plastic surgery to achieve.

The other night my fiancée and I got invited to a Friday the 13th zombie party. We met up at our friend's new apartment and a ton of women started pouring in (a little awkward for me, but I digress). One of them sat down next to me and we chatted for a while. I was absolutely certain she was trans--predominant brow ridge, large/strong nose, large hands, fairly tall, and just generally strong features apart from a beard shadow--but didn't really think anything else of it.
She wasn't. It surprised me, but she definitely wasn't.

Your nose looks great by female standards from all angles you presented.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Dani on October 16, 2017, 05:14:02 PM
Quote from: Allie24 on October 15, 2017, 10:13:03 PM
FFS just seems like such a popular procedure for trans girls my age. Maybe I'm feeling peer pressure :/

FFS is popular because many of us NEED it to even slightly pass. I am a late transitioner and I needed FFS.

You are young and very pretty. If you still feel you must have FFS, I have no idea what they would do to improve your face.

Aside from the expense, you will always have surgical scars from FFS. But most importantly, not all FFS procedures will make you look more feminine. Sometimes the surgeon makes a bad mistake.

Avoid surgery if you do not really NEED it.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Allie24 on October 16, 2017, 07:02:45 PM
I understand a lot of late transitioners opt for FFS due to the effects of prolonged exposure to testosterone. But I was speaking moreso in reference to women my age (18-23) who are having it done. I though some of them looked fine, but then I saw that they often had forehead contouring done to get rid of their brow ridge. It's when I'm in profile or at certain angles that it worries me most and makes me wonder if they're right to have it done?
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Colleen_definitely on October 16, 2017, 07:39:35 PM
Right or wrong, many of them get it done because it is so culturally ingrained that it almost seems like you have to in this community.  I felt like I really had to at first, and now I'm having second thoughts (and there's definitely more that could be done on me than on you)

What I'm really afraid of are scars that I'll be conscious of for the rest of my life.  Sure grinding down what little brow ridge I have and tugging my upper lip up would probably help me pass a little better, but passing isn't a problem for me at this point.  What I am afraid of is if something goes wrong.  A paralyzed eyebrow, an upper lip I'll never feel again, a nasty looking scar going along my hairline, all of these (and more) are risks anyone who gets FFS face.  Minor scarring is inevitable, but things can go really wrong on rare occasions.  (and with luck like mine...)  So I say if you can avoid it, I think you should.

Now not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to pass without FFS, and for them the reward is absolutely worth the risk.  But for you?  I wouldn't mess with a good thing.  You're very pretty and you have no features in your face to suggest being trans.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: flytrap on October 16, 2017, 07:48:10 PM
Regardless of how other people see us, our insecurities are real, Allie24. Fix one and another one pops up to take its place. I am wondering if you have considered that you might be better spending your money for therapy to improve your self image?
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: rmaddy on October 16, 2017, 10:28:31 PM
Quote from: Colleen_definitely on October 16, 2017, 07:39:35 PM
Now not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to pass without FFS, and for them the reward is absolutely worth the risk. 

I didn't have FFS to pass.  I had it for the same reason I curl my hair, paint my nails and get dressed every morning--because I am worth adornment.  Having painful surgery to satisfy someone else's expectations makes no sense to me at all.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: flytrap on October 17, 2017, 06:31:26 AM
Something I did when I was going through my insecure phase:
I got a handful of shots of myself (different angle close ups, at the beach in my bikini, in the park wearing jeans and a couple nice outfits) and put them on one of those rank my photo sites. After a thousand or so votes I was surprised to see I got my share of "8's" and "9's," even a couple "10's" (Primary swore he didn't stack the ballet box :) The shots that didn't show how flat I was always did better but overall I came in at a just over a "6." Sort of the "blend into the crowd cute" I was hoping was the way people saw me.

This really helped my self image. I'm not uber girly or into makeup and I never kidded myself I was a beauty. It was good to find out how a group of people who had no reason to spare my feelings or inflate my ego saw me. Thinking about it this was probably a pretty extreme test. I mean most of the girls on the site are basically attractive- who posts their picture on a site like that for people to tell them they're ugly?

Anyway, beauty is alot more than how a person looks in a picture. Guys ask me out enough that I didn't think they thought I was ugly and probably because I am tall, people seem to assume I'm a model. I guess I'm sort of that tall skinny girl with the brown lob. The big shock was when Primary posted the same kind of shots of himself. He was kinda bummed that people only ranked him as a "4.25."
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: rmaddy on October 17, 2017, 02:53:35 PM
Why let others rate you?  If you get a low number, do you become less of a human being?  If you get a high number, do you become more?  Nobody has the right to objectify you in such a way, and asking them to do so suggests that you depend on others to make or break you.

It's inside you girl.  Own it.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: flytrap on October 17, 2017, 08:06:15 PM
(I am assuming these question were addressed to me)

Quote from: rmaddy on October 17, 2017, 02:53:35 PMWhy let others rate you? 
Other people rate us from the minute we are born. It is important feedback that helps us navigate the world.

Quote from: rmaddy on October 17, 2017, 02:53:35 PMIf you get a low number, do you become less of a human being? If you get a high number, do you become more?
I do not think ratings affect a person's humanity.

Quote from: rmaddy on October 17, 2017, 02:53:35 PMNobody has the right to objectify you in such a way, and asking them to do so suggests that you depend on others to make or break you.
Yes, that's another way to look at it.

Quote from: rmaddy on October 17, 2017, 02:53:35 PM
It's inside you girl.  Own it.
That a great idea but it can take hundreds of hours of therapy and the best part of  a person's lifetime to overcome insecurity, particularly when it is related to childhood abuse. My opinion only matters inside my head. Finding out how other people see me really helped my self confidence.

Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Allie24 on October 17, 2017, 08:36:51 PM
Perhaps that is something to consider.

I can say that a lot of my insecurities stem from my mother who was a overwhelmingly toxic influence on me, growing up. She would frequently gaslight me and use my own mental illness as a reason for why I was incapable of making certain decisions about who I was. I told her I was bisexual and she told me that I can't be because "she knew me," and "no one knows you better than your parents." I told her that my friends at school thought I looked attractive in makeup, she told me that they were lying to me. When I came out as trans, she thought that maybe my partner was manipulating me. She said the same thing about my friends in high school: she was convinced they were coercing me into bisexuality.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: rmaddy on October 17, 2017, 09:35:20 PM
Quote from: flytrap on October 17, 2017, 08:06:15 PM
(I am assuming these question were addressed to me)
Other people rate us from the minute we are born. It is important feedback that helps us navigate the world.

While it's perfectly true that people rate (i.e. put a relative value on) you, it is a toxic behavior, and asking people to rate you on a 1 to 10 scale goes quite a bit beyond the normal, healthy desire for external validation.  "You look nice today" is validating.  I would argue that "You are a 9" is not, and is highly arrogant on the part of the person who says it.  Yes, I get that the "9" might feel good, but giving others that power in your life doesn't work out well in the long run.  Next thing you know, someone gives you a 5 and you feel all crappy about it.  That number never made you more or less valuable.  It might make you feel that way in the short run, but there are healthier ways to get on.

Quote from: flytrap on October 17, 2017, 08:06:15 PMMy opinion only matters inside my head.

Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"  --Albus Dumbledore

Quote from: flytrap on October 17, 2017, 08:06:15 PMFinding out how other people see me really helped my self confidence.

You need and deserve validation.  It is best when it is spontaneous (i.e not asked for), detailed ("I like how you did your hair today," and from someone who actually has impact in your life (not a stranger on the internet).  At the end of the day though, the most enduring validation comes from inside yourself.  Is it really SELF confidence if it comes from random strangers?
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: flytrap on October 18, 2017, 02:54:22 PM
@ rmaddy
It might be worth thinking about why you need to be such a jerk about this? Some people have plastic surgery on their faces, boobs and genitals to find the enduring validation that comes from inside themself. Some people just put their picture on a rank my photo site. Everybody does what they need to do to get through their day. I'm not going to talk to you anymore about this.

I am sorry for highjacking your thread.
Title: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Obfuskatie on October 19, 2017, 05:11:41 AM
I think you look great as is [emoji6]

For me, the decision to get FFS wasn't hard at all, I knew that I wanted it, but I didn't want to look like any particular person or celebrity. It was more about saying goodbye to a reflection I had disliked most of my life. Yes recovery sucks, but it's survivable. To me, plastic surgery has allowed me to get rid of much of the burden when it comes to my social anxiety.

One thing that helps, in case you decide not to get surgery, cover your mirrors for a month or more. Making it so that you aren't able to examine and criticize your reflection, will also allow you to see more distinct changes during your transition. I know it's tempting to police yourself constantly so that randos don't clock you, but maybe our self esteem needs a vacation from our inner wardens at times.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: CarlyMcx on October 19, 2017, 07:53:00 PM
Allie, you do not have a big nose. You have a nose that I would pray to have after FFS.  I have a big nose, and it is pretty obvious in my profile picture.  My nose, seen from the side, has a downward hook at the bottom, the tip is asymmetrical, and I have a prominent bony protrusion in the middle.  My nose gets me clocked all the time, even though the hormones gave me a very nice looking little body.  Add to that my brow bossing, which is miles short of neanderthal, but still visible enough to contribute to the impression of maleness, and I need FFS to pass.

The only area I got lucky was my jawbone, which is unusually small to the point that my orthodontist had to pull out and throw away my second bicuspids when I was a teenager.

I am going to have FFS.  Hopefully Kaiser will be covering it by next year and I can still afford my crummy bronze Obamacare policy by then.     If not, then I am going to have to save my pennies for a few years in order to pay for the surgery. 

I am a trial lawyer; my face and my voice are my primary communications tools.  If I don't look and sound right, I can't win cases and my livelihood is gone.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: rmaddy on October 19, 2017, 09:05:36 PM
Quote from: CarlyMcx on October 19, 2017, 07:53:00 PM

I am a trial lawyer; my face and my voice are my primary communications tools.  If I don't look and sound right, I can't win cases and my livelihood is gone.

So what's your plan regarding voice?  I totally know where you are coming from.  I'm an ER doctor...if I don't sound confident/"in charge" my patients get unsettled.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Colleen_definitely on October 19, 2017, 09:47:35 PM
A voice coach did wonders for me.

Of course voice isn't as critical to my job, they just need me to do my science voodoo thing and sometimes a bit of teaching afterwards.  It is really fun to confuse the hell out of people at the drive through when in boy mode.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: rmaddy on October 19, 2017, 11:05:33 PM
How long did it take you, Colleen?

I have made progress on my voice, but it just takes too much of my consciousness for me to maintain it at work.  I feel distracted from the task at hand, and I slip back down.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Colleen_definitely on October 20, 2017, 07:00:17 AM
I took five or six sessions over the course of two months, but the real progress was made practicing constantly on my own time.  I used the tools my coach taught me and started out practicing by reading those little golden books you may have had when first learning to read.  I found them to be perfect for practice at first since the real novels and technical documents I typically read had me worrying about pronunciation instead of focusing on pitch and inflection.  I just kept my pitch monitor app running on the phone and had my girlfriend critique when she could.

Progress was really slow at first.  I'd be lucky to make it through a paragraph without dropping.  I kept at it though.  The biggest progress for me was after coming out at home and being able to use EVERY conversation as a practice session.

Now that I'm about 4 months in I can reliably hold my voice at a good pitch.  While I'm a little under the magic 200Hz mark, I make up for it with inflection.  My range is still a bit limited and that's my current focus.

Dropping to guy voice is starting to be really annoying.  I pass on the phone quite well now, and never seem to get weird looks when out and about.  Well, save for boy mode since I stopped caring and let girl voice leak through.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Roll on October 20, 2017, 08:04:05 AM
Quote from: Colleen_definitely on October 20, 2017, 07:00:17 AM
the real novels and technical documents I typically read had me worrying about pronunciation instead of focusing on pitch and inflection.  I just kept my pitch monitor app running on the phone and had my girlfriend critique when she could.

One of the apps I've been using tests pitch over time with passages from Dorian Gray, so know exactly what you mean. It also doesn't help I spend half my concentration trying to do an old English accent while reading it. I'm going to wind up sounding like a time displaced British lady because of it.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Colleen_definitely on October 20, 2017, 08:08:30 AM
That's the same one I have.  Those passages are great for later, but at first you have WAY more to worry about than fashionably complex prose.

We might want to start a new thread to stop from derailing Allie's here.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Charlie Nicki on October 20, 2017, 11:44:25 AM
Quote from: Roll on October 20, 2017, 08:04:05 AM
It also doesn't help I spend half my concentration trying to do an old English accent while reading it. I'm going to wind up sounding like a time displaced British lady because of it.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Allie24 on October 20, 2017, 01:41:12 PM
Does my forehead read as male? It's not unheard of for cis women to have some light brow bossing, but does mine even fit in the female range?
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Roll on October 20, 2017, 02:44:01 PM
I'm not sure what the female range is, but your brow bossing seems very light if not practically non-existent(seriously, from the side view I see nothing), and your forehead in general has a slope that doesn't look masculine at all (which looking through pictures googling this topic tends to be the bigger issue it seems).

I just compared it with a picture of my uber-feminine sister and her brow is more noticeable than yours, so I'm guessing it is in the female norm?

Also, be less pretty you keep making me jealous. <3 ;D
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: LadyGreen on October 20, 2017, 08:54:50 PM
Yeah i'd kill for a nose like that, mine looks like it's been broken a few times and your forehead looks fine. Honestly i doubt i would know your trans if you hadnt posted on trans forum.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Izzy Grace on October 22, 2017, 01:47:51 PM
I've been looking at women ALOT since I first saw this thread. Because of this thread, but also my own selfish facial wants.

I've seen all kinds of cisgender women. I also spent a lot of time looking at side profiles of women on google images.

I can say to you, that your brow fits into a feminine spectrum. BTW, I just love the safety pins in your ears.

The question is, I guess, what kind of female profile do you want? You've got the tiniest brow bump, but... I've seen that on alot of women. Are you looking for hyper-feminine... i am. You know, we want what we want.

I think if a person really knows and understands the risks and knows what they want and no one who loves them deeply is throwing up big red flags that person is going to do what will make them happy and thats ok. Theres risks, you know, I'm sure you already know.

I've said it befoire and I respect that it might not be enough for you, but... I've seen your facial profile and ones like it on a lot of cis women. I think you look great but I also think I know what you seem to want, me too.

You have to decide whats right for you.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Izzy Grace on October 23, 2017, 09:43:53 AM
Sorry for the double post, but look at a side profile of Francis Bean Cobain on google images, its all relative.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Roll on October 23, 2017, 12:08:31 PM
That's funny, I was thinking of another celebrity daughter myself in Rumer Willis on this topic. (Who despite getting her father's features almost to the last, still is definitively feminine. Amazing how that works.)
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: EvaB on October 26, 2017, 06:02:51 AM

As far as I am concerned, your nose is perfect for you!  I am an author (definitely not famous), but I wrote something that I think fits here:

Beauty and Ugliness

At first, my sense of beauty was limited to Caucasian women,
Their delicate white skin and grace enamoring my youthful vision.
They were the most beautiful women I had ever witnessed.

Then I saw an oriental woman and beheld her beauty with wonder
And learned that there was more to beauty beyond white women.
This woman was tall, lean and among the most beautiful I had seen.

Then I saw a black woman, and she was astoundingly beautiful,
With full lips, she wavered into my pantheon of beautiful women.
Expanding my view of beauty again beyond the limits I imposed.

Then I saw a Latin woman with long black hair and I found another beauty,
Which I thought was among the most beautiful women I have ever seen,
And I was besotted once again, but also confused by what beauty is.

Then there was a white woman with different attributes, I found beautiful,
Then an oriental and black woman with different attributes, of great beauty;
Then as I walk down the street my view of beauty changed with every woman.

I have found that Beauty is limitless and if I do not see the beauty of a woman,
It is because I have placed a limit upon my understanding and my knowledge.
Not finding beauty is not a deficiency of the person being seen, but my insufficiency.

Beauty is only limited by the lack of knowledge of the beholder, by his ignorance.
Only idiots find ugliness, because they have given up looking for a person's beauty,
And given up the quest to continually seek the knowledge of the Golden Dialetik.

Beauty goes beyond men and women.  A fish would find neither beautiful,
But a fish would also not care about its ignorance, and not know of the Way.
Limiting knowledge is giving up the One and missing the beauty of this world.
(The Book of the Joyful Way;  moderator, don't worry, I own the copyright)

Please, don't limit your view of beauty.  As far as I am concerned everyone on this site is beautiful.  As there are different shades of color, there are different shades of beauty.  You are truly beautiful, all you need is to find this sense of beauty in yourself.
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Roll on October 26, 2017, 09:55:10 AM
You forgot about pacific islanders!

(I'm joking of course, that was beautiful to read! :))
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: solitary on October 26, 2017, 06:32:07 PM
Allie you look great and feminine,  :-*
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: Allie24 on October 26, 2017, 09:27:53 PM
Quote from: EvaB on October 26, 2017, 06:02:51 AM

As far as I am concerned, your nose is perfect for you!  I am an author (definitely not famous), but I wrote something that I think fits here:

Beauty and Ugliness

At first, my sense of beauty was limited to Caucasian women,
Their delicate white skin and grace enamoring my youthful vision.
They were the most beautiful women I had ever witnessed.

Then I saw an oriental woman and beheld her beauty with wonder
And learned that there was more to beauty beyond white women.
This woman was tall, lean and among the most beautiful I had seen.

Then I saw a black woman, and she was astoundingly beautiful,
With full lips, she wavered into my pantheon of beautiful women.
Expanding my view of beauty again beyond the limits I imposed.

Then I saw a Latin woman with long black hair and I found another beauty,
Which I thought was among the most beautiful women I have ever seen,
And I was besotted once again, but also confused by what beauty is.

Then there was a white woman with different attributes, I found beautiful,
Then an oriental and black woman with different attributes, of great beauty;
Then as I walk down the street my view of beauty changed with every woman.

I have found that Beauty is limitless and if I do not see the beauty of a woman,
It is because I have placed a limit upon my understanding and my knowledge.
Not finding beauty is not a deficiency of the person being seen, but my insufficiency.

Beauty is only limited by the lack of knowledge of the beholder, by his ignorance.
Only idiots find ugliness, because they have given up looking for a person's beauty,
And given up the quest to continually seek the knowledge of the Golden Dialetik.

Beauty goes beyond men and women.  A fish would find neither beautiful,
But a fish would also not care about its ignorance, and not know of the Way.
Limiting knowledge is giving up the One and missing the beauty of this world.
(The Book of the Joyful Way;  moderator, don't worry, I own the copyright)

Please, don't limit your view of beauty.  As far as I am concerned everyone on this site is beautiful.  As there are different shades of color, there are different shades of beauty.  You are truly beautiful, all you need is to find this sense of beauty in yourself.

That was a very lovely poem. Thank you for sharing that.

While beauty is a concern, it is mainly passing that I'm worried about... or not even passing, just fretting over masculine features in my face. I look like a woman... but somedays I look in the mirror and I don't see those petite features that others see, I see overly-enlarged masculine features. Body dysmorphia, I guess...
Title: Re: My face, my nose........ my nose, mostly............
Post by: solitary on October 29, 2017, 03:40:10 AM
You have a nice nose Allie24  :)