Community Conversation => Non-binary talk => Topic started by: Rowena_Ellenweorc on October 21, 2017, 09:10:27 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Recognition
Post by: Rowena_Ellenweorc on October 21, 2017, 09:10:27 PM
My facebook profile picture is a couple filters over a pic of me 9 years ago....   One of the filters is a non-binary flag... the other is just a filter with 'We will not let hate win' and its a rainbow colored... monitor?  Like the line you'd find on a heart monitor... That make sense?

With all the hubbub of people saying non-binary identities are invalid, and often feeling like it at home (Husband still uses she pronouns and it drives me crazy) I was surprised to find in one of my facebook groups, one about feeding tubes, someone INSTANTLY recognized what my profile picture was.  I felt SOOOOOOOO validated! Especially since they said it is awesome. (I later found out they are agender and pansexual, so they understood because of that...)

In some ways, I feel so stupid that someone recognized it and I'm this happy, but at the same time, it made me freakishly proud to be non-binary. (Which often is hard to be for me...)