General Discussions => Health => Weight loss => Topic started by: JessiCalypsoƸ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ on October 30, 2017, 08:37:45 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Good Diet??
Post by: JessiCalypsoƸ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ on October 30, 2017, 08:37:45 AM
So I've been withering away again, thanks to methadone... Unlike most people on it I don't gain weight, I lose it. It just takes away my appetite; like, I'll start to feel sick, then I'll realize I haven't eaten in a day or two... I'm 5'10 & down to 145 again... Managed to get up to 160, but lost it over the last month... I get my EBT on the 5th & I'd like to find a good diet to help me gain some weight. I've been on HRT since 9/14, was hoping the E would help, but no such luck... I guess I kinda hafta eat in order to gain, lol... I'm also open to any ideas you folks might have to stick to a possible diet as well...

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Title: Re: Good Diet??
Post by: Deborah on October 30, 2017, 09:15:02 AM
There is one simple rule that works really well.
QuoteEat food, not too much, mostly plants!

Beyond that a few other simple things can improve your diet.
-Reduce added sugar.
-Moderate or eliminate processed carbohydrates.
-Eat enough protein, but not too much.  You probably should get somewhere between 100 to 120 grams per day at a minimum.

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Title: Re: Good Diet??
Post by: KayXo on October 30, 2017, 09:17:51 AM
From my experience on HRT since 2004, four things might help:

- higher E, say, by injections
- taking bio-identical progesterone (Prometrium) in addition to E
- ensuring T levels are strongly inhibited
- increasing the amount of carbs you eat like pasta, potatoes, etc.

As always, go see your doctor and see if they agree. :) Best of luck!
Title: Re: Good Diet??
Post by: flytrap on October 30, 2017, 10:20:53 AM
I've always been talk and skinny and am your same height and weight. It's exactly what the doctor's recommend  If you are holding this weight it might be right for you.
Title: Re: Good Diet??
Post by: Dena on October 30, 2017, 03:04:05 PM
You need to eat regularly with a balanced diet. Gaining weight can be a problem but when my roommate was undergoing cancer treatment and everything tasted like cardboard, I found a solution. I made milk shakes using Boost or Ensure diet supplements as the base then added ice-cream. There is also a Boost very high calorie ( with about 530 calories a box. I don't recommend this as a regular diet for somebody who can eat but in the case of my roommate, this was the only thing she could get down and keep down.
Title: Re: Good Diet??
Post by: Roll on October 31, 2017, 12:20:34 AM
During my mom's severe appetite/weight issues with cancer treatments we found that the pure protein and fat combos were the simplest answer. Ie: Meat and cheese and then more meat and cheese. Milkshakes and ice cream if you don't have a lactose issue. Nuts were good too. Bread was a problem and would just instantly fill her up and make her sick, but some physically smaller carb sources weren't too bad. Also, eating slow so as not to overload your stomach is important. If you aren't eating enough any form of gorging will just throw you off even more.

I don't know how that will work out with methadone, but if the nausea you have is in anyway similar maybe it will help. Also, it helps to have someone you trust to simply tell you to eat if at all possible. And if you do, listen to them. (I was a slave driver forcing my mom to eat. ;D)