Community Conversation => Transitioning => Gender Correction Surgery => Topic started by: 808Moni on November 05, 2017, 01:45:12 AM Return to Full Version

Title: SRS with Dr. Kaushik. BMI and other concerns.
Post by: 808Moni on November 05, 2017, 01:45:12 AM
Hello everyone. I guess I would be a older member returning. My name is Monica, I remember being on this site when I was 16 and everyone being so nice and helpful. Fast forward 10 years now and life has really breezed by. I'm 26 now and finally financially and mentally ready for my SRS.

I know there have been a few threads regarding the Olmec clinic and Dr. Kaushik which I have read and continue to do my research and will be contacting those who have had surgery with him from this site.  But I had a general question and question for those who have went through him.

Has anyone with Dr. Kaushik or any other doctor had problems with surgeons not wanting to operate because of your BMI? I am 5'10 and weight 191 pounds. I am very proportionate, am not concidered nor even look overweight and yet the good Dr is Insistant that I drop to 165. How the good doctor expects me to drop 26 pounds is beyond me. But looking at his other work , I'm pretty sure some of his other patients do not have a BMI under 24. So I have no idea why the doctor wants me to starve myself and slave away at the gym to lose the weight ,I could see 10-15 but 26? Really? Has anyone else came across the issue?

Secondly regarding his email correspondence am I talking to him or one of his assistants because there's signing his name but avoid questions and refuse to give full awnser. I'm so ready to get this done and his office is making things so much harder. Is there a way to get with him directly? Anyone else with experience regarding the Olmec clinic please do help a sis out !
Title: Re: SRS with Dr. Kaushik. BMI and other concerns.
Post by: NCAmazon on November 05, 2017, 06:37:34 PM
There have been some posts on here and facebook about someone getting told they can't get SRS from Kaushik due to BMI too high. This is the case with all the Sigmoid Colon type SRS. 

If you even go to Dr Kamol, or PAI's site they have strict BMI requirements for Sigmoid Colon.
Title: Re: SRS with Dr. Kaushik. BMI and other concerns.
Post by: Dena on November 05, 2017, 08:48:10 PM
Welcome back to Susan's Place. I can't answer your question but other surgeons also have BMI restrictions as well. 165 pounds is the upper healthy weight for your height so that's where the number comes from. As for the reason, the anesthesiologist's job is less difficult if you are in the healthy range. In addition, excessive fat makes it more difficult to product a satisfactory appearance. This is something you only get one chance at so you want to make it possible for the surgeon to produce the best results possible.
Title: Re: SRS with Dr. Kaushik. BMI and other concerns.
Post by: alizia.sumi on November 28, 2017, 04:55:51 AM
Hello Monica,

I was going through your post and wanted to clear some of your doubts.

Yes, for Sigma-Lead SRS to get full depth your BMI should be in control range, This was also the case with me. I was more than 200 lbs and Dr. Kaushik asked me to lose some weight to do my Surgery. As I was going through his website. He has mentioned that Sigma-lead SRS is done in two stages. I raised that question with Dr. Kaushik and he wanted me to get outer srs first for cosmetic look and sigma-lead for depth can be done after I lose my weight.

You can go for Outer SRS first if you have budget and can travel back for further procedures (It doesn't matter if you are fit for anesthesia)

Followed his instruction and completed my Outer SRS. Meanwhile, I have done FFS procedures with him and will be visiting fourth time for final Sigma-Lead surgery. I am on my way to get to that range.
Title: Re: SRS with Dr. Kaushik. BMI and other concerns.
Post by: Dani on November 28, 2017, 05:19:36 AM
My surgeon required a BMI of less than 30. Others require a little less. For a really good result, you should be at ideal body weight.

The problem is not the subcutaneous fat, it is the interstitial fat. This is the fat within the muscles and surrounding the internal organs. Interstitial fat really interferes with the surgical procedure and healing as well. It is very difficult to get rid of as I can attest.

At the height and weight you mentioned, losing another 26 pounds should not be that difficult. It will require some effort but it can be done.
Title: Re: SRS with Dr. Kaushik. BMI and other concerns.
Post by: kat69 on December 02, 2017, 06:48:12 AM
I lost 30 pounds and am now 5' 11" and 178 almost perfect BMI of 25 for Dr Brassard.  It's not the easiest thing to do, but considering that it enables your journey to's well worth the effort. 
Title: Re: SRS with Dr. Kaushik. BMI and other concerns.
Post by: HappyMoni on December 02, 2017, 07:05:36 AM
Quote from: 808Moni on November 05, 2017, 01:45:12 AM
Hello everyone. I guess I would be a older member returning. My name is Monica, I remember being on this site when I was 16 and everyone being so nice and helpful. Fast forward 10 years now and life has really breezed by. I'm 26 now and finally financially and mentally ready for my SRS.

I know there have been a few threads regarding the Olmec clinic and Dr. Kaushik which I have read and continue to do my research and will be contacting those who have had surgery with him from this site.  But I had a general question and question for those who have went through him.

Has anyone with Dr. Kaushik or any other doctor had problems with surgeons not wanting to operate because of your BMI? I am 5'10 and weight 191 pounds. I am very proportionate, am not concidered nor even look overweight and yet the good Dr is Insistant that I drop to 165. How the good doctor expects me to drop 26 pounds is beyond me. But looking at his other work , I'm pretty sure some of his other patients do not have a BMI under 24. So I have no idea why the doctor wants me to starve myself and slave away at the gym to lose the weight ,I could see 10-15 but 26? Really? Has anyone else came across the issue?

Secondly regarding his email correspondence am I talking to him or one of his assistants because there's signing his name but avoid questions and refuse to give full awnser. I'm so ready to get this done and his office is making things so much harder. Is there a way to get with him directly? Anyone else with experience regarding the Olmec clinic please do help a sis out !
Hi Monica,
   I couldn't resist saying hello to another Moni/Monica. It's like my childhood all over again, no longer thinking I was the only one. lol I had my GCS with McGinn 5 months  ago. It was like her first rule, this BMI. Anyway welcome back to Susan's. Beware though, there seems to be a rather rampant inability to pronounce our name on this site.
Title: Re: SRS with Dr. Kaushik. BMI and other concerns.
Post by: Rachel on December 03, 2017, 02:14:49 PM
My BMI was 26 (I am a 25 now but with a lot of muscle) and Dr. McGinn wanted me to lose weight. I have fat in that area (she told me the reason why). Fat is not a good carrier of blood. So she wanted me to lose weight. I lost 14 pounds.