General Discussions => Hobbies => Writing => Topic started by: Toni O on November 12, 2017, 11:57:04 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: Toni O on November 12, 2017, 11:57:04 PM
"Gender is like a Rubik's Cube with one hundred squares per side, and every time you twist it to take a look at another angle, you make it that much harder a puzzle to solve."

Every transgender girl's path is a little bit different. As time passes and as I experience a kaleidoscope of different people, places and things, I have learned that nothing is simple...least of all us.

My heartfelt conclusion to what it means to "Live the Life" is that there really is no final hurrah. (At least not for me)...and thats a good thing.

Not a single day has passed, in my transition, that I haven't felt like a wide eyed child who just discovered something new and amazing. The LGBTQ community often times dwells on the difficulties we experience in our "Alternative" life styles. God knows I've felt the hurt, the fear, the hate, the mockery and all the rest of misery that so many of us have had to live through. I have the deep scars to prove it.

I also felt the indescribable joy of discovering who I am...not who people think I should be. My fear has dissipated...its gone because I let it go. Haters will keep on hating and to be quite frank about it...thats fine with me. F*ck them!

Kinksters enjoy what they perceive as our "dark, seductive, forbidden" nature. (They so dont get it!) Oh please don't get me wrong...There is no kinkier creature on earth than yours something wonderous has also soul, my nature, my heart, my very essence...has changed. *Permanently.*

I truly believe we are the luckiest people in none! We are pioneers in our own lives. We explore, we learn, we fall and we get up...AND WE GROW!

Please excuse my long winded diatribe but ya know what? I am starting to realize... I seriously like me! Take away the makeup, the heels, the provocative posts and all the trappings of femininity and the essence of a woman is still there!
OMG...When did that happen? (Lol!)
Even more amazing, I'm a happy woman whose soul soars at the beautiful opportunity that was given to me.

I hope with all my heart that all of you experience what I'm trying to express in words and probably failing to succinctly do so. Some of you KNOW EXACTLY what I'm saying. Some of you will shrug your shoulders at the ravings of a "crazy bitch" and move on to the next post of a sexy trap or some other "eye candy"  And that's totally fine...I get it! But if you have ever felt even a fleeting moment of self actualization because of your personal choices...hang onto it with both hands because dear are approaching heaven on earth⚘
Title: Re: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: Devlyn on November 13, 2017, 05:58:13 AM
I also find being transgender to be a great gift. Glad we share the outlook.  :)

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: Jailyn on November 13, 2017, 06:07:34 AM
Toni these are all great sentiments and I can relate to them even being early on in my transition. I love discovering new things I never thought about like for instance I was thinking and told my ex this. She is my best friend now and love her soul. She has taught me a lot in our time together. Anyway digressing. I told her "if I get with a guy/girl I could potentially now have to change my last name depending on how my significant other felt. This something I never thought about before transitioning. I think discovery of ourselves doesn't stop at transition, that is just the beginning of finding ourselves.
Title: Re: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: Jessica_Rose on November 13, 2017, 06:43:17 AM
We all come at this from different angles. Toni, at least for me you hit the nail on the head. Your post echoes exactly what I feel. Yes, there may be a loss of family and acquaintances, but the freedom and joy I have been able to experience far outweighs the pain. I have lived through 40 years of darkness caused by not knowing who I really was. Now I understand, and I consider myself 'lucky' to have finally seen the light. A whole new world is opening up for me and I am loving every minute!
Title: Re: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: Devlyn on November 13, 2017, 07:44:03 AM
Toni added the tags: Transition, Journey, Encouragement, Thoughts  to her post.

I am disappointed that on a site 99% devoted to the negative impacts of being transgender, that we can't allow a person to have a "happy" topic without dragging it 180° off topic. I know some of you are struggling and I  support you, but you have thousands of topics devoted to your issues and the option of creating new topics about the curses. Why post them in a happy spot?

Hugs, Devlyn

Title: Re: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: Megan. on November 13, 2017, 07:51:29 AM
Quote from: Devlyn Marie on November 13, 2017, 07:44:03 AM
Toni added the tags: Transition, Journey, Encouragement, Thoughts  to her post.

I am disappointed that on a site 99% devoted to the negative impacts of being transgender, that we can't allow a person to have a "happy" topic without dragging it 180° off topic. I know some of you are struggling and I  support you, but you have thousands of topics devoted to your issues and the option of creating new topics about the curses. Why post them in a happy spot?

Hugs, Devlyn
I've deleted my post. Enjoy.

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: Deborah on November 13, 2017, 07:56:21 AM
Quote from: Megan. on November 13, 2017, 07:51:29 AM
I've deleted my post. Enjoy.

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk
Me too

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: tgirlamg on November 13, 2017, 10:15:06 AM
Hey Sister!

I ... KNOW EXACTLY... What you are saying and I have echoed similar thoughts many a time!

After a lifetime of hiding and shame about the truth inside me... Nothing can compare to the liberation of stripping off the layers of protective armor I had built around myself and living the truth of who I found at the very core of my being... A joyous, determined woman who was tired of hiding and ready to feel the sun upon her face...

I too consider us some of the luckiest people in the world... Even if some of our days we don't feel "lucky"... We are... The challenges, at times,  can feel overwhelming, insurmountable and filled with the darkness of utter despair....but this journey, like all of life, is truly what you make of it...

There is always free will in our lives to choose our perspectives ... though sometimes, those choices may be difficult for us to see... Some may see only a prison cell where I see a door leading to a thousand other doors... All of them leading to amazing possibilities previously unimagined...

I think that finally discovering and knowing what you need from life ...then, having to fight hard with everything you have to get there brings an appreciation that many in this life will never know... It forces us into levels of self examination that many live a lifetime without... Those people are missing out!!!

Self examination is often the last frontier and an amazing journey not to be missed!!!

Onward we go brave sisters...

Safe Travels!!!

Ashley :)
Title: Re: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: Roll on November 13, 2017, 04:05:06 PM
While I wouldn't say lucky (lucky would be being born female to begin with ;D), I definitely appreciate the fact it is possible to be transgender. I've said this before, but I view being transgender as the tool, or bridge, in order to reach my goal of being who I want to be. In a world without being transgender, I would be, by definition, stuck as male forever. I am very grateful that there is a state "in between" that allows me the chance, even if just a chance, of living my life happily as the gender I wish to be.
Title: Re: Transgender ... the luckiest people in the world!
Post by: Selene on December 07, 2017, 05:35:58 AM

Seeing the whole picture. Not being stuck in negative perceptions, but rather flourish in the spirit of personal growth. So much truth there in your words. It's in our words that we tell the different sides to life, as we live it our way. And in doing so, there is no wrong way.   :)