General Discussions => Hobbies => Topic started by: Selene on November 16, 2017, 08:34:35 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Geocaching
Post by: Selene on November 16, 2017, 08:34:35 AM
I sure hope I'm spelling that correctly. Close enough, even my auto correct didn't know...

Anyhow :)

This is me in a nutshell. I stumble upon things before I have much of a clue of what's going on. Not saying I pride myself on ignorance, but I am blissful in my innocent ways. I'm going somewhere with this...

One thing I have in abundance is nature. Mountains all around, with many rivers in betwixt. Hiking, exploring, and unplugging from civilization is a much needed staple in my life. I do what I can, with what I got, and I gots lots. A few years ago I was walking a short hiking trail above one of the larger towns in my valley. I came to the end, and often as I tend to do, I started snooping around. You never know what you will find on hiking trails, no matter where you are on them. I did find a one hundred dollar bill once, so I snoop around.

At the end of this trail sits a picnic table, and a six foot tall sign with historical information about that spot in the valley. Toeing the ground, I noticed something unusual sticking in the dirt next to one of the sign posts. Something plastic, like a pipe fitting. I poked it with a stick, my backwoods go-to investigational tool. Once it looked like safe after some prodding, I snatched it up. It was a piece of plastic pipe, enclosed on each end with a screw on cap. Still dubious, I loosened one end. Inside were little trinkets, things you would find on a scavenger hunt. Curious.

This wasn't trash, I could tell somehow. Like I always try to do, I leave everything in the forest the same way I found it. It wasn't until later I found out that I found a geocache. How exactly people get together to do this in my area is unknown. I haven't found any internet postings for local geocaching, so what I found must have been from a hiking club, or something like that.

I thought it was pretty neat. Since I already love hiking so much. I'm thinking about starting up my own geocaching whatchamacallits. This time of year maybe including it with cross country skiing, or snowshoeing. Keeping to designated trails to avoid backwoods dangers and what not.

I would love to hear other people's experiences. :)

Title: Re: Geocaching
Post by: LanaR on December 31, 2017, 09:52:33 PM
Hi Dana

I've noticed that there are a number of members on this forum who have links to their Geocaching profiles. Geocaching is a great activity that encourages you to visit locations you might not otherwise visit.

Check out, once you have created a a profile you should be able to identify the cache that you stumbled across on your hike.