General Discussions => Spirituality => Christianity => Topic started by: Jenntrans on November 17, 2017, 04:43:29 PM Return to Full Version

Title: "I knew you"....
Post by: Jenntrans on November 17, 2017, 04:43:29 PM
You know I have seen this on a lot of billboards signed by Jesus or God. "I knew you before I formed you in the womb". Does that not tell us that God or Christ did not know we were transgendered? Or does it mean people should transcend their common beliefs?

Just a legit question. I believe in God and Christ and don't think trans is a bad thing. Maybe we were meant to be?
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Roll on November 17, 2017, 07:35:56 PM
I've always felt that being transgender, or rather the path to finding ourselves and our place in the world, is but a trial, fully intended for us to attempt to overcome.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: extraaction on November 17, 2017, 07:41:51 PM
Quote from: Roll on November 17, 2017, 07:35:56 PM
I've always felt that being transgender, or rather the path to finding ourselves and our place in the world, is but a trial, fully intended for us to attempt to overcome.

Those signatures were forged.  God doesnt design us, nature does.  She just watches.  A good portion of transgenders are the result of endocrine disrupting pollutants
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Roll on November 17, 2017, 07:51:09 PM
Quote from: extraaction on November 17, 2017, 07:41:51 PM
Those signatures were forged.  God doesnt design us, nature does.  She just watches.  A good portion of transgenders are the result of endocrine disrupting pollutants

Keeping in mind this is the Christianity forum, and following the Christian view of God, that falls prey to the chain reaction/original mover issue in that even if you were to say nature designed us, because God designed nature, God in turn designed us, particularly given absolute knowledge and knowing how even what would seemingly be chaos would eventually turn out.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Michelle_P on November 17, 2017, 08:21:23 PM
Well, if I may make use of 12 years of religious training...  (Thank you, Jesuits!)

God does sometimes grant us gifts to use in our lives, if only we can recognize them. What we do with those gifts matters.

Recall the "Parable of the talents".  A man going on a journey calls his three servants together.  He entrusts 5 talents (a talent is about 80 pounds of silver, roughly 20 years wages at the time.) to one servant he sees as being very able, 2 talents to a capable servant, and one talent to the third servant.  Then, he leaves.  The servant with 5 talents invests them, and makes another 5 talents.  The servant with 2 talents invests them, and earns another 2 talents.  The third servant buries his talent, fearful of risking it.   The man returns after a long period and settles accounts with them.  The first servant returns 10 talents, the original 5 plus the investment gain, and the man praises him, granting him a high position.  The second servant returns 4 talents, the original 2 plus the gain, and the man praises and promotes him as well.  The third servant returns the original talent he buried.  The man decries his wicked and slothful ways, takes the one talent from him and gives it to the servant with the 10 talents.  "For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.  And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

Now, when I was created, I had a family that was fairly well off, a good home, and I would develop with an intelligent and curious mind, the potential for a good education, as a white male.  I think God looked at this and thought "OK, this one has it pretty easy, and needs a special challenge to fully develop.  I think I'll give this one the soul of a woman and see what they do with that."  God caused my mother and doctor to use a new medication, DES, that made my brain ready to receive a female soul.

Now, having been granted this gift, and realizing what I have, what am I to do with it?  Shall I bury it, hiding it from the light, so at the end of my days I can only return this gift, unused and uninvested?   Or should I bring this gift into the light of day, use it to it's fullest extent, to let it grow and flourish, for the benefit of myself and those around me, so I may return this gift manyfold at the end of my days?

Now, there are those who would have me bury it, suffer in silence, for this gift makes them uncomfortable.  At The End Of Days, they may very well be cast into the outer darkness.  In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Complete on November 17, 2017, 09:28:03 PM
Quote from: Michelle_P on November 17, 2017, 08:21:23 PM
Well, if I may make use of 12 years of religious training...  (Thank you, Jesuits!)

God does sometimes grant us gifts to use in our lives, if only we can recognize them. What we do with those gifts matters.

Recall the "Parable of the talents".  A man going on a journey calls his three servants together.  He entrusts 5 talents (a talent is about 80 pounds of silver, roughly 20 years wages at the time.) to one servant he sees as being very able, 2 talents to a capable servant, and one talent to the third servant.  Then, he leaves.  The servant with 5 talents invests them, and makes another 5 talents.  The servant with 2 talents invests them, and earns another 2 talents.  The third servant buries his talent, fearful of risking it.   The man returns after a long period and settles accounts with them.  The first servant returns 10 talents, the original 5 plus the investment gain, and the man praises him, granting him a high position.  The second servant returns 4 talents, the original 2 plus the gain, and the man praises and promotes him as well.  The third servant returns the original talent he buried.  The man decries his wicked and slothful ways, takes the one talent from him and gives it to the servant with the 10 talents.  "For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.  And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

Now, when I was created, I had a family that was fairly well off, a good home, and I would develop with an intelligent and curious mind, the potential for a good education, as a white male.  I think God looked at this and thought "OK, this one has it pretty easy, and needs a special challenge to fully develop.  I think I'll give this one the soul of a woman and see what they do with that."  God caused my mother and doctor to use a new medication, DES, that made my brain ready to receive a female soul.

Now, having been granted this gift, and realizing what I have, what am I to do with it?  Shall I bury it, hiding it from the light, so at the end of my days I can only return this gift, unused and uninvested?   Or should I bring this gift into the light of day, use it to it's fullest extent, to let it grow and flourish, for the benefit of myself and those around me, so I may return this gift manyfold at the end of my days?

Now, there are those who would have me bury it, suffer in silence, for this gift makes them uncomfortable.  At The End Of Days, they may very well be cast into the outer darkness.  In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

While l did not enjoy the privilege of maturing as a white male,  I did benefit greatly from a Jesuit education. I was also blessed with a strong body and a brilliant mind. Apparently, like you, l was also born with the soul of a woman. For me it truly came down to a test of my Faith. Despite all those long years of denial and frankly,  refusing to believe, it finally came down to the question, did I truly believe that voice in my head, that promise of eternal love.
When it finally came right down to it, l believed. I believed that if l followed that voice,  kept faith with that  promise,  It would all work out as God's Will.
So now,  that promise having been kept, what am I to do with my blessings? So far the best l have come up with is to bring one soul, in addition to my own, home to Jesus. I am still working on that. Anyone care to volunteer to be saved?
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Lady Sarah on November 17, 2017, 09:58:08 PM
Quote from: Michelle_P on November 17, 2017, 08:21:23 PM
Well, if I may make use of 12 years of religious training...  (Thank you, Jesuits!)

God does sometimes grant us gifts to use in our lives, if only we can recognize them. What we do with those gifts matters.

Recall the "Parable of the talents".  A man going on a journey calls his three servants together.  He entrusts 5 talents (a talent is about 80 pounds of silver, roughly 20 years wages at the time.) to one servant he sees as being very able, 2 talents to a capable servant, and one talent to the third servant.  Then, he leaves.  The servant with 5 talents invests them, and makes another 5 talents.  The servant with 2 talents invests them, and earns another 2 talents.  The third servant buries his talent, fearful of risking it.   The man returns after a long period and settles accounts with them.  The first servant returns 10 talents, the original 5 plus the investment gain, and the man praises him, granting him a high position.  The second servant returns 4 talents, the original 2 plus the gain, and the man praises and promotes him as well.  The third servant returns the original talent he buried.  The man decries his wicked and slothful ways, takes the one talent from him and gives it to the servant with the 10 talents.  "For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.  And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

Now, when I was created, I had a family that was fairly well off, a good home, and I would develop with an intelligent and curious mind, the potential for a good education, as a white male.  I think God looked at this and thought "OK, this one has it pretty easy, and needs a special challenge to fully develop.  I think I'll give this one the soul of a woman and see what they do with that."  God caused my mother and doctor to use a new medication, DES, that made my brain ready to receive a female soul.

Now, having been granted this gift, and realizing what I have, what am I to do with it?  Shall I bury it, hiding it from the light, so at the end of my days I can only return this gift, unused and uninvested?   Or should I bring this gift into the light of day, use it to it's fullest extent, to let it grow and flourish, for the benefit of myself and those around me, so I may return this gift manyfold at the end of my days?

Now, there are those who would have me bury it, suffer in silence, for this gift makes them uncomfortable.  At The End Of Days, they may very well be cast into the outer darkness.  In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Some times, we have no idea what to do when we are confused. This is when some of us pray to God for guidance. In my case, that guidance was given. If it had not been given, I would probably have been dead decades ago, and not by my own hand.
Bear in mind that I knew practically nothing about transitioning before my guidance was granted. There was no internet. There was no exposure to any of the whole thing until God showed me the way to be whom I was supposed to be.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Jenntrans on November 18, 2017, 11:38:29 AM
Quote from: Michelle_P on November 17, 2017, 08:21:23 PM

God does sometimes grant us gifts to use in our lives, if only we can recognize them. What we do with those gifts matters.

Who we truly are is a Devine Gift. What we do with them and how much we learn about not what we were born but rather Created takes a lot of work and a lot of courage. I do believe in an existence before and after our physical existences and who we were and who we are effects what and who we are in the physical world.

I am more Gnostic than Christian, not agnostic but actual Gnostic. I don't believe God or our Creator or whatever Name is neither male nor female but both in one existing in harmony. I do believe in Evolution but I also believe we were Created to Evolve. I do believe we were Created in God's own Image and that would make us the same both male and female. I do believe the physical world makes us decide one or the other or the natural world gives us one or the other characteristics. But we are realizing that what you see may not be the totality of it all. We are deeper. Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge and thus we know ourselves better than any other physical animal in existence.

Yes I believe in reincarnation and do believe it is a Spiritual dynamic. Through Psychological studies of past life regressions and yes you may can even deem it Parapsychology, but there are some really good explanations for trans and LGBT as a whole. The thing that gets me is the consistency of the people that are regressed through hypnosis. One big one is that the subjects can't explain who or what God is other than God is nor can answer if God is Male or Female. Most say both.

To those that feel as if being trans is a curse, it isn't. Being the Son of God and the son of man, Christ was persecuted because he challenged the spiritual status quo and Crucified because he never gave in and or lied about who he was. Maybe there is a lesson there in which we may be persecuted but we can't be killed now because that is against the laws in most places. So the lesson would be to be who you are and embrace it. You will face persecution and hate but maybe we are supposed to overcome the fear and the pull of the physical world. Hey I was born a boy but I am not. I have no idea if the is a Heaven or Hell But I seriously doubt that I will burn in hell for eternity for embracing who I am and being true to myself. God Created me and maybe I asked for my situation or chose it even. I may have to pay for some things but I doubt I will spend an eternity in Hell though.

Regardless of if it is a sin or not, we were Created this way for some reason. I don't even or can't even try to explain why and the only thing I can say is from a belief in reincarnation that we have to experience both eventually to become whole.

I have no idea if any of what I wrote makes sense to anyone else but me. I hope it does resonate in others though. I hope it gives others hope. Mankind does not own God. Hell God don't even own us because he gave us all Freewill to choose how to live. Does any of this make sense or am I just insane? I really don't know but never feel bad about being who and what you are. Just be you. What will happen when I stop breathing I really don't know. No one has the definitive answer to that question but I think that is what Faith is all about.

I hope some of this makes sense though and gives someone a little hope because life an death is a total mystery.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: extraaction on November 18, 2017, 03:06:36 PM
Quote from: Roll on November 17, 2017, 07:51:09 PM
Keeping in mind this is the Christianity forum, and following the Christian view of God, that falls prey to the chain reaction/original mover issue in that even if you were to say nature designed us, because God designed nature, God in turn designed us, particularly given absolute knowledge and knowing how even what would seemingly be chaos would eventually turn out.

So everything is predestined?  Doesnt that negate free will?
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Roll on November 18, 2017, 03:23:04 PM
Quote from: extraaction on November 18, 2017, 03:06:36 PM
So everything is predestined?  Doesnt that negate free will?

Predestination and foreknowledge are different. Knowledge of a choice someone will make does not negate the fact they made/will make/are making that choice out of free will. And that is even just dealing with a linear, human perception of time, which is illusory to begin with.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: extraaction on November 18, 2017, 06:56:02 PM
Quote from: Roll on November 18, 2017, 03:23:04 PM
Predestination and foreknowledge are different. Knowledge of a choice someone will make does not negate the fact they made/will make/are making that choice out of free will. And that is even just dealing with a linear, human perception of time, which is illusory to begin with.

Then why not just sort the wheat from the chaff based on the decisions they inevitably will make?  Isnt that just an exercise in futility?
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Roll on November 18, 2017, 07:42:28 PM
Quote from: extraaction on November 18, 2017, 06:56:02 PM
Then why not just sort the wheat from the chaff based on the decisions they inevitably will make?  Isnt that just an exercise in futility?

Two ways to look at that.
1) We are limited by our perspective of what seems to be happening... Look at it instead from the position that all of time happens simultaneously. God would be above this human limitation of course, and thus to him, there is no waiting or inevitable, there simply is. Punishment (which is what I assume you refer to) is already happening as per the true nature of time, so there is no need to act beforehand--even more so because before does not even exist. In other words: He did sort/is sorting/will sort the wheat from the chaff, but it is something beyond our perception (as much everything is).
2) Simpler non-pseudo metaphysics answer: Because preemptively removing those who "fail" the great experiment of life will cause a ripple effect alter the parameters of that great experiment and void the experiment, meaning that none of it happened as he saw to begin with, which can't happen so he must not have done so, etc. etc. etc. Which is understandable he would not want it to be changed regardless, as we need the bad with the good in order to allow for the chain of events that brings us to our chance to make a choice to begin with. Sure, God could say "Oh hey, that guy is going to be a totalitarian dictator and kill a ton of people, might as well get rid of him now", but then what about the guy who found his worth by standing up to that dictator? What about the child who's experiences due to oppression went on to shape their kindness towards others? And since it wouldn't all be good, what about the guy who would be doing a pretty good job at life, only to show his true colors under the auspices of the dictator? Not allowing those events to play out, even with foreknowledge, would not be free will.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: extraaction on November 18, 2017, 08:20:24 PM
Quote from: Roll on November 18, 2017, 07:42:28 PM
Two ways to look at that.
1) We are limited by our perspective of what seems to be happening... Look at it instead from the position that all of time happens simultaneously. God would be above this human limitation of course, and thus to him, there is no waiting or inevitable, there simply is. Punishment (which is what I assume you refer to) is already happening as per the true nature of time, so there is no need to act beforehand--even more so because before does not even exist. In other words: He did sort/is sorting/will sort the wheat from the chaff, but it is something beyond our perception (as much everything is).
2) Simpler non-pseudo metaphysics answer: Because preemptively removing those who "fail" the great experiment of life will cause a ripple effect alter the parameters of that great experiment and void the experiment, meaning that none of it happened as he saw to begin with, which can't happen so he must not have done so, etc. etc. etc. Which is understandable he would not want it to be changed regardless, as we need the bad with the good in order to allow for the chain of events that brings us to our chance to make a choice to begin with. Sure, God could say "Oh hey, that guy is going to be a totalitarian dictator and kill a ton of people, might as well get rid of him now", but then what about the guy who found his worth by standing up to that dictator? What about the child who's experiences due to oppression went on to shape their kindness towards others? And since it wouldn't all be good, what about the guy who would be doing a pretty good job at life, only to show his true colors under the auspices of the dictator? Not allowing those events to play out, even with foreknowledge, would not be free will.

Not sure I agree, but Ive found our exchange to be very stimulating
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Jenntrans on November 20, 2017, 01:40:25 PM
About predestination, I don't believe that even exist because of Freewill. But our destiny is decided by the decisions we make. That sounds complicated I know and kind of an "out" but... Spirituality is complicated more than simple. OK in a scientific sense, gravity distorts space and time but what is time outside of a gravitational environment in space? E=mc2 but what happens to time when there is no "m" to distort it? We perceive time according to the planet we live on. one revolution of the earth is one day or 24 hours and one rotation around the Sun is one year and we tend to measure things astronomically in light years according to our year on Earth. What happens if you can distort or warp space and time and go faster than the speed of light?

You know I investigate paranormal occurrences and maybe electromagnetic fields may distort space an time.  But High EMFs effect the body. Some people are susceptible to higher EMF fields. They get rashes and whatever and it will effect the mind too in the way of paranoid feelings, hallucinations and so on. But what if these hallucinations are not hallucinations but visions of another time? Einstein said that the past, present and future are all happening simultaneously. What if TIME is the answer to ghosts from the past and even shadow figures from the future. I have investigated both and I really don't have definitive answers, just my own theories such as the present is the reality and the past is memories and the future is dreams or fantasies. We can judge the past because of photos and what is a conscious memory but how can we perceive the future and what people will look like?

You know with all that said I believe it was Christ that said "with God all things are possible". Not some things but all things. Investigating the unknown has kind of given me a bigger view of the possibility of live in the Universe. It may be out of the spectrums that we can even begin to imagine or measure in our current technology.

So we know physics from our own world or planet which is Earth.  We do have the technology to learn about other planets in or solar system and around other stars but one technology we don't have is how to detect life outside of our spectrum of instruments or understanding. So what are angels and demons? We may believe in them or perceive them but one question is what are they? Maybe the demons are below our spectrum of physical senses but the angels are higher than our physical senses and the only way we can comprehend either is during psychological distress? So I am equating all this from a Christian point of view but Christianity is not the only religion.

I really don't know but I really wish science would delve itself into trying to answer these questions or mysteries. But much like common mankind even scientist get caught up in politics, narrow-mindedness and so on. They need funds for research so the political flavor of the day will give them the funds to support whoever is in charge and their ideology. That is sad to say but people will always sell out to the highest bidder. Some don't and are ridiculed by their peers but even Einstein believed in God but in a theoretical physicist's sort of way like most others do. How can any human alive explain God? I can't and even your highest priests nor anyone else can that is living and breathing now.

God gets really complicated and should be because reading a book won't help you, listening to someone else, even me and all the stuff I said won't help you. It is something that is inside you because if we were Created we were Created in the same Image of God.

So everyone please think about it and try to understand. We as humans on the Earth cannot survive physically outside of the planet. As spiritual beings and Intelligent Energy we may can if that is a possibility. One thing that keeps staying in my conscious is, "With God all things are possible." To me that means that we may have been Created Transgender or we are experiencing a different existence that gives us more internal knowledge and experience if you believe in reincarnation.

I just really don't know. All I know is me and my own experiences and no one is right or wrong as long as you don't hurt anyone else in the process. Hell none of this makes sense to me either. It is way complicated and shows an interaction with life that I can't even explain or comprehend but... Just dare to dream and learn meditation and look within.

I was born trans. I may be failing my lesson at life even. I don't think so though. Whatever reason I am trans whether it is physical or Spiritual but I had to follow it and see it through. But that is just me though. I have always been considered "gay" but I am not though. I was always a "sissy" and yes I acted like a girl. So to me whoever I was has been who I am and no more or less. To me it was harder to face critics and haters and suppress myself than it was to be open about it.

I really hope some of this makes sense. :-\
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: MaryT on November 20, 2017, 02:30:24 PM
Quote from: extraaction on November 18, 2017, 06:56:02 PM
Then why not just sort the wheat from the chaff based on the decisions they inevitably will make?  Isnt that just an exercise in futility?

Unlike Einstein, I believe that God does throw dice.  Intelligent dice that choose (partly) how they fall.  God, whose omnipresence may include all of spacetime, may not have to distinguish between decisions that people have made and those that they inevitably will make.

And futility?  That presumes that unlike Job, we understand how God thinks.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: extraaction on November 21, 2017, 01:10:30 AM
Quote from: MaryT on November 20, 2017, 02:30:24 PM
Unlike Einstein, I believe that God does throw dice.  Intelligent dice that choose (partly) how they fall.  God, whose omnipresence may include all of spacetime, may not have to distinguish between decisions that people have made and those that they inevitably will make.

And futility?  That presumes that unlike Job, we understand how God thinks.

Where does the bible say Job undetstood how god works or that god plays rigged gambling games with loaded dice to detetmibe the future/past/present
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Complete on November 21, 2017, 01:33:35 PM
How is it that a discussion of and about our Christian beliefs has to be justified to atheists, non-believers and  self described insane alchemists ? I thought this was a support site. Where is the support for our own personal beliefs? Maybe non believers can start their own thread on the rewards of atheism or alchemy.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Cindy on November 22, 2017, 01:47:33 AM

Calm down please, if there are posts that require intervention from staff report them using the 'Report to Moderator' button.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: extraaction on November 22, 2017, 02:36:17 AM
Quote from: Complete on November 21, 2017, 01:33:35 PM
How is it that a discussion of and about our Christian beliefs has to be justified to atheists, non-believers and  self described insane alchemists ? I thought this was a support site. Where is the support for our own personal beliefs? Maybe non believers can start their own thread on the rewards of atheism or alchemy.

why can't non christians discuss the bible?  are we auto banned from a christian forum?  how does a christian ever expect to win over nonbelievers if they chase them away?

Justifying your beliefs is an faith strengthening exercise.  why all the hostility?

I am married to a Catholic.  We challange each others beliefs constantly, and we both grow in our spiritual paths every time we do.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Brandon on November 22, 2017, 03:25:57 AM
Quote from: extraaction on November 22, 2017, 02:36:17 AM
why can't non christians discuss the bible?  are we auto banned from a christian forum?  how does a christian ever expect to win over nonbelievers if they chase them away?

Justifying your beliefs is an faith strengthening exercise.  why all the hostility?

I am married to a Catholic.  We challange each others beliefs constantly, and we both grow in our spiritual paths every time we do.

Some of you guys tend to be real disrespectful about. Maybe that's why.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Brandon on November 22, 2017, 03:29:44 AM
To answer your question OP yes God did know us before he formed us in the womb but he also gave us freewill. One of the scriptures in the bible states choose on this day whom you will serve. Can't serve to masters.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: extraaction on November 22, 2017, 03:34:24 AM
Quote from: Brandon on November 22, 2017, 03:25:57 AM
Some of you guys tend to be real disrespectful about. Maybe that's why.

That blade cuts both ways.  I've been disrespected heavily by someone who has effectively taken away my ability to talk about what I believe....a poster in this christian forum, even this thread.  I don't get to discuss spirituality outside of the christian forum and I get jumped when I post in it.

I guess my beliefs are just invalid because a couple of people that belong to a more populated religion decided so
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Brandon on November 22, 2017, 04:19:40 AM
Quote from: extraaction on November 22, 2017, 03:34:24 AM
That blade cuts both ways.  I've been disrespected heavily by someone who has effectively taken away my ability to talk about what I believe....a poster in this christian forum, even this thread.  I don't get to discuss spirituality outside of the christian forum and I get jumped when I post in it.

I guess my beliefs are just invalid because a couple of people that belong to a more populated religion decided so

Well I don't think no one should disrespect anyone's beliefs but there is a certain way you go about stating how you feel about it without coming off as disrespectful.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: MaryT on November 22, 2017, 07:29:56 AM
Quote from: MaryT on November 20, 2017, 02:30:24 PM
Unlike Einstein, I believe that God does throw dice.  Intelligent dice that choose (partly) how they fall.  God, whose omnipresence may include all of spacetime, may not have to distinguish between decisions that people have made and those that they inevitably will make.

And futility?  That presumes that unlike Job, we understand how God thinks.

Quote from: extraaction on November 21, 2017, 01:10:30 AM
Where does the bible say Job undetstood how god works or that god plays rigged gambling games with loaded dice to detetmibe the future/past/present

I pointed out that Job DIDN'T understand why God does things. 

The Bible doesn't say anything about God playing dice, loaded or otherwise, and Einstein said that God does not play dice. 

I am not saying that the "intelligent dice", by which I mean people, are loaded.  I am saying that both chance and the decisions that people make affect us, from conception to the grave.  And, although it may seem like a futile exercise to us, we can't presume that we really understand what is going on.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Roll on November 22, 2017, 09:09:33 AM
Quote from: MaryT on November 22, 2017, 07:29:56 AM
And, although it may seem like a futile exercise to us, we can't presume that we really understand what is going on.

This is the crux of everything for me. Human perspective is flawed and incomplete at best (more likely, our perspective is simply fundamentally incorrect). I've always loved the Socratic quote "I know that I know nothing" for this reason. We're like cats watching TV, trying to make sense of the plot line of Lost, while reading Ulysses at the same time. How can we truly hope to glean what is futile or understand a thing's true purpose? (Particularly when that laser pointer is so enticing. ... Sorry, this post got weird.) Which isn't to say we shouldn't try to understand, simply that understanding may not be forthcoming.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Jenntrans on November 22, 2017, 02:38:55 PM
Quote from: Cindy on November 22, 2017, 01:47:33 AM

Calm down please, if there are posts that require intervention from staff report them using the 'Report to Moderator' button.

Actually Cindy and I am pretty surprised that anyone is getting so upset. ???

I really didn't mean to cause a ruckus with my original post but rather deeper thinking about that particular saying. :( I don't think that religion or spiritual perceptions is something that should cause friction between anyone but allow a deeper level of thought and a racking of the brain to try and find the answers.

OK for me I believe in reincarnation but also believe we are living in the Age of Pisces in which Christ represents. So by nature I am an enigma. Do I think that I believe I was created trans? Not really but I do believe that I was created in our Creator's image which hold aspects of both male and female Spiritually. I really believe that I am more drawn to female aspects spiritually and I have done the Past Life Regression thing and I am more comfortable being female more than male. I do these things regularly with a hypnotherapist that I trust and work with regularly. Psychology has been my life and I don't get paid a dime for it. I have spent a lot of money going to school and yet I don't make a dime because you and others are way more important and helping others are more important than a private practice listening to others and agreeing for the sake that they keep coming back. :-X I am pretty active in the trans community and the paranormal community and sometimes people hate what I have to say. But I will never lie just to stay in business because my business is not my practice. I own trucks that meek out a living for myself. But what I do off hand is just because I chose to learn something but... I would never be able to make a living out of it because repeat clients is not a good thing. It helps your practice but I would rather tell them things that can help them and not need to talk to me and keep returning.

So pretty much it is the same thing with religious institutions in my opinion. Yes they are good for fellowship with others but... Sometimes they may make a person feel guilty or bad about being who they are too.

So there is nothing to be offended about when talking about God or shouldn't anyway. Nothing should make you angry because we all experience live differently and psychologically our lives and life experiences shape our perceptions of God and even beyond.

So one thing that I always tell everyone is to dare to expand their minds and their understanding or the Universe and our perceptions of it. Ask the questions and then really think and search for the answers. Why do children die? Because in my opinion the physical aspects of the world we live on is a direct impact on the human body but we are much more than humans. Maybe we chose to be human and maybe we chose our circumstances? So predestination and Freewill may go hand in hand.

There are some things that I have studied the Tibetan book of the Dead and it states that we drink from the "River of Forgetfulness" before we are born again in a physical form.

So the saying that "I knew you before I formed you in the womb" would kind of lead me to believe that even if not true, we existed before being incarnated in a human form. That is just my take on it and I really have no definitive answers either because I really don't know. All that I do know is what I have experienced through a lifetime and they are specific thoughts, theories and beliefs to myself. Other's will experience different though. So with God all things are possible. So that is one thing we should all respect from one another. I have no arrogance in my beliefs and I really believe that no one else should either because we just can't comprehend the whole expanse of the Mind of God.

I am rejected by Christians even though I believe in Christ and what Christ had to say. I believe in a Singularity that Created us yet I am not accepted by any religions. I can't be a total scientist or Psychologist because I do believe in a singular God and Christ. I can't really belong to society as a whole because I am trans and feel different than cis. So I do the truck thing and help whoever I can free of charge.

But my original post is something to think about though so everyone please think about it and what it means to you personally. To me and myself only it means we were already created before we were born into a human existence. As for physics, even all of the atoms that make up our human bodies have existed since the Big Bang and every atom in our body is as old as the Universe. Death and rebirth seems to be a constant.

So just think about it. I am astounded by the possibilities when I really think about it. I can't even comprehend it and that is just on a quantum physics scale. If I think about it on a consciousness scale I can't even begin to comprehend.

My mom was hard core Pentecostal. She would pray during tornadic storms that the tornado would go around her and her property. I asked her one question that sort of changed her thinking though. If god saves her and makes the tornado go another direction then who may be killed? She ended up getting a storm shelter. Property can consciously be replaced but we can't in the present consciously.

So it is something to think about though. I always push deeper thoughts about individuals and us in general and even society.

I really hope I make a little sense because to a lot of people I don't. :'( That is sad to say but true. I totally believe in individualism instead of collectivism. Individualism is you and collectivism would be society and that even includes religions too. It really does get complicated.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Complete on November 22, 2017, 07:14:43 PM
I really think it comes down to a matter of Faith. You either believe or  you don't.  I consider Faith to be a gift or a blessing. There is no 'proving' what some of us hold to be true or "Truth". That is the essence of Faith: believing what cannot be proven.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Complete on November 22, 2017, 07:20:18 PM
Quote from: MaryT on November 22, 2017, 07:29:56 AM
I pointed out that Job DIDN'T understand why God does things. 

The Bible doesn't say anything about God playing dice, loaded or otherwise, and Einstein said that God does not play dice. 

I am not saying that the "intelligent dice", by which I mean people, are loaded.  I am saying that both chance and the decisions that people make affect us, from conception to the grave.  And, although it may seem like a futile exercise to us, we can't presume that we really understand what is going on.

I have no clue "what is going on", either in the cosmos,  the mind of God, or frankly, the world around me. What l try to do is deal with the here and now. Beyond that l try to make plans for the future and try to anticipate what  may be coming my way.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Subbie on November 23, 2017, 12:36:39 AM
Quote from: Jenntrans on November 17, 2017, 04:43:29 PM
You know I have seen this on a lot of billboards signed by Jesus or God. "I knew you before I formed you in the womb". Does that not tell us that God or Christ did not know we were transgendered? Or does it mean people should transcend their common beliefs?

Just a legit question. I believe in God and Christ and don't think trans is a bad thing. Maybe we were meant to be?

Hi Jenntrans,

I think this is a really good question. In answer I'd suggest that the 'you' mentioned in this passage from the Psalms has nothing to do with gender, or even sex. Rather, the biblical standpoint is that, while the originals were created male and female, both were also created in God's image. And, since God is neuter-gender, the image of God that 'you' were created in does not necessarily include gender. That is, the 'you' that God is interested in is you despite your gender.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Jenntrans on November 23, 2017, 02:18:48 PM
Quote from: Subbie on November 23, 2017, 12:36:39 AM
Hi Jenntrans,

I think this is a really good question. In answer I'd suggest that the 'you' mentioned in this passage from the Psalms has nothing to do with gender, or even sex. Rather, the biblical standpoint is that, while the originals were created male and female, both were also created in God's image. And, since God is neuter-gender, the image of God that 'you' were created in does not necessarily include gender. That is, the 'you' that God is interested in is you despite your gender.

Subbie, that is a really good thought. For creation on earth it takes both male and female to create a fetus which will be another human being. Actually it takes both male and female to create life in higher organisms. I do believe the physical reflects the Spiritual aspects so it takes both male and female to create life. One being that Creates then probably has both Aspects. But what do we know about life? Only what we can perceive. But what if there is more?

I also believe in evolution and I think life is always evolving to adapt and the brain/mind is also evolving to understand. A dog and other lives maybe not so much but they did not eat from the "Tree of Knowledge" either. We did. We chose the Knowledge even though it was a direct order from God not to eat the fruit from that tree but we were tempted by Freewill. Human kind was not destroyed but rather still suffered the consequences. We lost Paradise but what is paradise? It may be ignorant bliss.

It truly is a double edged sword. What were we before Eve decided to eat the Fruit from the "tree"? Is that a blessing or curse? I do know biologically humans are primates but we evolved faster than chimps or gorillas yet we all share a common ancestor just like beagles share the common ancestor as a wolf. But there is very little difference between a beagle and a wolf in mentality other than one hunts for humans and even humans can train wolves to hunt. But there is a hell of a difference between a gorilla and a human in mental capacity and intelligence especially when it comes to technology.

This may sound stupid but going against God's commands sometimes may be a good thing in the way of expanding our understanding. Sometimes questioning God may be a good thing too. If not then we may never evolved enough to possibly survive outside this planet. Within the next ten years we will most likely travel to Mars and understand how to survive there eventually.

It does get complicated but the more open you mind is we may not eventually need a physical body anymore a billion years down the line to explore the Universe. We see the Universe as a physical boundary but when it comes to space and time maybe it is something that is not a physical boundary?

Yes I know I mix a lot of things together but what one is right?
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Subbie on November 24, 2017, 03:05:27 AM
Jenntrans, I've been sitting here for the best part of an hour pondering the ideas and questions that you've raised, and wondering how to answer. One thing that I keep returning to in my thoughts is the issue of personal relationships, and I think addressing this issue might be helpful in understanding some of the questions that a beautiful enquiring mind like yours brings up.

Often we are told, "just believe me when I tell you that..." And, while this might be enough for many people, for some of us it's a slap in the face - we might think, 'don't you trust me enough to tell me why it is the case that...?' Of course, there may be all sorts of reasons that someone might choose to not share their rationale with us, but when someone does take the time to explain things and answer our questions we feel accepted and valued.

Now, consider, if you will, what it would be like if someone with all the answers wanted to spend time with 'you', not just answering your questions, but enjoying your company. That, I think, was the situation described in Genesis before 'the fall', and the same situation is described elsewhere as paradise - "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known."

As for God's commands, questioning them with a Critical methodology reveals that they're always about maintaining good relationships. Looking at the 'Ten Commandments' in Exodus 20, the first 5 are about maintaining a good relationship with God, and the last 5 are about maintaining a good relationship with other people. There is even a reason for the Israelites to trust that God wants for them only what is good: "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery."

A bible based Christian faith is the same - it's not 'blind faith' or a leap in the dark, it's faith based upon experience of what God has done to show you that you are valued.

An after-thought:
Quote from: Jenntrans on November 23, 2017, 02:18:48 PM
One being that Creates then probably has both Aspects. But what do we know about life? Only what we can perceive. But what if there is more?

This is one reason I identify as non-binary (inclusive). That is, while I recognise the function of a traditional view of gender/sexuality, it is my experience that the typical cultural characteristics of a twin-gendered view don't describe me.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Jenntrans on November 24, 2017, 02:01:17 PM
Yes Subbie. But what part of us was created by a Divine power and what part of us was created because of environmental circumstances such as evolution? Personally I believe in both Creation and Evolution.

I mean humans are primates yet chimpanzees never evolved and we share what, 98 percent of the same DNA? Why did we evolve psychologically and intelligently while chimpanzees still live in the trees? Opposable thumbs? Maybe but even chimps know how to use primitive tools. Fore to cook meat and thus changing the proteins through high heat to contribute to more nutrients to our brains in a different way? Or the primate that was created that eventually became human was created to evolve and create the technology we have today?

It really is something to think about though. Chimpanzees and other great apes have not changed that much in the last thousand years and we have evolved faster in the last 100 years than other primates have since their beginnings. But the real question is why? Even today other primates can't start a fire or none that I know of have created the Wheel and so on. So it does seem to me that man has been manipulated in one way or another to have all we have today. Whether we keep evolving or end up devolving or even destroying ourselves is yet to be know. But to me it is an interesting question as to how and why and what will be.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Deborah on November 24, 2017, 02:17:17 PM
From a theological point of view when the scriptures say we are created in God's image it has nothing to do with DNA or with any other aspect of our physical form.  Rather it means we were created with the one thing that uniquely differentiates us from everything else on this planet.  That is our ability to reason.

"Man is said to be after the image of God, not as regards his body, but as regards that whereby he excels other animals. Hence, when it is said, Let us make man to our image and likeness, it is added, And let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea (Gen. 1:26). Now man excels all animals by his reason and intelligence; hence it is according to his intelligence and reason, which are incorporeal, that man is said to be according to the image of God."
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, 1 q.3 a.1 ad.2; Image of God

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Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Jenntrans on November 24, 2017, 03:10:53 PM
Quote from: Deborah on November 24, 2017, 02:17:17 PM
From a theological point of view when the scriptures say we are created in God's image it has nothing to do with DNA or with any other aspect of our physical form.  Rather it means we were created with the one thing that uniquely differentiates us from everything else on this planet.  That is our ability to reason.

"Man is said to be after the image of God, not as regards his body, but as regards that whereby he excels other animals. Hence, when it is said, Let us make man to our image and likeness, it is added, And let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea (Gen. 1:26). Now man excels all animals by his reason and intelligence; hence it is according to his intelligence and reason, which are incorporeal, that man is said to be according to the image of God."
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, 1 q.3 a.1 ad.2; Image of God

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes Deborah. Kind of like after eating from the Tree of Knowledge and banned from the "Garden", " They are one of US now. They know the difference between good and evil."

So I didn't go to any specialized schools on Theology but what happened to Lilith? So Eve was Created from the rib of Adam but was Eve created and predestined to eat from the Tree? If not and she chose according to Freewill then Adam too had Freewill to eat but why? I mean not to make light but anyone that has dealt with children the quickest way to get them to do something is to forbid them to do something. So Eve eating the "fruit" was that the whole plan and since Eve was created for Adam as companionship and or something else was that the whole idea of our Creator?

Seriously Deborah, I really don't know. It seems plausible to me. But regardless of anything in scripture this planet which in itself is a Garden compared to any other that has been discovered yet were we really banished? I think so because sometimes life just sux sometimes. But we still are in the "garden" because the more knowledge and technology we gain we see that more and more while finding hellish exoplanets. Adam and Eve were innocent until after they ate the fruit and then they felt shame in their nakedness. No other animal feels that shame yet humans do. So to me, our fall from grace was pretty much self realization and that is the double edged sword. But that fall was vital to evolution of man. I have no idea how far mankind will go because tomorrow we all may be extinct from a cosmic catalysm. Hell we may even destroy ourselves as a species.

I do have Faith though. I have Faith that even if I die tonight in my sleep I will or a part of me like my consciousness will go on. But I know nothing and do not claim to know anything. Just some thoughts from a mad trans woman. ;)

But the questions that I ask should be the questions everyone should ask about Faith and Religions. I may not be right but who is? Seriously I investigate the paranormal and there are so many things that I can not explain. Time? Rips in time? Ripples in time? EMF fields? Ghosts? Demons? Fairies? Leprechauns? Spirits? Natural phenomena?  I really don't know. I just tell people my experience and whether or not I consider it to be a threat or not.

I can't even explain anything. I do know what I learned though but in real life sometimes that goes out the window. The only thing that I really know is what I have experienced and what I experienced others may perceive differently in the same situations.

The diary of a mad "woman", huh? ;D
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Complete on November 25, 2017, 12:25:11 AM
"Adam and Eve were innocent until after they ate the fruit and then they felt shame in their nakedness. No other animal feels that shame yet humans do."

I don't. I feel no shame whatsoever in my nakedness. I am pretty sure l am human. Does that make me defective or just  shame free?
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Dianne H on November 25, 2017, 04:46:09 PM
The coats the Lord made to hide the nakedness of Adam and Eve can be seen as the very first type and shadow, or prophecy of Christ dying for our sins to make an atonement for our uncleanness, or nakedness. It was a similitude that there must be a sacrifice for sins and the shedding of blood.

In like manner, when people come unto the Lord they see their nakedness, or sin, and repent and become a new person in Christ. Spiritually speaking, their sins are covered in his blood, or as written, when I see the blood I will pass over you. Christ was our sacrificial Lamb who covers our sin, or nakedness.

Have a blessed day.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Subbie on November 27, 2017, 12:50:33 AM
Deborah, I'm not so sure that Aquinas had the full story.

In the latter years of his life my father had a stroke and developed dementia. As the disease progressed his behaviour in some situations demonstrated a clear lack of reasoning ability. For instance, when shaving his beard, on numerous occasions, he would keep shaving even after all the hair was gone, to the point, and beyond, of abrading his face so that it bled. Now rather than simplistically suggesting that he had no reason for doing this, I surmised that, while he failed to recognise the damage he was inflicting upon himself and act in a reasonable manner to prevent it, the feel of the razor buzzing against his face was probably a familiar and comforting sensation for him. In solution, once I could see that his face was clean of hair, I would attempt to retrieve the razor from him, remove the blades, and give it back to him. This process was often a struggle, and, though I attempted to avoid them, he inflicted some painful injuries on me in the process - something he would never have dreamed of doing in his right mind.

One could say that my father, having lost his higher capacity for reason, was acting upon his basal urges, without regard for his own safety or anyone else's. His reason and intelligence, as demonstrated by his behaviour, could not be said to excel that of animals - for even the 'lesser' creatures demonstrate a concern for their own well being. Does this mean, therefore, that 'the image of God' had departed from my father? I don't think so. While it was obvious he had lost some ability to reason, it was clear that he still maintained the wilful attitude that pertains to human agency. That is, he was still able to make use of a complex semiotic system in order to creatively 'cast' himself as a relational person - as evinced in his argument, "but I'm not finished."

Quote from: Jenntrans on November 24, 2017, 02:01:17 PM
Yes Subbie. But what part of us was created by a Divine power and what part of us was created because of environmental circumstances such as evolution? Personally I believe in both Creation and Evolution.

When I was about 12 yo, I realised that, if a world view is to tell us anything useful, it has to be both internally consistent and consistent with our experience. Therefore, if we hold creation and evolution to be mutually exclusive processes, then we must decide between the two on the basis of which one is both internally consistent while also fitting our experience of the world. However, if God created the universe, and if evolution is part of that universe, then God created evolution.

In answer to your question of what is created and what has evolved, if we accept that God created evolution, then I would suggest that what was created was a potential to evolve. What appears to follow in your line of questioning is then the matter of what makes human evolution different from that of other species. If, indeed, we accept that many species evolved from a single ancestor species, (a view that directly contradicts the Genesis creation story,) then it could be surmised that the potential realised by humans was only possible as a result of the unique mutations and adaptations made along the evolutionary path that has led to our present form and complexity. That is, from a purely evolutionary perspective, the reason humans appear to have advanced while other species appear to have remained relatively primitive is due to the chance mutations and environmental adaptations made in response to the unique conditions that arose for each species survival. Here, however, is where I see a problem with the internal consistency of a purely evolutionary point of view.

The problem, that is, arises in relation to the value of survival. That is, why is survival important? And why is non-survival granted so little importance? Now, responses may be given in various forms, but all come back to a question of teleology - the purpose served by a phenomenon: what is the purpose served by survival? I've had a number of conversations in which my interlocutors were incredulous that I couldn't simply accept that survival is important just because it is what happens. I, however, find such dormant explanations, (like, the sky is blue because it is blue,) to be exceptionally unhelpful when trying to understand the nature of our experience. In fact, if understanding 'what happens' is the goal, then why is non-survival not given equal importance, since it happens too? The answer, of course, is that, if survival and non-survival were of equal value, then there would be little reason to study survival over non-survival. Our survival, that is, would appear to be meaningless. But meaninglessness does not appear to be consistent with our experience either.

Rather, the concept that I find much more helpful in understanding our experience is what I have called in my Masters dissertation 'ontological discontinuity' - the possibility of variation, something that Foucault might have called 'othering'. If one can find a viable basis from which such variation may be said proceed, one might then have a system in which meaning is possible. And, indeed, if one accepts the Genesis creation story, in which each species was created separately, one might well have access to such a system of meaning.

Now experience tells me that some individuals are not going to be satisfied with this response. Such individuals in my previous discussions have raised something like the following argument: "While you posit that evolution has no basis for differential evaluation, you yet suggest that a differentially realised creation may proceed from an undifferentiated god - a singular entity." The answer to such an argument is plainly available in the doctrine of the triune God, ("Let US make man in OUR image" Gen. 1:26) - the God made up of three persons whom are of one mind. (Contrast this with pantheistic religion where there are many gods, each with their own mind, and often in conflict with each other.) So, the accusation of an undifferentiated God is unfounded in biblical theology.

The other important aspect of the doctrine of the trinity is that the possibility of personal relationships that existed in the trinity is the image of God that is imparted to humans - so that they also may have a personal relationships.

So, what was created that makes us different? The image of God in humans, and not in other animals. And what has evolved? Our capacity to creatively manipulate our environment, including each other, in our attempts to fulfil the needs of living with personal relationships.
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Jenntrans on November 27, 2017, 01:33:00 PM
"So, what was created that makes us different? The image of God in humans, and not in other animals. And what has evolved? Our capacity to creatively manipulate our environment, including each other, in our attempts to fulfil the needs of living with personal relationships."

There are a few things. To me the most important is self realization. Then you have self concepts, the whole "dreamer" thing when it comes to the expanse of the Universe and the whole Ideal of a Creator or Creators.

I used both Creator and Creators because I have no clue. I don't claim to know anything with any kind of certainty. I don't think anyone else can either. My mom was hadrdcore Pentecost and she could not answer one question when posed to her. During a really bad tornadic thunderstorm in Arkansas she was on the porch praying really hard it would miss us. I told her to get her ass in the storm shelter and she refused. I then asked her, Do you think God is going to save you and kill someone else just because have have Faith? God gave you te better sense to save yourself and we have a storm shelter. So what the hell does that tell you and get your ass down here." Surprisingly she listened. The tornado missed us thankfully but God will not save you or anyone else. when it comes to the stories of Daniel and the Lions. Lions do not hunt, the Lionesses do. If you run or try to defend yourself aggressively with male lions then they will attack. But Lions do not hunt, Lionesses do. So one thing about God and trying to understand the mind of God is that the Natural world is a part of that. Small steps though. Understand Nature and then other Creatures in nature and the behavior and instincts then you may be starting to understand. But these animals never evolved like humans and why?

Chimpanzees have always been chimpanzees and mountain gorillas have always been mountain gorillas and still live like they did when what would become human split from the "branches". Why was the "Human" aspect of the primate species chosen to evolve? I find it comical when religious extremist say how can we come form "monkeys'. No humans did not come from Monkeys. We are a different species. We may have been what you would call "Great Apes" now but that aspect in the human species is long gone. I have heard theories from everything from Techtonic plate movements to Divine Intervention to Alien manipulation. But with all the theories out there, we just are and it seems we were chosen to evolve really faster than any other earthly species.

I am sorry Subbie and everyone else but I have no answers. All of the theories and stories make some kind of sense to me if you look at them all with a totally open mind and open to all possibilities. But you still have to make your own sense but never bog down in either theology, psychology, biology and all the other "ologies".

So find your own "rhymes and reasons" because they are not a "one size fits all" but rather specific to an individual. Don't even accept what I say and my own answers because they are specific to my own experience.

You know there are some religions that really trash us as abominations and usually the preachers and minsters have their own secrets that if known would... Well all they have to do is cry like Jimmy and they can get rich again. ::) I am not even going to go into my experiences but I will tell you people are all the same. :-X

I will not name any names and no one really knows me here but one certain "Hellfire and Brimstone" preacher close to me ended up being a regular customer and I was even underage at the time. >:-) Hell I don't even give my real name. So I believe different and I even visited the Church one time on his invitation and his wife an kids were there. Then he ended up going in about Harlots and so on. ::) But he kept calling and paying me though. We lived about six hours from Dallas and Houston and that is where we would go. We would even fly there and I am probably pretty sure from the "collection plates" every month. :embarrassed:

Yet to his family and even him I lived the life of sin. ;D :embarrassed:

I did kind of fine it insulting that after I showed up to sit in the back row of his church he started talking about harlots and whores. ::) ??? Yet two weeks later he called asking if I would go to Houston with him. ??? >:-) I was 17 and a paid trip and $500 dollars, you bet I did. But this was a preacher and still is and even at almost 80 years old now.

People are people and even the so called "Holiest" among us are not that "Holy". :embarrassed: I know from first hand. But life in general has a funny way of shaping us. When I was 12 I would go to church with my mom and was eventually raped by a "Youth Minister" It hurt but I can't even say I was not displeased or whatever. I found it kind of flattering that he thought I was pretty with long blonde curls and so on. I have been raped twice and with the youth minster, I was kind of attracted to him so that was not really rape. The preacher wasn't ether because he paid me and even paid for a nice apartment for two years and pretty much I was a "kept woman" for that time. The one that raped me on a date was his youngest son. Now he preaches. :o

So maybe a little too much info about me. :embarrassed: But people are people and they always will be. But the human species is still animal in some instances so...

Cirst Almighty I go way off topic sometimes. but it is relevant in a round about way. ???
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Subbie on November 28, 2017, 01:23:20 AM
In therapy for the past few weeks, my therapist, G, has been trying to get me to look at my experiences without critically analysing every small detail, as I have been in the habit of doing since I was a child. I am Aspie, and I often see situations in a different way to most people. I didn't find out that I was Aspie until about 7 years ago, and throughout my childhood, teens and most of my adult life I felt that I had to analyse absolutely everything, just so I could work out how to 'fit in'. G, (my therapist,) now refers to my critical thinking ability as my 'super power', but points out that by focusing all my attention on analysis my ability to notice and fully experience my feelings in a situation has been weakened. Consequently, when I start to talk about my experiences in therapy, I often feel a gamut of conflicting emotions that are difficult to make sense of.

Now, I'm saying this because, when someone shares a narrative of their life with me, I'm often dumbfounded as how to respond - I have no idea of what it would be like to go through the experiences you've been through or feel the things you feel. There is, however, one emotion that I am able to recognise in myself in such situations - thankfulness. This one emotion bubbles up in me and makes me want to run up to you and give you a hug, not in commiseration or any attempt to make you feel better, (as if I could.) I want to hug you and say, "thank you for being real." Then, however, embraced by my outburst, or even the thought of it, I feel the need to withdraw back into the relative safety of my cold critical rationalisations, but the feeling of thankfulness is still there, below the surface, yearning to be let out and given life.

I recently binge watched through all available seasons of Game of Thrones. Though her appearance was short lived, Ygritte, I feel, is one of the most memorable characters in the whole show, and her quote, now meme-ified, is one of my all time favourites: "you know nothing, Jon Snow." While some think that it refers to Jon's sexual inexperience, I think such a view is discounted when, in their intimate encounter, Jon goes down on Ygritte and demonstrates a rather unique insight. The humorous counterpoint comes shortly afterward when Ygritte asks, "how did you know how to..." and Jon so innocently replies, "I just wanted to kiss you down there."

Rather, I think the quote has an interesting connotation, in that even though we can get intimately close to someone, we still may know nothing about them, ourselves or the world around us. Even though I try to understand myself and my environment, I still don't know what it means to be me. I can tell myself that I should fit into some functional or behavioural model conceived by other people, all the while aware that the theories or doctrines or social constructs that are used to describe my existence don't describe my own subjective experience of myself.

I think it's a super power to be able to be real, and one of the most beautiful and humbling signs of such a power is the ability to admit, to yourself and others, that even though you've searched high and low for answers, you still know nothing. (It is a good place to start - possibly the best.)
Title: Re: "I knew you"....
Post by: Jenntrans on November 28, 2017, 02:36:07 PM
Look Subbie I have a nephew or actually a second cousin with a severe case or Asperger's but he don't have the capability to over assess. I think maybe that he was misdiagnosed. He kind of reminds me more of CP than autism though. But I don't have an MD behind my name so I really don't know.

I tend to over analyze things myself. That makes me a pretty good parapsychologist and a really good paranormal investigator enough that I have psychiatrists that send me clients. I don't even charge though. But whatever I capture as potential evidence then I will go over it again and again and then again. Then I only present it to the people when I feel comfortable that it can be presented as evidence. If not and it doesn't stand out to me then I trash it. If you check out some so called evidence on youtube then most is way overreach. But I do have some that will make your spine tingle but that is rare. Extremely rare. I would say that I catch actually evidence only 5 percent of the time. The other 95 percent I either don't catch anything or have to chalk it up to natural occurrences.  And still I cant explain why. Is it something to do with life after death or time? I really don't know but one thing I do know and can sort of confirm is that high EMF fields do tend to be more active paranormal wise. And one  theory about time travel is using electromagnetic fields. I have so many theories about it that I can't even begin to try and explain. Einstein stated that the past, present and future existed simultaneously. Do higher EMF fields such as cell phone towers and so on bring us more in synch with the past and future?

I guess it all depends on what you are over analyzing though. Forget about analyzing people's behavior or the dynamics of relationships. I don't think no one can predict either of those.

In all cases from the  Paranormal and Supernatural to dealing with other people to the Universe as a whole and Spirituality as a whole always stay open minded. Once you close your mind to possibilities then you are brought down to society's level whether it is accepted science or Theological beliefs. For example most Christians believe that Christ will return and I am no  exception. There are patterns all throughout the Bible and other ancient writings. Do I think he will look like all the paintings in which Christ is depicted? No. Could it be a woman? Possibly. Do I think the return is a physical return? Maybe and maybe not. The only constant pattern that I can see from Genesis to the new Testament is a challenge for mankind to think and search for Spiritual Enlightenment. Christ is the epitome of the Age of Pisces and now and since the 1960s we have been changing into the Age of Aquarius. So it is coming upon the time for a new "Teacher" to change the whole of Spirituality of mankind. The concepts of mankind's Spirituality changes between every 1800 to 2600 years. Then man perverts it for their own control and riches. I would say it is like a Divine Kick in the Ass and gets us thinking.

Those are just my theories but History doesn't lie. I can so don't take my word for it though. See the relevance of the Astronomical Ages and the symbolisms in the Bible. They are there. For example during Abraham's time we were in the Age of Aries. During Moses' time we were in the Age of Taurus and now we are in the Age of Pisces and moving into the Age of Aquarius. But mankind will continue and go on unless we totally annihilate ourselves. But seriously always do your own research. I don't want anyone to listen to this whole post and would rather them to do their own research on the subject and make their own minds up about it. That also includes you too.

I can't tell you >-bleeped-< Subbie about you and your life because I don't really know. I don't know >-bleeped-< but one thing I can say is that sometimes we are dealt with some really >-bleeped-<ty cards in the analogy of Poker and the better we can bluff the more we will win. BTW this is not limited to be LGBT but also Cis. When playing poker it takes a lot of "whatever" to bluff and in life it tis the same way. We are dealt our cards. I mean I am only holding a pair of deuces myself but never ever show your cards. Just live your life.

I don't know if any of what I said makes sense to anyone other than to myself. But it is really hard to explain life in general. ??? :o :embarrassed: :-\