Community Conversation => Youth talk => Topic started by: preston j sannicolas on November 27, 2017, 12:09:55 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Hair style dilemma
Post by: preston j sannicolas on November 27, 2017, 12:09:55 AM
So it's about that time of year where I usually cut my hair ,but this year I've decided not to becasue in doing so I end up depressing my self ,and becasue I want my hair to be long incase I decide to transition soon after high school .but any how my issue is that I don't know what to do with it,how to have it trimed/ styled becasue I'm still obviously presenting as male . The length that it's at now us pretty close to the length in my pic which was taken about a week ago . Thank you to any who respond
Title: Re: Hair style dilemma
Post by: Girlysoul on November 27, 2017, 12:29:31 PM
Hi sennicolas,

I can understand your dilemma as a beginner to come out as a girl. But trust me by looking at your picture i found you out a very attractive lady.

Anyhow, lets come to the point!
Hair style can not define your gender. It's inside yourself. Its something related to your soul. You are a girl you are not just going to modify the outer looks. Just go with the flow. It will take time. Or if you're deciding to join for a party or any event you can try on any wigs that can suit you.(but try to avoid wigs it can damage your hair follicles.)


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Title: Re: Hair style dilemma
Post by: Jenntrans on December 18, 2017, 03:19:53 PM
Let it grow.

When I was ten I used to run away from home when my dad was talking to my mom about a haircut for their "son". After about three times they said ."Screw it." and let me let it grow. when I was 14 then I got it bottle bleached and played in a Hair Metal Band big hair, makeup and all. When I was 12 I pierced my ears with the help of a female cousin. All of that because I was a "girl". :o ::) personally now I like a bob that is shoulder length and bangs about eyebrow or lower length but it is still somewhat longer. but to be a woman and all that women have to go through don't forget all the other hair too. You have to shave your legs, underarms and even face and chest if you don't choose to go laser, electrolysis or epilation. Sometimes it hurts. :embarrassed: But that is a fact of life.

Good for you if you are thinking of transitioning. I did a long, long time ago. I actually had to change schools and my name was kind of vague at best about a gender indicator. Actually it was quite confusing. ???

But I will say two things about hair. Long and bangs. Long hair is what most people indicate and identify on women. The bangs? Wow they can really add a feminine flair and hide male hairline if need be. Then there is they "forehead" thing involved. Psychologically hiding the forehead adds more of a "mystery" involved in the person. There is a plus in the bangs to in that they are totally feminine. So you add the air of ultra femininity and the air of mystery and lets face it most "guys" with long hair don't have bangs. Hell most women don't have bangs now but... You have to ask yourself what is your ideal hairstyle and then trust the stylist. So ask your stylist what your best feminine style would be. If they act shocked then find a new stylist. But never underestimate bangs to be feminine.