Site News and Information => Announcements => Topic started by: Susan on December 01, 2017, 07:00:22 AM Return to Full Version

Title: 3 days left to go, and still $733 short of being able to pay the bills this month.
Post by: Susan on December 01, 2017, 07:00:22 AM
It's that time of the month again when we remind the members and visitors to the site that we cannot continue to provide this site, and all the support resources it contains without your help. It  is 27 days into a 31 day month, and so far we have raised a total of $1266.60 of the $2,000 we have to receive each month just to pay the bills. This leaves us a total of $733.40 short for the month. Ideally we would like to raise a total of $1233.40, which would put $500 in the bank that would be added to our operating buffer which makes up for shortfalls in the monthly goal. Every year starting around this time we run massive shortfalls each month, so if you can step up and help I need you to do so.

If 29 people will step up and donate $25.00, we will be able to pay the bills for the coming month.  If 49 people do so, we will reach the goal plus be able to add $500.00 which would go towards rebuilding the site's operational buffer.

We have had more months with shortfalls this years, than ones we have met the goal. I simply cannot accept massive cuts in my portion of the monthly goal in order to provide the site mostly on my own. Many times we have over 1000 people online at a single time, around 17,000 people per day. If a small portion of them would choose to support this site with a $5.00 subscription or donation, I wouldn't be forced to send out these messages each month.

While things may get rough financially for members of our community most of us can afford $5.00 a month.

The point is that if things continue going as they have this year it will eventually hit a crunch point where I have to make a tough decision between being able to pay my already pared down to the bones bills, or continue to provide this life saving web site.

We know there are many who would like help, to but are unable to due to their personal situations, and we fully understand that if you were able to support the site financially that you would be one of the first to step up and do so! Keep in mind that another way to help is by volunteering.  We have a News team, Forum Moderators, Chat Moderators, Links Staff, Wiki Staff, and Minecraft server staff all of which can use volunteers.

For those who can step up to help the site financially please consider donating or subscribing,  because with your donations or subscriptions we are able make the difference in the lives of a lot of transgender men, women, and children.