Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Topic started by: PurpleWolf on December 02, 2017, 03:13:21 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: PurpleWolf on December 02, 2017, 03:13:21 PM
Is there someone whose videos you particularly enjoy watching? Or someone you find really interesting? Or someone you view as your role model?

Hope you don't say Blaire White  xD!
But feel free to tell your opinion no matter what it is!

My favorite tuber must be Jammidodger (Jamie Raines)! Always great subjects & to the point! Plus funny  :D! Huge like!

Another one that comes to my mind is Trinity [BeautyWithTrinity]

I think she kicks ass, ;D!
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: CMD042414 on December 02, 2017, 04:13:14 PM
Will Shishmanian
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: echo7 on December 02, 2017, 05:47:23 PM
My favorite is probably Maya.  She seems very normal, not controversial or annoying in any way, which I believe is the best way for us to gain acceptance.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: LanaR on December 02, 2017, 06:06:25 PM
I really like a Girl for all seasons, I just find her very relate-able.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: PurpleWolf on December 02, 2017, 07:24:15 PM
Quote from: LanaR on December 02, 2017, 06:06:25 PM
I really like a Girl for all seasons, I just find her very relate-able.

Like her too  :D!
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Kylo on December 02, 2017, 07:32:25 PM
The one I liked listening to left, so I guess I don't have a favorite now.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: LanaR on December 02, 2017, 10:36:30 PM
Jammidodger reminds me a little of PRINCESSJOULES  :)
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Elis on December 03, 2017, 04:14:33 AM
Jammiedodger  ;D
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Marlee on December 03, 2017, 07:04:34 AM
my mentor:

Brittanie D.   :)
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: AnonyMs on December 03, 2017, 07:59:45 AM
Years ago I watched a lot of YouTube and had some favorites. I don't find the newer generation very interesting though, but I'm not sure if its me or them?
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: AnamethatstartswithE on December 03, 2017, 08:46:52 AM
Quote from: LanaR on December 02, 2017, 06:06:25 PM
I really like a Girl for all seasons, I just find her very relate-able.
I'll third that. I also used to watch Sarah n dipity but she took down all of her tras stuff.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: MaryT on December 03, 2017, 11:09:48 AM
Elena Genevinne is the one I look for first.  Perhaps it is because she is unpredictable.  Also sometimes a bit crude but I am a grown-up, technically.  I look for Maya's new videos next.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: natalie.ashlyne on December 03, 2017, 11:44:13 AM
Quote from: AnamethatstartswithE on December 03, 2017, 08:46:52 AM
I'll third that. I also used to watch Sarah n dipity but she took down all of her tras stuff.

Sarah n dipity was my favorite I actually talked with her it was so cool and exciting for me it was like meeting a famous person she did a video on her channel that I asked her It was letter to her 18 year old self I do miss her channel. I watched it when I was feeling down 
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Corax on December 04, 2017, 01:59:18 PM
I enjoy a lot of the content created by Theryn Meyer and also by Blaire White even though I have certain disagreements - some more strongly than others - with both ladies about one point and the other.
I'm a political person; hence political content is more interesting to me and gives me more to think about than your average "This is my voice XY months on T" videos, those get repetitive, boring and uninteresting after one has seen one or two of them.
And both Theryn Meyer and Blaire White talk about (often controversial) political subjects even though they have a different way of discussing things as I think Blaire relies more on a comedic and provocative delivery and presentation of her content and opinions.

I also like to watch Jammidodger's videos but he has already been mentioned more than once. I like that his videos surrounding the subject are humorous and entertaining. He seems to be a funny and likeable dude in general and he provides some variety of topics on his channel keeping it interesting.
He presents his content in a really light-hearted way and he has made me laugh more than once. 

Then there are some none English speaking guys as well but mentioning them would be pointless on an English speaking forum so I'll leave it at those I've already mentioned, it's probably better anyway as this is turning into a novel it seems. 
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: PurpleWolf on December 04, 2017, 03:11:02 PM
Quote from: Corax on December 04, 2017, 01:59:18 PM
Then there are some none English speaking guys as well but mentioning them would be pointless on an English speaking forum so I'll leave it at those I've already mentioned, it's probably better anyway as this is turning into a novel it seems.

No, feel free to also include any non-English speaking ones, guys! This forum (though English speaking) provides for people from all walks of life & across the globe,  ;).

And not everyone here speaks just English, you know!
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Corax on December 04, 2017, 05:20:43 PM
Quote from: PurpleWolf on December 04, 2017, 03:11:02 PM
No, feel free to also include any non-English speaking ones, guys! This forum (though English speaking) provides for people from all walks of life & across the globe,  ;).

And not everyone here speaks just English, you know!

I know that there are people who speak more than one language as you might have concluded so do I ;)
I meant it was pointless in a way that no one here would know who I am talking about anyway because those guys have a really small reach and no international reach at all. There is no comparison between their popularity and the popularity of the English speaking trans YouTubers who are widely and internationally known because the English language is understood by people everywhere in the world.

But since you encourage it in your thread I'll continue my novel then I guess xD

Kater Schnurz is another trans YouTuber whose videos I really appreciate even though I disagree with him a damn lot and even on fundamental questions such as how many genders there are or whether gender is a social construct or not. [Spoiler: He says more than two, I say only two. He says yes, I say no.] His topics aren't the common ones and often not those one has heard a thousands of times in discussions already and he also has another, philosophical approach to them and dives deeper into the matter which results in his videos being longer on average but they often give rise to some questions and encourage to think about things one might haven't thought about before or at least not from more than one perspective.
And that's why I consider him one of my favourites of those who talk about the trans subject even though I have a lot of disagreements and come to different conclusions than him regarding many of the questions his videos are about or give rise to.

Aside from him there is 'Jang-just a normal guy' who documented his phalloplasty right out of the hospital in great detail and answered questions about it. To me personally this was extremely informative because it shows what will await me without sugarcoating any of it. The guy also appears on the collaborative channel 'Mr Think Queer' from time to time at least. He is one of the very few of that collaborative channel whose videos I deem worth watching and like. 

Another YouTuber who talked about his phalloplasty a lot and makes really informative videos is Joes Journey. He also is a rather funny dude who creates some little humorous sequences in serious information videos and has a way of creating a light and optimistic outlook.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Siobhan Amanda on December 04, 2017, 05:27:46 PM
A girl for all seasons for me.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Morgana on December 05, 2017, 11:03:05 PM
My favorite is ContraPoints. In her videos, she artfully and humorously discusses various important sociopolitical issues as well as her own journey of self discovery.  Though I don't agree with everything that she says, I must admit that her points are well reasoned. Her videos are as entertaining as they are cerebral.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: LanaR on December 06, 2017, 12:12:08 AM
Thanks for the heads up Morgana, I'd not stumbled across ContraPoints, she's really quiet good  :)
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Gertrude on December 06, 2017, 07:38:41 AM
I liked tuber called Lacey and she was from Alaska. I don't think she produces content anymore. Same with ask a transsexual, from Sweden. She was a riot. There's another one, something about making it better. She's ok. I like girl for all seasons too.

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Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Charlie Nicki on December 06, 2017, 02:44:10 PM
Quote from: echo7 on December 02, 2017, 05:47:23 PM
My favorite is probably Maya.  She seems very normal, not controversial or annoying in any way, which I believe is the best way for us to gain acceptance.

I was about to post about her. I discovered her recently and really like her, I also look up to her (even though she's younger than me). Her transition seems smoothly and I like the fact that she looks normal and not like an overly done Barbie doll.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Julia1996 on December 06, 2017, 04:25:04 PM
Princess Jewels , Jayden whale and upperchase.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: mako9802 on December 06, 2017, 08:19:01 PM
Raven Ovah
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: MaryT on December 07, 2017, 01:17:15 AM
There's a young Youtuber called Rowan Schroeder who has an entertaining channel.  I think that he is probably genderqueer, e.g. he paints his fingernails sometimes.
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: ghoulified g on December 09, 2017, 06:19:57 PM
uppercaseCHASE1, TheRealAlexBertie and FinnTheInfinncible, probably. Honourable mention to Stef Sanjati! I don't watch many trans girls on youtube but I like her content.

Chase's videos are really funny, he always looks like he's having a good time and he has a lot of useful resources- he's got that Trans 101 series and all his product reviews. His wall of prosthetics is really something! It's such a shame he's been hit so hard by the adpocalypse though :c You're So Brave is great too, they'll talk about anything under the sun. I loved the episode on music.

Alex is someone I feel like I can relate to, kinda. If I did go on T I'd have to deal with the same crap from the NHS (god, waiting lists!), so it's useful to have that perspective, and... Well, I just really like how he does his videos. Plus he has some cool tattoos! o: I thought about entering the art contest he had a while ago but I ended up not having time to.

Finn has a much smaller channel but still a great one. He doesn't just talk about trans things either, he'll say whatever he wants to say about what happens in his life and the people in it. He had some complications with his phallo surgery but I think he's just waiting for stage 3 now which is great! He seems like such a kind and loving person. Also, Lamby Cat <3
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: scrubcore on December 10, 2017, 02:12:53 PM
Back in 8th grade (around 8 years ago) before I even realized I was trans, I was religiously watching this FtM guy TwinFools discuss his transition process. He was really awesome and really inspired me. Unfortunately he hasn't made any videos in 3 years :(
Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: DebbySoufflage on May 05, 2019, 07:45:14 PM
Blaire White and Gigi Gorgeous are my two favorite youtubers.

As the three of us are conservative in our ploitical views and the three of us are non-op MtF. I can relate a lot to both of these youtubers.

Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Kirsteneklund7 on May 05, 2019, 11:26:11 PM
 When I started HRT in 2015 I found  KRISTINS TRANS LIFE very good. I was amazed how she set sail into the unknown and reaped huge success through transition ( MTF ).

Transman Jammidodger is very informative and unpretentious, I hold him in high regard.

Title: Re: Your favorite trans YouTuber?
Post by: Julia1996 on May 06, 2019, 12:10:53 AM
I love Parker J Whale. He's very funny and talented and wrote and performed a few songs. What makes his channel different is the fact he doesn't dwell heavily on trans issues. I watched his channel for a whole month before finding out he was trans. I've never liked GIGI Gorgeous. In the first place her name is quite presumptuous. Second in my opinion she presents herself more like a drag queen than a woman. And before anyone gets upset, there is nothing wrong with being a drag queen. It's just that  that's many Cis people tend to think drag queens and transwomen are the same. Having someone so flamboyant like Gege gorgeous all over YouTube certainly doesn't help our image. And she is another one who craves the spotlight. By being all over YouTube as a known transwoman or having your own tv show like Jazz Jennings your chances of ever trying to be stealth are destroyed forever. I know these women make money from it but in my opinion, the money isn't worth it.  Even if it payed a fortune you couldn't drag me onto YouTube or give me a tv show. The money would never worth my chance at a normal life. That's one of the main reasons I don't post a lot of my pictures here. My picture could pop up related to to this site and proof! I'm outed.