Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: Zquence on December 14, 2017, 08:35:56 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Out to roommates
Post by: Zquence on December 14, 2017, 08:35:56 PM
So i am out to my roommates and it was not what I was expecting. I was thinking millions of questions and 1 argument, but nope like 3 questions and one tried to set me up with a guy who likes mtfs.
First roommate figured it out and asked a couple of questions
Second roommate was like, Im from California I don't care, then tries to set me up a few hrs later.
Third roommate was like just be you don't let anyone put you down.

Been quiet on that front for hrs for the last two and days with the first one. I keep expecting something to happen but it is still not even day 1 I guess I have to wait and see.

Also plan on coming out to my boss soon, just gonna be like "must suck being the only male working here huh?" (had eeo meeting [equal employment opportunity] today so I know that I can come out)

Long post but I am done not being me >-bleeped-< this village if they don't like me im moving within a year anyways it is a good testing ground, well until it gets to my family but I am mad at them right now anyways.

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