General Discussions => Health => Topic started by: Pr0m3th3us42 on December 18, 2017, 04:43:19 AM Return to Full Version

Title: 30 day fitness challenge before hrt
Post by: Pr0m3th3us42 on December 18, 2017, 04:43:19 AM
Hi all,

I'm pretty overweight (220lbs 5'6"), but I'm going to see an endocrinologist soon about starting hrt. I want to start my transition of on the right foot by trying to complete this beginner 30 day challenge. It involves squats, push ups, plank, and crunches. See the link below. Today was my first day. I decided to split the squats and crunches into three sets. Does anyone else want to join me?? (
Title: Re: 30 day fitness challenge before hrt
Post by: Dani on December 18, 2017, 05:45:42 AM
I also am struggling with my weight.

You are on a good start.

In my experience, you must make a permanent change to your eating and exercise habits. 30 days of intensive workouts is just a start. You must either continue the program or evolve into a sustainable exercise program. No need to be excessive. Just be consistent. Don't stop longer than a day or two.

And don't forget to eat properly. Stay away from high calorie meals. Eat a balanced diet.
Title: Re: 30 day fitness challenge before hrt
Post by: Pr0m3th3us42 on December 18, 2017, 09:49:59 AM
I hear you. I was hoping that this would be a quick win for myself and establish some momentum toward a longer term effort like the couch to 5k that might actually be more beneficial. The food is definitely a problem though, you're right. The first two times (years ago) that i completed the couch to 5k, i found that it really motivated me to eat better because i felt gross exercising after eating something gross. Without the exercise, i feel like I'm a little less sensitive to that feeling and things tend to get out of hand. In short, i am planning on following up, but i feel like i need the format of the challenge to make it interesting enough to get started.
Title: Re: 30 day fitness challenge before hrt
Post by: Deborah on December 18, 2017, 10:25:27 AM
I just looked at that challenge and WOW, it is challenging - especially getting to a five minute plank.  Good luck in getting there!

I agree with your thoughts on food.  When I don't work out I eat like crap and gain weight.  When I do workout I am much more thoughtful on my diet and find it easy to eat very well.

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