General Discussions => Entertainment => Music => Topic started by: Artesia on December 24, 2017, 03:53:15 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Classical styling of modern music
Post by: Artesia on December 24, 2017, 03:53:15 PM
So, my girlfriend got me into Mozart Heroes.  Dee got me into David Garrett.  Letting YouTube do it's thing I am in love with the Harp twins Camille and Kennerly!  Amazing!

Anyone have another good classical styling of modern music for me to enjoy?  If not, I hope you get to enjoy the ones I've stumbled across, and been pointed to previously.
Title: Re: Classical styling of modern music
Post by: Michelle_P on December 25, 2017, 10:26:50 AM
Don't have anything interesting (yet), but I'll give these a listen!  Thanks!
Title: Re: Classical styling of modern music
Post by: Evienne on April 20, 2018, 10:02:21 PM
Hey I checked out all of those that you posted. Pretty neat.
David Garret made me think of Lindsey Stirling. She's pretty popular so if you haven't actually heard of her she might be another one you may enjoy.

Also if I may suggest, I'm not sure if this is exactly your style but there is a group called "Hidden Citizens" who basically take songs and turn them into epic movie trailer styles. They have made some on Classical songs too.
For instance, my favorite is their recreation of Beethovens Fur Elise:

Just wanted to suggest them incase your still searching.
Title: Re: Classical styling of modern music
Post by: Susan Baum on April 21, 2018, 09:29:03 AM
Lindsey Sterling is extraordinary. Check out her video with The Piano Guys - their specialty is pop/classical mashups with some remarkable home-grown cinematography and remarkable locations.

edit - fixed links, I hope