Community Conversation => Transitioning => Orchiectomy and Penectomy => Topic started by: EmmaLoo on December 26, 2017, 10:12:31 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Does getting orchiectomy cause problems with vaginoplasty later?
Post by: EmmaLoo on December 26, 2017, 10:12:31 AM

I realize this isn't information about getting an orchiectomy prior to GCS won't come as a surprise anymore to most people, but it's pretty cool when you can hear it directly from the GCS surgeon.
Title: Re: Does getting orchiectomy cause problems with vaginoplasty later?
Post by: Devlyn on December 26, 2017, 10:47:21 AM
I went to Dr Oates in Boston for an orchiectomy and asked him how he felt  about performing GRS afterwards (As a point of information, I don't desire vaginoplasty). He said it was no problem at all.

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: Does getting orchiectomy cause problems with vaginoplasty later?
Post by: EmmaLoo on December 26, 2017, 12:27:18 PM

Hi Devlyn,

I think that's the general consensus anymore for the vast majority of surgeons. I can speak to this from personal experience and say - it didn't make any difference. Nevertheless, I feel like surgeons across the board should do a better job with surgery education and outreach for patients with pre and post-surgery issues.

There's far too much detailed information that people only discover on a need-to-know basis after the fact and for many people who travel it can leave you feeling pretty helpless if you have nowhere else to turn. This is all complicated surgery, >-bleeped-< happens, people have issues or post-surgery depression, expectations aren't met, and it can easily spiral out of control. This more common than we let on. They can do better.

Title: Re: Does getting orchiectomy cause problems with vaginoplasty later?
Post by: Jailyn on December 27, 2017, 08:03:19 AM
Emma I haven't had either, but as I recently have been researching GRS/GCS they remove them anyway for this surgery so like said above I don't think it will interfere with the later surgery. So you're good if you do the one before they other. Doing the other before is good because you get to take less e after.
Title: Re: Does getting orchiectomy cause problems with vaginoplasty later?
Post by: kelly_aus on December 27, 2017, 03:49:56 PM
Depends on the method used for the orchiectomy.. Removal via the inguinal canal should cause no issues at all. Going in via the scrotum can cause scarring that can complicate later SRS.
Title: Re: Does getting orchiectomy cause problems with vaginoplasty later?
Post by: wytes on December 29, 2017, 03:31:20 AM
I was told by Dr. Alter in my specific case it has no effect, even if I wait decade+ time frame.

Title: Re: Does getting orchiectomy cause problems with vaginoplasty later?
Post by: Lena101 on January 16, 2018, 09:48:53 AM
Thanks for asking this, I was curious about it too.  I appreciate all the replies.

EmmaLoo, I agree that sometimes details seem lacking when trying to find out more about some procedures.  Unanswered questions can lead to more anxieties & often those anxieties can be soothed with facts & experience from others in the know.  That is why this place is such a wonderful resource.