Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: Jessica_Rose on December 26, 2017, 12:08:41 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Jessica_Rose on December 26, 2017, 12:08:41 PM
I came out to my daughters today, and it went better than I could ever have imagined! My older daughter even admitted that she considers herself non-binary, which she had never mentioned before. I had a really hard time reading my letter, but I did make it through. We are heading out to lunch in a few minutes.

Thanks to everyone here for your help and support, I could not have done this without you!

This is what I told my daughters:

I have been living my life under a set of rules that were not designed for me, and they have been slowly destroying my soul. I have decided to break free from the past, and today I will tell you what that means.

I have no regrets. I would not have lived my life any differently. You two young ladies are the light of my life. If I had done anything differently there is no way to know how it would have affected you, and I love both of you just the way you are.

I have reached the point in my life where it is time for a change. There will be many details to work out, but hopefully it will not affect any of your plans. 'E', we will always be here to help you. 'K', helping you pay for college is still our top priority, you don't need to worry about that.

Then I read the letter:

I need to tell you about a life-changing decision I have made. This decision was difficult because it is something most people have a hard time understanding -- it took me over 40 years to figure out. I was also afraid that it would damage our relationship or cause you pain. Once I realized that the torment this has been causing me has also been hurting the ones I love the most, the decision was clear. I told your mom about this in February. Initially she struggled to understand, but we are seeing a therapist who has helped us work things out. We plan to stay together. We know you will have questions, and we want to help you understand. Please know that we love you both deeply and nothing will ever change that. You will always have our support, and we wish you nothing but happiness and success.

You know how easily I could become frustrated and angry about things that didn't really matter. Looking back on what your lives were like growing up I realize now how difficult it must have been. I apologize to both of you for the pain I caused. The fact you have become such beautiful, intelligent, emotionally strong young women is a testament to your strength. I cannot find the words to describe how proud I am of you. I also need to thank you and your mom for saving my life. There were times which were so stressful the only thing that kept me alive was the thought of what would happen to you and your mom if I was gone. Don't worry, those days are long past.

For most of my life I knew I was different, but it was a feeling I could not easily describe. Starting in my early teens social and family pressure prevented me from expressing who I am. Suppressing my feelings and emotions led to stress, confusion, frustration and anger that increased as the years passed. Although my life seemed normal on the outside, there was always a darkness hiding just beneath the surface. I can't remember how many walls I patched or how many things I destroyed out of anger. I am saddened by the behavior you witnessed. Although I learned to partially control my temper, the source of my pain remained a mystery to me. 

Life is a journey, and my journey has taken an unexpected turn. Last December I found a site where people shared their personal journeys. I was fascinated because I saw myself in so many of them -- the pressure to conform, the growing frustration and anger. As I kept reading about their journeys I had an epiphany -- I suddenly realized that I had found the source of my darkness. I cried for the first time in years. They were not tears of sadness, sorrow, or shame, they were tears of happiness, joy, and relief. I finally understood. I discovered the truth I had been suppressing from everyone, even myself. All my life I have been trying to fulfill the roles and expectations family and society had placed on me. You know the adage 'The truth shall set you free'? I have hidden from the truth far too long, and the time has come to set myself free. I have discussed this with a doctor and a therapist and they agree on the diagnosis -- I have gender dysphoria. I am, and always have been, transgender.

There are many theories as to what causes this condition, but none of that matters to me. I don't need to place blame on anyone or anything. I started hormone therapy in late March. Since then my cloud of darkness has dissipated, along with my anger. I know in my heart that I have finally found my path to peace and happiness.  Each new day has brought me increasing moments of joy, sometimes a joy so intense that I can't stop myself from crying. It was becoming difficult to conceal the secret I had been hiding all of my life, so I will hide no more.

This is something you can only truly understand if you experience it, but I hope you can accept this truth. I am not asking forgiveness for what I did in the past, but maybe this helps explain why I was always so easily frustrated and prone to anger. I do not know exactly when I will begin my social transition, but I expect it will be sometime within the next few months. I believe one day I will wake up and realize my time has finally arrived. It will be time to say 'goodbye' to my former self, and say 'hello' to a world where I can allow myself to live openly as the woman I have always been.

Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: LJH24 on December 26, 2017, 12:12:00 PM
I'm so happy for you! Wonderful news. <3
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: rmaddy on December 26, 2017, 12:21:08 PM
You did it!  Congratulations!
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Kenzie4realz on December 26, 2017, 12:32:29 PM
75%  of the world just got off you're back [emoji23] congratulations on a giant step to become the real you.

Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Jailyn on December 26, 2017, 01:45:23 PM
Congrats Jessica!!!! Your letter made me tear up and you definitely expressed yourself well. Glad that you can see some freedom and relief in your life!!!!
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Gertrude on December 26, 2017, 02:04:24 PM
Congrats. I hope they were supportive.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: KathyLauren on December 26, 2017, 02:05:15 PM
Way to go, Jessica!  I am so happy for you that it went well.  It is so wonderful to have supportive family.
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Bari Jo on December 26, 2017, 03:10:13 PM
Congrats, I'm very happy for you and proud of your family!  You have the beginnings of a great support system.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: HappyMoni on December 26, 2017, 03:31:44 PM
   I am very happy that it turned out well. I think I really related to you and your situation. My grown children were sons, but it was very similar to what I went through telling them right down to your expression of sorrow for your anger. I am glad you printed the whole letter as I appreciated what you wrote and was emotional reading it. Now unleash the real you on the world and know you have people, loved ones who have your back. I don't know you personally but I am proud of you for facing your fear. Hugs and only  the best of luck to you and your family.
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Megan. on December 26, 2017, 03:35:16 PM
Wonderful news,  very happy for you. X

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: FinallyMichelle on December 26, 2017, 07:17:42 PM
So happy for you! 😊😊     :icon_hug:

One step down.
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Jessica_Rose on December 26, 2017, 07:22:59 PM
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement and help in editing the letter!

After I explained everything to my daughters we all went out to lunch then did some shopping. Once we got home I got 'E' alone to ask her something. As I hugged her I mentioned that I had noticed she was crying as I came out to them and I wanted to know if she was really OK. She told me that she was crying because she was happy that we had finally found the answer to my anger. That made me cry and hug her a little tighter.

I had also noticed my other daughter 'K' nodding her head quite a bit while I was reading the letter. She told me it was because she had heard basically the same story from a few of her friends over the last year, so she knew where I was headed!

I have also already asked them to help me choose a name. I told them the ones I have been thinking about, but added that I was open to suggestions. They seemed to be genuinely interested in helping me. I also mentioned this should make Christmas shopping much easier next year because it opens up a whole new category of gifts and I will need everything! They both got a laugh out of that.
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: bobbisue on December 26, 2017, 07:29:48 PM
     I have been waiting to hear this since you posted your intention, I am thrilled I love happy endings or should I say happy beginnings

      bobbisue :)
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Gertrude on December 26, 2017, 07:46:36 PM
Quote from: Jessica_Rose on December 26, 2017, 07:22:59 PM
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement and help in editing the letter!

After I explained everything to my daughters we all went out to lunch then did some shopping. Once we got home I got 'E' alone to ask her something. As I hugged her I mentioned that I had noticed she was crying as I came out to them and I wanted to know if she was really OK. She told me that she was crying because she was happy that we had finally found the answer to my anger. That made me cry and hug her a little tighter.

I had also noticed my other daughter 'K' nodding her head quite a bit while I was reading the letter. She told me it was because she had heard basically the same story from a few of her friends over the last year, so she knew where I was headed!

I have also already asked them to help me choose a name. I told them the ones I have been thinking about, but added that I was open to suggestions. They seemed to be genuinely interested in helping me. I also mentioned this should make Christmas shopping much easier next year because it opens up a whole new category of gifts and I will need everything! They both got a laugh out of that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Jessica_Rose on December 26, 2017, 10:17:13 PM
Just before I told my daughters I listened to 'Brave' by Colbie Caillat. I love all of the lyrics, but one line really stands out to me:

'Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in'

I feel that my soul has been kept in the dark for most of my life. Now there is a crack in the wall letting some light in, and every day that crack gets a little wider. One day soon my soul will escape into the light, and I will never again put her into the darkness.
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: rmaddy on December 26, 2017, 10:45:06 PM
Quote from: Jessica_Rose on December 26, 2017, 07:22:59 PM

She told me that she was crying because she was happy that we had finally found the answer to my anger. That made me cry and hug her a little tighter.

That was a very sweet moment, and yet anger is way so complicated and reptilian that it often defies "the answer", whatever that is.  We will all be angry, giddy, sad, happy, frustrated, embarrassed and so on, from time to time.  Be careful of the thinking that any one step can completely rewrite one's subconscious and minimally conscious responses.  Not having to suffer in silence anymore is a huge leap forward, but there is always still suffering yet to be endured and work yet to be done when we set out to redefine our families.  One foot in front of the other...
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: HappyMoni on December 28, 2017, 08:55:24 PM
Quote from: Jessica_Rose on December 26, 2017, 07:22:59 PM
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement and help in editing the letter!

After I explained everything to my daughters we all went out to lunch then did some shopping. Once we got home I got 'E' alone to ask her something. As I hugged her I mentioned that I had noticed she was crying as I came out to them and I wanted to know if she was really OK. She told me that she was crying because she was happy that we had finally found the answer to my anger. That made me cry and hug her a little tighter.

I had also noticed my other daughter 'K' nodding her head quite a bit while I was reading the letter. She told me it was because she had heard basically the same story from a few of her friends over the last year, so she knew where I was headed!

I have also already asked them to help me choose a name. I told them the ones I have been thinking about, but added that I was open to suggestions. They seemed to be genuinely interested in helping me. I also mentioned this should make Christmas shopping much easier next year because it opens up a whole new category of gifts and I will need everything! They both got a laugh out of that.
   It lifted my heart to hear how this went. I had a very similar coming out to my sons as I said before. I had a lot of guilt for my anger as well. I am now a couple of years past that conversation and I am such a different person for my kids. It is a whole new relationship. That anger I think now bothers me more than them now. My one son never had trouble accepting me. My oldest took a while. He said he accepted it, but internally he struggled for a while. I kept asking if he was okay until he told me to stop. I then gave him time. One day quite spontaneously, we talked and I told him my fears that he wasn't confiding in me like he used to. He came out with the struggle he had had. Logically,he had accepted me, but emotionally he struggled with the change. He was extremely guilty that he had felt this way. I told him it was totally understandable and we were fine from that point on. Post coming out, there is a definite period of time where you want to ask if they are okay but also don't want to drive them crazy. Things could be very different for you of course especially with them a distance away. I wonder if you thought about how you would let them see you change visually. I think my kids needed me to gradually change. I think it is hard for someone to see a loved one abruptly change from one image to another. I am glad you no longer have the weight of your secret to carry around anymore.
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: Jessica_Rose on December 28, 2017, 10:11:07 PM
I agree with RMaddy that even if I ignored everyone else there is still a lot of work to be done with just my wife and daughters. Knowing that my daughters initially accepted and showed support does at least provide a good starting point.

I differentiate between being mad and being angry, especially the raging anger that had always haunted me. I am sure I will get mad at something, and maybe something will eventually get me angry, but I truly believe the hulk-like raging anger is now gone. I have already had several instances within the last week or so that would have triggered the 'Hulk' pre-HRT, but now I rarely even get upset.

I noticed a stain on our carpet the day after Christmas. I asked what it was and my daughter said someone had spilled some tea and they were not able to clean it all up. The old 'me' would have raised their voice at that point, started berating whoever the culprit was then continue by blaming my wife for not cleaning it up. I am ashamed to admit it, but I am not exaggerating -- I was really that bad. Looking back I cannot understand why my wife stayed with me all of these years.

The new 'me' said 'no worries, I'll get it the next time I run the carpet cleaner.' I didn't even ask who did it. That was the end of it.

In response to Moni, I have not really thought about how or when Jessica will present herself to them. I may very well not see them again until after my transition, which means once they both leave after Christmas they may already have seen 'John' for the last time. I would at least send them a photo of my new look, but keep my appearance toned down somewhat for our initial meeting. Since neither of my daughters live at home they will have both time and distance to allow them to think about it without constant questioning from me. However those same aspects will result in me not being able to change slowly, so our next meeting may well be a bit shocking to them.

I certainly do feel better now that my daughters know, but I also realize that I still have a long way to go. Celebrating every milestone, no matter how big or small, helps quite a bit.
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: LizK on December 28, 2017, 10:24:04 PM
I think you did and amazing job...all the care and time you took has certainly paid off. Congradualtions.
Title: Re: Came out to Daughters!
Post by: HappyMoni on December 30, 2017, 01:01:46 PM
   It helps to not look at the mountain you have to climb. Taking it a part at a time definitely helps. You will soon be amazed at what you are capable of and what you have accomplished.
   The loss of the temper is a wonderful thing for everybody. I not only lost my temper but lost a lot of my need to control so much. My partner now makes a lot of decisions I used to want to make and I love it.