Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Topic started by: Marcieelizabeth on December 27, 2017, 10:44:36 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Critical distractions during transition
Post by: Marcieelizabeth on December 27, 2017, 10:44:36 PM
Hi all MTF Marcie here, im on HRT fir a few months now, and spirit and hair growth drugs.  But my family, my wife in particular is dealing with a bad injury so I have little time nor Feeling that I should deal with the issues going on in my transition.  Nothing has changed in that for me, still not out to my entire family, disphoria, and lots if ups and downs.  But the outside issue of having to care for my wife and family are keeping those buried.  Nit sure if this will end better it worse for that? I mean not really directly dealing with all the changes as they are occuring in me, now while they are going on.

Love and hugs Marcie
Title: Re: Critical distractions during transition
Post by: Michelle_P on December 27, 2017, 11:21:09 PM
That's rough having the family and injured wife at the same time as you are starting in on your HRT.   Something that might be to your benefit, though, is that HRT is a very slow process, and the care you need to deliver to your wife and family can be a welcome distraction from the dysphoria.

As I recall, you just got bumped up to therapeutic levels of HRT a few weeks ago.  If you can spend a few months delivering the care others need, then you and they might be able to better work on your care once the effects of HRT have started to kick in for real.

My experience was that I was impatient and spent too much time worrying about myself when I was first on HRT.  A good distraction would have been useful for me for the first few months.

Yes, I'm trying to put a positive spin on an unfortunate situation, but I have found that to be a useful way to process the ups and downs of transition, and I hope you don't mind my suggesting this.