Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Topic started by: virtualverny on January 01, 2018, 08:50:42 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Content for FTM trans people
Post by: virtualverny on January 01, 2018, 08:50:42 AM
hello everyone, and happy new year!
i have a lot of resolutions this year, and one of them is that i'd like to start a youtube channel to document my transition and to educate people on ftm life, among other things. the issue is, there's a relatively large ftm community on youtube and i feel like every topic has been covered. i'd love to discuss things such as minoxidil (as many of you will know, i'm trying that out for the month), being trans while belonging to a religion with clear rules for women and men, expressing gender identity at school, and deciding which directions to go in my transition (i'll be able to start t this year so that's something i'd love to be able to talk about). but other than those, i have no idea what types of things the rest of the trans community is interested in! i thought i'd come to you guys to ask; what kind of trans-oriented content do you enjoy watching/do you create yourself?
Title: Re: Content for FTM trans people
Post by: BT04 on January 01, 2018, 06:21:04 PM
It's a difficult question.

When I was exploring my nonbinary identity several years ago, and its intersection with paraphilia and kink, I started a blog. It was a good personal outlet and I had many readers, pingbacks from several high-profile blogs, the whole nine yards, but I wouldn't try claiming that it seriously helped anybody other than myself to talk about my thoughts. After a while I stopped because I felt like it had all been said before (even though it really hasn't: don't know of any other trans objectum-sexuals, lol), and that others were much more capable than I am at putting things to words.

Personally, I wouldn't be interested. But that's me. I don't look at vlogs, video-journals, or generally any kind of talking head on youtube. It bores me to death. I prefer to read things - especially in ink-and-paper book form - and speak face-to-face with people, but I guess that makes me old school.

You do you, and you talk about whatever you want to talk about. Just remember that, especially with youtube, what you put out there WILL be out there forever. There is no anonymity when you're speaking to a camera. You don't mind if those videos are publicly watchable and searchable in 10, 20, 30 years? Then go for it.

But do remember that youtube videos aren't "for FTM trans people" - they're for FTMs who are interested in watching other FTMs talk on youtube. I am not one of those people, and while I'm in a minority, I'm probably not alone.