General Discussions => Beauty => Topic started by: Bari Jo on January 10, 2018, 09:46:08 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Bari Jo on January 10, 2018, 09:46:08 AM
I'll preface this by saying I'm new to doing my nails.  I also really like doing my nails.  However, I seem to be learning by trial and error and making dumb mistakes.  I started doing them because I wanted a bit more feminine hands.  So I start to grow the nails out and shape them.  Then I start catching them on everything.  They chip, tear, you name it.  So I go and get some clear polish.  It looks decent, more like if I just buffed the nails.   I don't notice it getting much stronger.  So I go back to the drug store and find some other polish to strengthen nails.  I actually do notice this working, but this doesn't look as good.  The coating is a bit uneven.  I look close and it's for a base, and top coat.  Inbetween I'm supposed to do one or two layers of regular polish.  Three to four coats?  Okay, I'll try it.  I go home and try just three coats.  It's very smooth.  The coating of polish inbetween us called invisible, so basically clear.  This finish is nice but I'm thinking of two things.  One.  The polish goes all the way to the cuticle and touches it.  Is this normal, or did I put too much on?  The next is on a couple nails I see microscopic bubbles in the polish.  I can't feel them but see them.  How do you ensure that doesnt happen?  Maybe I need to go for a real manicure, just for some professional guidance.

Having fun but it's trying my patience.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Julia1996 on January 10, 2018, 10:07:26 AM
You should never have polish on your cuticles. After you polish your nails clean up your cuticles with a wood stick dipped in polish remover. The biggest reason nail polish looks bad is because of improper drying. Nail polish can feel dry to the touch but still get ruined if you brush them against something. The best way to dry your nails is with a nail dryer. There are 2 types. One dries with warm air and the other one uses heat alone.  Dedicate some time to polishing your nails. If you do it on the fly it's not going to look good. When I change nail polish I do it while I watch TV. That way your not sitting there bored while they dry. As you apply polish leave the bottle open so you don't mess up your nails opening the bottle for each coat. Use the bathroom before you start to do your nails. Don't plan on doing anything like washing dishes, cooking, writing, etc for 2 hours after you polish your nails. And make sure you use decent polish. It doesn't need to be expensive but it needs to be fresh. Once polish gets old and starts getting thick and clumpy it doesn't go on right and looks like crap. And if you have someone around like my brother who likes to annoy you, squirt you with a squirt gun, tickle you or put ice down your back while your nails are wet and your trying not to smudge them, having a big plastic bat handy to whack them is very helpful.
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Cassi on January 10, 2018, 10:35:47 AM
Quote from: Julia1996 on January 10, 2018, 10:07:26 AM
You should never have polish on your cuticles. After you polish your nails clean up your cuticles with a wood stick dipped in polish remover. The biggest reason nail polish looks bad is because of improper drying. Nail polish can feel dry to the touch but still get ruined if you brush them against something. The best way to dry your nails is with a nail dryer. There are 2 types. One dries with warm air and the other one uses heat alone.  Dedicate some time to polishing your nails. If you do it on the fly it's not going to look good. When I change nail polish I do it while I watch TV. That way your not sitting there bored while they dry. As you apply polish leave the bottle open so you don't mess up your nails opening the bottle for each coat. Use the bathroom before you start to do your nails. Don't plan on doing anything like washing dishes, cooking, writing, etc for 2 hours after you polish your nails. And make sure you use decent polish. It doesn't need to be expensive but it needs to be fresh. Once polish gets old and starts getting thick and clumpy it doesn't go on right and looks like crap. And if you have someone around like my brother who likes to annoy you, squirt you with a squirt gun, tickle you or put ice down your back while your nails are wet and your trying not to smudge them, having a big plastic bat handy to whack them is very helpful.

Thank you for the wonderful tips.
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Faith on January 10, 2018, 10:42:57 AM
yep, I had to learn that. Plus the, two thin coats is better than one thick coat - always. 2nd coat ~5 mins after the first coat.

don't dab, smooth strokes. Better to wait a bit and add another thin coat than it is to brush too much, especially on the 2nd coat.

If you're clumsy, having an SO around to help cuticle cleanup helps. I have reasonably steady hands so fortunately for me cleanup is minimal.

old polish, I made that mistake, thick uneven goo on the nails. Had to clean all that off. there was no getting that right.

bubbles ... polish applied too thick or you shook the bottle. if it's needed to mix, roll the bottle around, don't shake. Some do have a rattle ball though so I don't know about them :P
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Julia1996 on January 10, 2018, 11:44:47 AM
Quote from: Faith on January 10, 2018, 10:42:57 AM
yep, I had to learn that. Plus the, two thin coats is better than one thick coat - always. 2nd coat ~5 mins after the first coat.

don't dab, smooth strokes. Better to wait a bit and add another thin coat than it is to brush too much, especially on the 2nd coat.

If you're clumsy, having an SO around to help cuticle cleanup helps. I have reasonably steady hands so fortunately for me cleanup is minimal.

old polish, I made that mistake, thick uneven goo on the nails. Had to clean all that off. there was no getting that right.

bubbles ... polish applied too thick or you shook the bottle. if it's needed to mix, roll the bottle around, don't shake. Some do have a rattle ball though so I don't know about them :P

Having someone help you is a good idea. I have trouble doing my right hand without slopping up my cuticles. My dad and brother started making themselves scarce when I changed my nail polish because I always asked one of them to do my right hand for me. My brother would just say no usually. My dad would do it for me but it was obvious he didn't want to. Geeze, helping me polish my nails isn't going to turn them gay or cause their dicks to fall off. Now that I have Tristan the problem is solved. I don't give him any choice but to help me. Lol
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Faith on January 10, 2018, 12:20:13 PM
I let my wife practice on my toes, I won't let her do my fingers .. yet. My wife is not a girly-girl. No make-up and no nails ... literally, she keeps them broken short (at least they're not chewed). So anything related I have to learn on my own.
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: zirconia on January 11, 2018, 05:34:27 AM
Hi Bari Jo

I once wrote a bit on how to do it here (,206389.msg1831812.html#msg1831812) when someone brought up the subject.
Don't worry if it doesn't go that well at first. Once you learn, it can be pretty fun.

Watching something you don't need to pay too much attention to when working on nails is a good idea. That gives you something to do when curing or waiting for them to dry.
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Julia1996 on January 11, 2018, 08:09:25 AM
Another thing is not to mess with your pets with wet nails. Our cat has a habit of jumping up and investigating everything. She jumped into my lap wanting to see what I was doing when I had wet nails.  I grabbed her and put her off of me. Why?? Well I didn't want cat hair in my wet polish. Duh! Lol. And then there was the time I put my fuzzy socks on before the polish on my toes had dried. Duh again. Lol . Sometimes I think I might be catching blonde from my brother. Lol
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Bari Jo on January 11, 2018, 12:20:44 PM
I might ask my support group to have a nail polish Day.  I've already asked for a makeup day.  I can't be the only one fumbling.  I have the tools, but my paws don't work the way I want them yet.

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Faith on January 11, 2018, 12:49:40 PM
Quote from: Bari Jo on January 11, 2018, 12:20:44 PM
I might ask my support group to have a nail polish Day.  I've already asked for a makeup day.  I can't be the only one fumbling.  I have the tools, but my paws don't work the way I want them yet.

Bari Jo

HEEE, when you said paws it made me google dogs and nail polish ... WOW ;D
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Bari Jo on January 16, 2018, 10:12:13 AM
This thread has helped me dramatically in my nail polish ability.  I'm learning that thin thin thin coats are best.  I did them again on Sunday and Love them this time.  Thanks for everybodys helps!

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Nails - How to do them wrong!
Post by: Susan H on June 22, 2018, 06:51:39 PM
Always go "with the grain", in other words start at the base and brush toward the tip.
Do your good hand first; If you are right handed then put the polish on your right hand first.
Also I have heard that dipping your finger tips in ice water for a few seconds will cause the polish to dry faster. But I haven't actually ever tried this.