Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: gwencook on January 15, 2018, 05:56:30 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Life is starting to move forward again!
Post by: gwencook on January 15, 2018, 05:56:30 AM
Hey all,
So its been a while since I lasted posted on here so just a very quick backup: lived with an extremely abusive stepfather, no job, denial about the true me and constantly having suicidal beliefs.
However I'm very happy to say that I finally left the abusive stepfather November 5th 2017!!! I'm currently staying with my best friend and have a job in a factory (>-bleeped-< hours but a for a first job I'm extremely happy). I am now going to a counselor and from this I have finally learnt that my true self has always been there just buried deep under years of mental and physical abuse and that I am actually a female!!! From talking with my counselor I have decided that I'm going to be looking to start hrt through a private clinic at the end of February. I've started wearing more appropriate clothes not only in the place I'm staying but also slightly when I've been going round town.
I'm still in the closet at work and I'm dreading coming out there as the lads are major stereotypical males who thinking that sleeping with multiple women is nothing but a competition to be won. So thats going to be a pain and then I also need to reaffirm to my mom that I am actually who I am. I did however tell my sister (who I hadn't previously spoken to in about 4/5 years) and she was really supportive.
So yeah my 2018 consists of hopefully starting hrt in February/march, getting a new job, coming fully out and presenting normally permanently, and oh yeah starting my masters in october. Seriously this year is going to be incredible.
Much love xox
Title: Re: Life is starting to move forward again!
Post by: Veronica-Lynn on January 16, 2018, 02:01:31 AM
Hi gwencook,

What a wonderful, inspiring story of your true testament of overcoming adversity and finding/becoming the person you really are during such troubled times. It's great to see you've made the choice to LIVE, literally, and now you have goals in place and a nice game plan moving forward being your true self.

I wish you the best in your journey! You've already proven your 'self value' and that it's worth fighting for and living for. You definitely have the heart and strength to carry on being the lady you are meant to be and become!

Thanks for sharing. Being new to this myself...I believe others likewise will be inspired as well.


Veronica-Lynn  ;D
Title: Re: Life is starting to move forward again!
Post by: Kendra on January 16, 2018, 02:17:19 AM
I am so glad you were able to tackle several serious issues - and now things definitely look promising for you.

Quote from: gwencook on January 15, 2018, 05:56:30 AM
  > Seriously this year is going to be incredible.
Title: Re: Life is starting to move forward again!
Post by: gwencook on January 16, 2018, 07:18:39 AM
Thank you guys :) I hope that other people in the situation do get out because the moment that you start living is just an incredible one. Theres been so much ive missed out on but to actually be me and know that despite incredibly >-bleeped-< days, which let's face it everyone goes through,  things will actually turn out ok.
I hope to give regular updates on life and stuff in general so heres to a bright future to us all!
Turns out everything will actually be OK :)
Much love
Title: Re: Life is starting to move forward again!
Post by: Laurie on January 17, 2018, 12:05:14 AM
Hi Gwen,

  I'm glad you got out of that bad situation and found out who you are. I won't go into they suicide stuff but I am glad you chose life. Now a whole new live begins at your feet by taking that next step into your future. May it be a wonderful one.

Title: Re: Life is starting to move forward again!
Post by: gwencook on January 17, 2018, 12:22:04 AM
Hey Laurie,
Thank you so much for your kind words, honestly means a lot to me  :)
Much love