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Title: T-shot after surgery question
Post by: November Fox on January 21, 2018, 08:15:53 PM
So I was advised on many things in the top surgery department.
Don't strain too much, don't lift your arms, etc etc.

I stopped T three weeks ago. Two weeks before surgery, and then one more week because of complications. I usually inject bi-weekly, so I'm a week late. Lack of T is manifesting in menstruation-like cramps.

Out of the blue my surgeon said: you already skipped one week, I think you should skip another. I asked her why and she said she didn't know why. Unfortunately my grandparents were there and now they are hell-bent on stopping me from injecting, even though I'm a grown-ass 30-year old.

Maybe her reason was injecting might be hard on the body, but I've had anti-clotting injections as well in the last week. I want to inject because I don't want my moods to go FUBAR and need to feel masculine especially after the emotional rollercoaster.

What do you think?
Title: Re: T-shot after surgery question
Post by: Devlyn on January 21, 2018, 08:26:49 PM
Hope you don't mind me replying. I've been off estrogen twice. Once as a trial and once for surgery. It was no picnic either time, I understand where you're coming from. But I have to recommend taking your providers advice and riding it out.

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: T-shot after surgery question
Post by: November Fox on January 21, 2018, 08:37:15 PM
Thanks Devlyn. I don't mind.

I have a backup of gel which is far lower T than the injectable. I think perhaps I will just use that so I can remain sane. While not burdening my body too much.

I found a short mention of this on a well-known top surgery site.
It says evidence is inconclusive and contradictory but this is sometimes advised as a precaution.

Edit to add: I'll discuss with the surgeon as well.
An explanation would be nice  :P
Title: Re: T-shot after surgery question
Post by: Devlyn on January 21, 2018, 08:41:40 PM
"Oops, I must have grabbed the wrong lotion"... :angel:  :laugh: >:-)

Just be careful. We want these things to go perfectly, sometimes doctor knows best.

Hugs, Devlyn
Title: Re: T-shot after surgery question
Post by: Kylo on January 21, 2018, 09:38:05 PM
Why do they advise stopping T before surgery? If it's something to do with the immediate aftermath of the surgery, clotting etc. you should be fine, it was about a week ago wasn't it? I've heard T promotes faster healing.
Title: Re: T-shot after surgery question
Post by: November Fox on January 22, 2018, 03:10:21 AM
The reasons I've heard do involve clotting. But I've seen contradictory statements, including that T actually helps prevent clotting. Clueless...
Title: Re: T-shot after surgery question
Post by: Dex on January 22, 2018, 12:37:28 PM
I've had top surgery, a hysterectomy, and an unrelated to transition hip surgery due to an injury all since starting T. My top surgeon didn't have me hold my T at all, nor did my hip surgeon, my Ob surgeon had me delay my normal injection just a couple days to give more room from the surgery date (I inject weekly), but that's it.

I always say to go with your providers advice because everyone is different and there may be a reason they recommended holding it specifically for you. However, I would recommend reaching out to the office again if you are uncomfortable with their advice and have a discussion about it. If they can't give you a reason why you should wait an additional week besides "I don't know... because you've already waited a week so what's one more?", I would push back on that.

I have heard the clotting reasons as well. That's the justification I've heard in the past (that exogenous T increases risk of blood clots, trans or cis). However, studies are somewhat inconclusive on the actual risk and at what levels. Blood clots are a huge health risk even if the chance is small, which is why I say always follow your doctor's advice as they may have reasons for you specifically. They should be able to give you an articulated reason, however. I think a provider at least owes you that.
Title: Re: T-shot after surgery question
Post by: November Fox on January 22, 2018, 01:15:47 PM
Thanks for your advice Dex!

I ended up explaining my fears about anxiety to the surgeon, and she said it was okay to just use gel. The other surgeon (the one who said she didn't know) is her co-surgeon and apparently just not very informed with trans issues.