Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Topic started by: dmj23 on January 24, 2018, 02:04:05 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Should I report or just leave?
Post by: dmj23 on January 24, 2018, 02:04:05 PM
I don't know where to put this but I need advice. Sorry it's long

ok I am so ready to quit. I have been at my job for almost a year. The problem is like my last job I stayed there 2 years but they didn't say just because you were this religion you'd get short hours. Instead they had us on a three tier level. I was always tier 2. Not favorite because I don't get more than 3 interviews an hour. I am a telephone interviewer. But at least it had to do with my production and attendance. Here it is not the case. I am actually much better at this position than my previous I'm a much more aggressively friendly refusal converter and I usually end up on the top of their list of production and attendance so long as I am on landline. In fact the last two days they sent us home after 1–2 hours of work because no one got calls because there was very little sample. I got about 12 calls on landline between the two day and got 3 surveys of which I was the only one in the sample to get surveys between the past two days. I have had very good weekends on landline where I get 10/11 surveys in a day because I was on landline 3 or 4 ahead of the next one in line. I try my hardest to get a 120 dial rate per hour even to enhance my chances on cell phone to get a person to answer their phone. I had always stayed at work when asked for overtime. But I have sustained a lot of mistreatment when it came to some supervisors. For one I have been harassed because of my faith. I am a muslim. I had a supervisor who would constantly say I had to not wear a scarf at work and try to intimate I should convert and I would always ignore. It got worst when I was in a specific assignment that he had be supervising over.  To the point that not long after I got taken off that project. I didn't care too much because I always wanted to be in the other side because I get to choose to go landline if I wanted more but on the side I was originally they always put me on cell so I did not as good. But when it became a problem was recently. The hours get really low during holidays and January I know how it works as my last job was the same thing. So my project ended 1 month and one day ago. Now I was for a second without hours and then after that point I was on random project with very few hours trying to get into the project I was moved from. It worked where I was apart of the original project for a day and then the next following week as well. What happened wrong was the following week after that I got put back into the project that I was moved for when the supervisor that moved me wasn't there for a day. This enabled me to get full hours for that day in the project because the current project I'm in isn't really it shuts down in less than 2 hours after starting work. So I need the other project for fuller hours. And last week I got that on Monday.  Last week I did a quick project for the next few days that ended Thursday. So I was back on the project I've been in all month long that keeps ending in two hours. Well on sunday I was back on that project and it shut down in an hour and a half of working. They asked who's trained in the project I was moved in and I am the only one who recently did it (I did the project the following Monday) this time the supervisor who doesn't like me because I am muslim was there and tried to make up a reason why I couldn't be in the project. Saying I couldn't navigate the system even though that following Monday I had gotten a survey and actually got 13 at that point out of the 11 days I did the project. The guy who runs the project didn't buy it and said I could dial the project considering I got surveys just fine. Now on Monday the project I am scheduled for went through after 2 hours of being there again and the project to finish my hours (4 more hours or so) is miraculously full. I have to go home. And I have only one more day to work this week and that one day could be removed or made into 2 hours and shut down because it's the same project that has a very tiny sample. I have tried to get a schedule in the project I was moved from early January. The people higher up had no issue with it I've never been coached on the project at that point. I even got a schedule in the project only for it to be moved the next day to a project that only lasts two days. I want to report them because I feel I'm at the end of my road as much as I really wanted to work here. I can't get any hours that are sustainable simply because of my faith. I only have 9 hours this week the most I could get is 15 which is highly unlikely. All because some guy doesn't like muslims. Should I report them or just move on or what?
Title: Re: Should I report or just leave?
Post by: Cindy on January 24, 2018, 02:12:13 PM

Can you have an edit and make your post into paragraphs? I'm sure you will get more responses as at the moment it is a bit hard to read.

I can do it for you if the edit function has locked just send me a pm.

Title: Re: Should I report or just leave?
Post by: Pao on January 24, 2018, 02:46:24 PM
If you are ready to leave; I say report it!
1. If things get bad because you reported it (this should t happen, but sometimes does) you can just leave.

2. It could make things better for you.

3. It will hopefully make things better for everyone in the future.