Community Conversation => Non-binary talk => Topic started by: Dani Rae on February 21, 2018, 02:17:00 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 2nd Letter Stress
Post by: Dani Rae on February 21, 2018, 02:17:00 PM
I debated whether to post here or on the MTF board because it's about getting my second letter for bottom surgery. I ultimately picked here because I am nonbinary, making it a nonbinary issue. Anyway, I have an appointment on March 5th for an assessment to (hopefully) get my second letter for surgery. I'm starting to get really anxious. I keep thinking that this person that I've never met has the power to decide whether I get to live a fulfilling life in a body that I'm comfortable with. I specifically asked whether she has experience working with nonbinary folks and she said that she did. However, I'm still worried about being real enough or justifying why I need a vaginoplasty if I'm not a woman.

I know there are other professionals, but not many. To make it harder, I'm trying to use my insurance which will pay for it in theory. That is still amazing me, but unfortunately Highmark requires one letter to be from a psychiatrist or licensed psychologist. The person I'm seeing is the only one I've found within about a three hour drive time. So if I'm not able to get a letter from her it will be a decent setback and add more difficulty. I just wanted to get it out, because I don't have many people in real life that can understand being nonbinary.