General Discussions => Health => Topic started by: Tria on February 22, 2018, 11:16:59 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Fuzzy head
Post by: Tria on February 22, 2018, 11:16:59 PM
Hi there *waves*

I have been talking to a few ladies and they have mentioned that while on hurt they had some feelings of being fuzzy headed and some personality changes?
I have not yet started taking hrt it will probably be a few months yet due to some personal items I need to take care of first but i was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? And if so did it go away? How long did you have it? And what you did about it?
Just trying to see what I can do in advance
Title: Re: Fuzzy head
Post by: Jessica on February 22, 2018, 11:22:02 PM
The one physiological issue I had was feeling irrationally emotional in the beginning and any time my dosage was increased.  I am more outwardly emotional than I had been, but that may be just because I allow myself to now.  My personality I can confidently say has not changed.
Title: Re: Fuzzy head
Post by: Tria on February 24, 2018, 08:37:57 AM
Awesome, thanks so much!
Ifnitsnantemoorarynthungni can definitely deal with it and I am expecting the emotions to be more at the surface.
I was really concerned about the personality traits though as I do thoroughly enjoy who I am that way and did not want that to change!