Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: CincySixx on March 13, 2018, 08:14:45 AM Return to Full Version

Title: <3 Transitioning Goals and Reclamations <3
Post by: CincySixx on March 13, 2018, 08:14:45 AM
     I dont really want to get too winded here but....why not?
I havent really done it yet lol

    Basically i wont go too much into childhood because i already had plenty of issues to
acknowledge my wants of feminity. <3

   Came out at 17 while in a relationship and to school peers.
High tailed it back into a closet oddly enough my school just dropped it as if it
never happened. Im now 27...

   Have always had mirror issues and the standard stuff.

  But as for an up to date...
I recently picked up two jobs and work 70-85 hours a week.
This is where it resurfaces HARD <3

I moved away from all my family and friends for a woman...
But while working these jobs and actually being able to take the stress...
I realized my early teen want of transition that seemed like a pipe dream,
or that id never have the funding or knowledge began to change...
"Im starting to realize i accomplish in 1 month what my friends accomplish in 2 or 3...."
My relationship has only gradually become more and more toxic during my loneliness in cincinnati..
But it has been a refreshing and wisening experience...

  Im most likely going to move back home,
I set mental goals... If i can do this for just a year hold two jobs work hard let the hormones do their thing...
I could get FFS year 1 and then just practice my voice....
I guess what im asking of the wisened members...

Am i rushing?
Its the saggitarius in me i know <3
If you were to label the importance of surgeries and cosmetics...
Knowing what you know now what is the order you would have gone or did?
How do you stay motivated with such a daunting and over shadowing goal?

Thanks for everything!
Title: Re: <3 Transitioning Goals and Reclamations <3
Post by: Jenniferangelina on March 21, 2018, 11:15:53 PM
I'm in a similar spot, I started to transition in a way at around 11. I snuck into my sister's house while she was at work and wear her clothes and makeup until I was 15 and I moved out. I haven't came back out until about 4 months ago at age 24 I'm turning 25 in less than a month. I know the urge to rush I'm impulsive myself, but if I learned anything from going to therapy and my sister's it's to experience the journey fully and not to rush it, life is long enough we can "enjoy" the process. Hope that helps you darling I'm proud of you keep up the good work   ;D