Community Conversation => Transitioning => Gender Correction Surgery => Topic started by: luminous101 on March 18, 2018, 08:29:56 AM Return to Full Version

Title: (MTF) SRS scheduled in a month with Dr. Crane...have I chosen the right surgeon?
Post by: luminous101 on March 18, 2018, 08:29:56 AM
So...I've had my SRS scheduled with Dr. Crane for over a year and the time is coming in a month. I just got approved for insurance coverage and everything. I should be ecstatic. But I'm actually doubting everything. Have I chosen the right person? I only have one shot at this and I want it done right. Do I need to cancel and get on Suporns waitlist which will put me back another year?

(A few) of my biggest concerns are-
•function (I know this something we all get concerned about...but the thought of not being able to orgasm again terrifies me. And self lubrication is important as well)
•aesthetic (I'd like for it to look as much like a ciswoman as possible)
•depth (another one I know a lot of us worry about)

But if I even canceled and had interest in going to Suporn...I've been doing electrolysis for the past 7 months in prep for Crane. Idk if I could even be operated on by Suporn. Am I overthinking this? Is Crane a good surgeon? It's hard to find MTF experiences online because he's so well known for FTM. Thanks guys. Incase you can't tell I'm kind of a mess right now lol.
Title: Re: (MTF) SRS scheduled in a month with Dr. Crane...have I chosen the right surgeon?
Post by: Dena on March 18, 2018, 12:08:30 PM
Welcome to Susan's Place. I really can't answer that question because I don't know that much about the current surgeons. I have move this thread to the Gender Correction Surgery (,50.0.html) section of the form where others will see it. In addition, if you go to the GCS part of the forum and enter Crane in the search box located in the upper right hand corner of the page, you will find a number of other members reporting on there experience with this doctor.

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Title: Re: (MTF) SRS scheduled in a month with Dr. Crane...have I chosen the right surgeon?
Post by: AnonyMs on March 18, 2018, 07:50:41 PM
I don't know anything much about Dr Crane, but there's a few things about Suporn.

Suporn is retiring next year and its very difficult to schedule with him as so many others are trying. There's a lot of competition for cancellations. He's currently training another surgeon to take over (Dr Bank), and there's not a lot of info available about him yet. There's an interview with them if you search for Suporn pdf update.

I believe Suporn wants a one year gap between electrolysis and SRS, and the wait list is over that, barring cancellations. The wait list is kind of frozen at the moment as well, but they occasionally open up new dates in 2019. I assume its due to the changes there and they will open it up properly sometime.