Community Conversation => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Transsexual talk => Testosterone => Topic started by: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 08:52:40 AM Return to Full Version

Post by: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 08:52:40 AM
As we all now, T causes hair to sprout (and some to fall to make it even I guess... :P) - fun thread to celebrate (or agonize over) the hair growth!

What are your thoughts on these:

(Do you like the amount of hair you've gotten? You want more or less? Color? Too scarce? Thicker than it used to be? You like it? Hate it? Want it? Need it? Were you looking forward to it? Did T smash your dreams or deliver?)

1) Top (means head)
2) Facial hair (got it already?)
3) Arms?
4) Back hair? (I wonder if anyone is fan of these... ::))
5) Legs? (shave it? love it?)
6) Stomach/chest? (sexy or under the razor)
7) Butt crack hair... (squirrel between your buttocks?) 

So... did you develop into a bear or gorilla? Or stayed hairless?

And if you are pre-hair sprout feel free to comment still and give your idea of an ideal body! (As long as you're allowed to fantasize before T offers you a reality check.)
Post by: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 09:16:50 AM
I'm very much pre-T but I do have a clear idea of what I'd like my body to look like (and not look like!):

1) Top (means head)
I so don't wanna get bald!!!

2) Facial hair (got it already?)
Never been fan of full beards and thought I'd always shave anyway so not having facial hair didn't use to be an issue. Now I want to grow some so it bothers me I don't have it. This one I'm very much looking forward to!

3) Arms?
n/a, meaning don't have an opinion really! I'm used to having no visible hair on my arms so having that might seem strange. I'm not a fan of bushy arms so I wouldn't like to become a gorilla though. Other than that, I'm fine with it.

4) Back hair? (I wonder if anyone is fan of these... ::))
No, no, nooooo! If I had that, I think I'd grab the razor for sure! Though not so sure how you're supposed to shave your own back...? Might need to visit some parlor then... THAT I wouldn't want.

5) Legs? (shave it? love it?)
I don't have any visible hair on my legs either. If I were a woman, I would be very happy with the fact, I think. I'm used to that too so recently been thinking a lot about how I'll feel like when I go from none to ape. But again, no opinion on that really. Arms & legs have never been an issue. Isn't an issue I don't have any - don't think having it will be either. Sometimes I think I'm so excited for the prospect of starting T that I will jump from joy for every leg hair I get!

6) Stomach/chest? (sexy or under the razor)

I've always wanted a trail of hair below the navel so that I'm looking forward to very much!!! On the contrary I never wanted chest hair on the pecs xD. Yeah, I'm demanding. Bushy chest - again not a fan of! Might not bother me enough to grab the razor though... depending on how much I'll get.

7) Butt crack hair... (squirrel between your buttocks?)

Cough. No comment. So not looking forward to this!!! Though might just get used to it little by little and then not even notice. I heard gay guys shave it off. Razoring your butt crack sounds uncomfortable to me, no offence!


I'm mostly looking forward to the facial hair & the least the hair loss on top!
As for arms & legs & general hairiness I don't have an opinion on. Doesn't bother me either way.
BUT I'm so used to not having any visible hair anywhere (like I do have body hair but it's so light you can only see it against the light!) and embraced it so suddenly sprouting it everywhere might feel strange and require some getting used to! Just bcos I've accepted the fact I'm the hairless guy/oddity then - and kinda grown to like it that way! It might feel strange - or then I'm just so excited for all the T changes in my body, it's like I finally started the right puberty and stop looking like a child and will embrace and like every change!   

Post by: Kylo on March 20, 2018, 09:31:21 AM
Quote from: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 08:52:40 AM
1) Top (means head)

Developed the male pattern on the forehead pretty fast. Hair strands are less thick which makes the hair feel softer. Don't seem to be going bald (touch wood)

Quote2) Facial hair (got it already?)

Most of it, yeah. Some people just don't develop it for ages, if at all, I guess. I don't know how much will be there in the final result. It's a slightly dark blondish color, which is good since it at least stands out a bit.

Quote3) Arms?

Yeah. Again it's like blond in the light but also a bit darker than that, so it doesn't stand out a mile but it's not exactly invisible either. The male terminal arm hair does make a difference to how your arms "look" to yourself and how masculine they look.

Quote4) Back hair? (I wonder if anyone is fan of these... ::))

No, thank god.

Quote5) Legs? (shave it? love it?)

Don't shave it, I'm ok with it. It's slightly darker than elsewhere on the body for some reason.

Quote6) Stomach/chest? (sexy or under the razor)

Shaved for the surgery to keep everything a bit cleaner, normally I leave it alone. Got the trail and a bit on the stomach, little bit on the chest, not that much.

Quote7) Butt crack hair... (squirrel between your buttocks?)

Not a full grown squirrel up there, but, y'know... it happens. I know a guy who loves explaining to all his use of hair removal cream on his butt(crack) but honestly... you'll be doing it every couple of days if you're attempting to keep that area 100% hair-free.     

QuoteSo... did you develop into a bear or gorilla? Or stayed hairless?

More hairy than before, but not excessively so. At least not yet. Chest hair seems the last thing to come in, besides the facial hair. . .

QuoteAnd if you are pre-hair sprout feel free to comment still and give your idea of an ideal body! (As long as you're allowed to fantasize before T offers you a reality check.)

I'm not a huge fan of body hair, but having enough to feel basically manly as opposed to boyish is definitely a plus. Makes you feel normal. That's good.
Post by: Julia1996 on March 20, 2018, 10:43:04 AM
Yeah, I don't know how many guys embrace their body hair. I'm always doing waxing on the three I live with. They seem to think chest hair obscures their muscle " definition ". Yet none would even consider shaving the squirrels under their arms. Tristan has the butt crack wool. I offered to wax it for him but he looked at me like I was insane and told me that would never happen. Lol
Post by: Kylo on March 20, 2018, 10:52:23 AM
If I ever get any back hair that's coming right off with wax.
Post by: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 11:28:27 AM
Quote from: Julia1996 on March 20, 2018, 10:43:04 AM
Yeah, I don't know how many guys embrace their body hair. I'm always doing waxing on the three I live with. They seem to think chest hair obscures their muscle " definition ". Yet none would even consider shaving the squirrels under their arms. Tristan has the butt crack wool. I offered to wax it for him but he looked at me like I was insane and told me that would never happen. Lol

Haha, what parts do they wax then? I shave none and never have, not even my armpits lol. (okay I maybe shaved them when I was like 12 but that's it) But like I said I'm hairless to begin with so... ;D!
Post by: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 11:29:31 AM
Hey I once saw a guy on the beach who actually did look like a living gorilla! He had a full mattress on his back...! Just gross  ;D!!! No offence. (And it was all pure black.)
Post by: Julia1996 on March 20, 2018, 11:39:58 AM
Quote from: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 11:28:27 AM
Haha, what parts do they wax then? I shave none and never have, not even my armpits lol. (okay I maybe shaved them when I was like 12 but that's it) But like I said I'm hairless to begin with so... ;D!

They want their chests and stomach waxed. None of them have back hair thank god. My dad and Tristan don't bother with their leg hair. Tyler buzzes his leg hair with clippers. He had no desire for me to wax them. Lol.
Post by: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 11:42:44 AM
Quote from: Julia1996 on March 20, 2018, 11:39:58 AM
They want their chests and stomach waxed. None of them have back hair thank god. My dad and Tristan don't bother with their leg hair. Tyler buzzes his leg hair with clippers. He had no desire for me to wax them. Lol.

Haha, yeah it's cool I have none atm. In a way. Still not sure what I'll feel like if/when I get lots of leg hair... But that trail on my stomach I always wanted.
Post by: Julia1996 on March 20, 2018, 11:43:17 AM
Quote from: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 11:29:31 AM
Hey I once saw a guy on the beach who actually did look like a living gorilla! He had a full mattress on his back...! Just gross  ;D!!! No offence. (And it was all pure black.)

I saw a guy like that at Walmart,  he was wearing a tank top and you could have combed the hair across the top of his back and on his shoulders. Ewww!😖😵
Post by: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 11:44:37 AM
Quote from: Julia1996 on March 20, 2018, 11:43:17 AM
I saw a guy like that at Walmart,  he was wearing a tank top and you could have combed the hair across the top of his back and on his shoulders. Ewww!
Post by: Julia1996 on March 20, 2018, 11:45:05 AM
Quote from: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 11:42:44 AM
Haha, yeah it's cool I have none atm. In a way. Still not sure what I'll feel like if/when I get lots of leg hair... But that trail on my stomach I always wanted.

Wooly legs are fun to cuddle against. Hairy arms too.😋
Post by: Allison S on March 20, 2018, 11:46:20 AM
My older brother is much hairier than I ever was. And I completed full male puberty. But I guess we got different genes.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Post by: PurpleWolf on March 20, 2018, 11:47:26 AM
Quote from: Allison S on March 20, 2018, 11:46:20 AM
My older brother is much hairier than I ever was. And I completed full male puberty. But I guess we got different genes.
Yeah I guess that's because you are a girl  ;)
Post by: Julia1996 on March 20, 2018, 11:51:34 AM
Quote from: Allison S on March 20, 2018, 11:46:20 AM
My older brother is much hairier than I ever was. And I completed full male puberty. But I guess we got different genes.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Thankfully I never developed facial or body hair. But I do remember how proud Tyler was when he got facial and body hair. He went shirtless all summer when he got that trail of hair down his stomach. Eww.
Post by: invisiblemonsters on March 20, 2018, 12:16:54 PM
i was already pretty hairy pre-t so any new hair growth i saw had to be places i didn't have any (rare) or places there was very little (also rare). the most i've seen hair was my chest got a lot more hair, my back got hair (ugh, not too bad but i make sure it's's gross) and obviously my facial hair, which i love. the only things i maintain are my facial hair and my back. the other stuff, i don't care. besides that, my hair on the top of my head got thinner and my hairline receded to a masculine shape. i'm not going bald thankfully but i definitely worry about it.
Post by: Chloe on March 21, 2018, 02:37:05 PM
Eeww what a "s hairy" topic the only places I want/have it is head and "down there",  opposite/the front of butts crack!

I am "on the job" this tapatalk is too much!

Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk

Post by: Kylo on March 21, 2018, 03:19:41 PM
Comes with being a mammal. . .
Post by: Liam_Robin on March 22, 2018, 02:53:11 PM
I'm a bit hairier than I was pre-t, but not too much yet.

The hair on my head hasn't changed much. There isn't a history of male pattern baldness on either side of my family, so hopefully that isn't something I need to worry about.

The facial hair is starting to come in. Right now it's mostly peach fuzz, except it's getting darker and more noticeable on my chin.

My arms have always been hairy. No change there.

When I was pre-t I never shaved my legs in the winter. My legs look exactly like they did then. Maybe slightly thicker. Though my thighs have become pretty hairy, where they weren't hairy at all before. The thighs are probably the biggest change I've noticed so far, other than the facial hair.

I have some hair on my lower stomach, but not much at the moment. I just noticed that some chest hair is coming in, too.

Luckily no back hair.
Post by: SeptagonScars on March 25, 2018, 11:53:24 AM
1) Top (means head)
- Got a more male hairline, which I really like. Used to be dysphoric about my previous, female hairline. No signs of male pattern baldness yet. I don't have much of that in my genes. I don't want to lose my hair. I dye it black and keep it long. I trim it myself, haven't been to hairdressers in forever.

2) Facial hair (got it already?)
- Yeah and quite a lot of it! It's generally quite thick and full. I prefer stylish and neatly trimmed beards over the wilder variety though. I trim mine myself as well, and also dye that black to match my head hair. I've got good genes for facial hair, so it didn't surprise me that I got quite a lot of it. But I'm grateful regardless.

3) Arms?
- I didn't get much arm hair, just slightly thicker/darker, and it did creep up on my hands a bit as well. I have finger hairs too, but those I got long before starting T. I wish I had hairier arms and hands, but it's not a big deal.

4) Back hair? (I wonder if anyone is fan of these... ::))
- I'm mildly a fan of it, actually! But only on guys that are very hairy in other places/generally as well. Then I think it goes with the rest and looks kind of harmonic. I'm neither turned on or off by it though, but I find some aesthetic beauty in it somehow. That goes for body hair in general though, and it just includes back hair. I, however, only get a very rare few random strands of darker/thicker hair on my back. It desn't really show, but sometimes I remove them cause I think it looks weird when it's that very scarce and random.

5) Legs? (shave it? love it?)
- I'd say my legs are moderately hairy for a guy, and lighter brown than the rest of my hairs. It's itchy though, cause for some reason my leg hair makes the skin there very dry and flaky. I like the look of my leg hair, even though the feel of it is a bit of a bother. Shaving them would make me dysphoric cause I have very feminine-looking legs shape wise, so I don't. I just bathe in moisturisers and try to avoid extra itchy fabrics for pants. And scratch, scratch, scratch! xD

6) Stomach/chest? (sexy or under the razor)
- I've got a carpet of hair on my stomach. It started as just a happy trail, but didn't stop there. It connects with my chest hair but I have less of that. I keep getting more chest hair though, and I think soon that will meet my beard xD I really like it though, feels super manly and validating somehow. I want more of it, and I'd never shave it! I used to hate chest hair before I got it myself, then I made a complete 180 turn with that.

7) Butt crack hair... (squirrel between your buttocks?)
- Yeah, well that's a bit of a nuissance, but usually doesn't bother me too much. I don't have an extreme amount of hair there, but definitely more than I used to, pre-T. I tend to get insecure about it in sexual situations sometimes though. Cause I like anal and not every guy likes getting up close and cosy with a hairy butt crack... And trimming it is difficult to reach for me, cause I'm not a very flexible guy, and that's a bit too acrobatic for me. Sometimes I go at it with hair removal cream, but shaving it would be a painful disaster for me. So usually, I just try to ignore its existence.

I'd say I'm a bit of a halfway bear, hair amount wise. There are definitely guys that are a lot hairier than me, and also those that are a lot less hairy. I definitely like being hairy, it makes me feel more confident about how I look in general, and feel more manly. I think it might take some focus away from how curvy my body is too, or maybe that's just wishful thinking. Most of my body hair turned out in various shades of brown, from medium dark to almost black, depending on the area. Legs and arms are lightest, stomach is darkest.

The only places I shave/trim to some degree or another are pubes and face/head. I let my armpits be as well. I used to shave them in the past, but it stung a lot especially with deodorant and made my already excessive sweating way worse. So, not worth it for me. Also I've never liked the look of them shaved.
Post by: cartowheel on March 27, 2018, 07:38:40 PM
Not on HRT (yet - happening very soon though), but I'm already pretty hairy for someone who is AFAB (thanking my dad's side for that).

I hope to god I don't start balding as fast as my dad, and have a thick head of hair into my 70s like my mom's dad.  And I actually like my feminine hairline and am scared to death of losing it.

I've got a little bit of hair on my chin already.  Not enough to notice unless you're up close, but it's better than nothing at all.

My arms and legs have thick, dark hair already, along with on my fingers and toes, so dear god what'll happen after T?

No back or butt hair yet, but I do have a natural happy trail that I absolutely love.

So far, seeing how my dad and brother's body hair has developed, if I follow in their footsteps, it'll be a lot less chest and back hair, medium facial hair, and a lot of arm and leg hair.  I'll definitely update once the T changes roll around.
Post by: BT04 on March 28, 2018, 08:29:52 PM
Pre-T and hairy AF.

1. Top: Fullish. I shave my hairline at the temples to get the "look" right now, and I dig it. I'm going pretty prematurely gray though.

2. Facial hair: I have some darker peach fuzz along my upper lip and a couple of terminal hairs on my chin that you can see closer up.

3. Arms: It's been 10 years since I've seen my arm hair (been shaving that long out of embarrassment) but if my memory serves me right, they were really hairy. I'll probably stop shaving them in the coming months too.

4. Back: None, thank god. Let's hope it stays that way.

5. Legs: Super hairy on my calves. And I mean super hairy. They look like my dad's. Thighs I have some terminal hair growth already as well; mostly in little trails on the fronts of my thighs that meet up with my pubic hair, and up along the outsides.

6. Stomach/chest: A light sprinkling of dark hairs around my bellybutton, but not much in the way of a happy trail.

7. Butt crack: I've had buttcrack hair for years, and have been shaving it for just as long! It's really not that big of a deal. Manscape if you're expecting company, and don't if you don't feel like it.

I'm very interested in what my hair distribution will be once I've started T because according to a number of sources, I currently possess the amount of hair that trans men gain on an average of 6-12 months on hormones.
Post by: PurpleWolf on March 28, 2018, 09:13:48 PM
Quote from: BT04 on March 28, 2018, 08:29:52 PM
I'm very interested in what my hair distribution will be once I've started T because according to a number of sources, I currently possess the amount of hair that trans men gain on an average of 6-12 months on hormones.
Haha, interesting indeed, but if you already have high T levels in your system, hairiness might not increase that dramatically then? Except for places where you don't have it already.
Post by: Rengar on March 29, 2018, 03:01:07 PM
1) Top (means head): Yeah I've got all of it. It's always grown in curly so I trim it down to about a 3 at its shortest. Just enough to stop it from curling. Got some greys in there too but those are my wizard hairs.

2) Facial hair (got it already?) I do. I've got a pretty full beard. You can check out my progress thread in my signature. I document it and have studied facial hair growth for several years now.

3) Arms? I've got the standard amount of arm hair. It's a little thicker but I'm not really worried about it.

4) Back hair? (I wonder if anyone is fan of these... ::)): I do have back hair and yes I am a fan of it.

5) Legs? (shave it? love it?) I haven't shaved my legs in well over 10 years and I don't plan to. It comes in thick.

6) Stomach/chest? (sexy or under the razor) I have a lot of hair on my chest. I'm from Italian and Irish descent so the hair grows very well here.

7) Butt crack hair... (squirrel between your buttocks?)  Not a whole lot to report here. Kind of hairy but it's really not too bad.
Post by: PurpleWolf on March 29, 2018, 11:33:18 PM
Quote from: Rengar on March 29, 2018, 03:01:07 PM
2) Facial hair (got it already?) I do. I've got a pretty full beard. You can check out my progress thread in my signature. I document it and have studied facial hair growth for several years now.
Checked your beard thread!!!
OMG you have a parrot  :D!!!
Post by: PurpleWolf on March 29, 2018, 11:35:24 PM
Quote from: PurpleWolf link=topic=235622.msg2111419#msg2111419
7) Butt crack hair... (squirrel between your buttocks?)[/b]
Cough. No comment. So not looking forward to this!!! Though might just get used to it little by little and then not even notice. I heard gay guys shave it off. Razoring your butt crack sounds uncomfortable to me, no offence!

Gotta edit this a bit... I just recently noticed that I do have it... ;D
And never noticed before so it seems it doesn't bother me that much then  ;D ;D ;D
(I guess everyone does have it. But just haven't really paid attention before.)
Post by: BT04 on March 30, 2018, 01:26:20 AM
For those interested, there's a scale that was developed for measuring hirsutism in women that may or may not be of interest to us when talking about body hair. It's called the Ferriman-Gallwey scoring system. Here's a NSFW/potentially triggering chart to help measure (it's the best I've found so far, unfortunately):
Post by: meatwagon on March 30, 2018, 10:09:37 PM
I haven't had time for a lot of hair growth yet and I was already pretty hairy from the navel down pre-t, so not much has changed.  I have gotten a little bit of chin hair and the mustache, while still not prominent, has become a bit more visible.  the calves, belly, and chest have filled in more and the thighs and upper abdomen are also starting to show some growth.  haven't noticed anything on the back, shoulders, or arms and no change in head hair.  I'm already hairier than my dad tbh and it looks like it's just gonna keep going in that direction.  works for me, I don't have any desire to be smooth and hairless anywhere.
Post by: MeTony on March 31, 2018, 11:46:04 AM
I am pre-T too and my legs look like monkey legs. I have hair on my arms. I have very bright hair on my lip and cheek.  Also on my toes and fingers.

I have only shaved my lower parts of my legs and arm pits. The rest grows as it wants.

Head: I'd like to keep my hair, it grows really fast. Maybe slow it down a bit. I need to cut it every 4 weeks.

Face: I'd like a beard

Chest: don't care. Doesn't bother me much.

Back: prefer not

Arms and legs: already hairy. Can it possibly be more of that? When I shave my legs after a month it looks like I've shaved a dog. Ok. Not really a dog. Maybe a monkey. Haha

Stomach: if it grows, it grows.

Butt: I don't think about that.

Post by: Magnus on April 04, 2018, 05:23:52 AM
Do you like the amount of hair you've gotten? Yup.
You want more or less? More the merrier.
Color? Very, very dark brown ("natural black").
Too scarce? Eh, still filling out.
Thicker than it used to be? Definitely.
You like it? Yup.
Hate it? Only the odd ingrown.
Want it? Yup.
Need it? It's nice.
Were you looking forward to it? Yup.
Did T smash your dreams or deliver? More than I bargained for, but I like it.

1) Top (means head): As anticipated, not fairing so well as the rest. Frontal MBP (like my maternal grandfather).
2) Facial hair: Moving out of 'Wolverine' phase; still filling in more. Neck blends into chest, too.
3) Arms: Delts to hands (no pigmented finger fuzz yet; toes, yes).
4) Back hair: All over.
5) Legs: Still filling out.
6) Stomach/chest: All over.
7) Butt crack hair: Of course lol.

There's basically nowhere that it isn't (apart from where it cannot grow, of course). From sideburns to ankles, it's there and pretty much all congruent. And barring medical necessity, it SHAN'T be 'manscaped'!

I do not mind the 'woolly sweater' one bit. It's actually nice, especially seeing as shirts don't cling to me when I sweat anymore. Who'd have thunk it? It has a practical use/advantage after all. BUT, yes, occasionally does itch and that's not so very nice sans handy backscratcher.

Oh, and I now use a scrub brush instead of washcloths (those are now nearly useless). You gents may also want to try one of them; even on the beard too... that's practically toe-curling.
Post by: Sawney1000000 on April 20, 2018, 02:03:56 AM
easy: i love ALL MY HAIR!!
Post by: PurpleWolf on April 21, 2018, 06:15:11 PM
Quote from: Sawney1000000 on April 20, 2018, 02:03:56 AM
easy: i love ALL MY HAIR!!

Well ofc lol  :D!
I love you Sawney!!!
Post by: Kylo on April 21, 2018, 07:26:27 PM
Developing some chest hairs by the looks of things. They just kind of appeared in the last few weeks, post-surgery. Swear they were not there before at all. They're pale, but I'm happy with them.